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    Thursday, September 23, 2021

    Fire Emblem 9/23 Direct Reaction Thread

    Fire Emblem 9/23 Direct Reaction Thread

    9/23 Direct Reaction Thread

    Posted: 23 Sep 2021 02:52 PM PDT

    Hello Everyone.

    Reminder that the subreddit will not be accepting any new submissions for the duration of the direct.

    Please use this thread for all your reactions to the Nintendo direct.

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    (And no, we will not be turning the sub into a Kirby, Advanced Wars, or some other theme if there is no FE news announced)

    submitted by /u/Shephen
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    No Fire Emblem News in the direct

    Posted: 23 Sep 2021 03:44 PM PDT

    Better luck next time.

    Still some exciting stuff shown

    submitted by /u/Shephen
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    [OC] I drew Eirika as Dark Magician Girl

    Posted: 23 Sep 2021 02:09 PM PDT

    Dimitri, Byleth, and a cat

    Posted: 23 Sep 2021 07:08 AM PDT

    Post-timeskip Flayn design leaked from Fire Emblem: Four Houses

    Posted: 23 Sep 2021 05:41 PM PDT

    Wanted to share my updated Emperor Edelgard cosplay. How does it look?

    Posted: 23 Sep 2021 08:38 AM PDT

    My FE7 Daily Chibi Project: Part 1

    Posted: 23 Sep 2021 02:21 PM PDT

    Custom Triangle Attack Compilation

    Posted: 23 Sep 2021 07:28 AM PDT

    Real Talk: People complaining about 3H being rushed is probably why we don’t have any FE news.

    Posted: 23 Sep 2021 04:56 PM PDT

    Out of the many things people complained about with FE16, rushed is probably the most prominent one. And for good reason, since most of its problems sort of spiralled from that fact. (Though I feel like maybe people complain about it a bit too much, but that's a rant for another day.)

    So I guess I'll take this as a somewhat promising sign that they're taking their time with this one.

    And I hope they don't cave to fan pressure, because I'm slightly worried that if this fanbase doesn't have any patience, we'll get a repeat of FE16 again.

    Have patience. You all wanted them to take their time and so, wish granted. Waiting is the price to pay for the quality you want.

    submitted by /u/Fillerpoint5
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    In the name of the azure moon he’ll punish you!

    Posted: 23 Sep 2021 12:30 AM PDT

    I know Summer just ended but I finally managed to finish Summer Jesse!

    Posted: 23 Sep 2021 01:26 PM PDT

    Possible Leak for a Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE 2 / Leaked Sword Cavalry Unit

    Posted: 23 Sep 2021 01:59 PM PDT

    Monster Morph Jaffar (Commission for TiamatScalybond @ Twitter)

    Posted: 23 Sep 2021 04:27 PM PDT

    [Review] Finished Fire Emblem Path of Radiance. A masterpiece in world building

    Posted: 23 Sep 2021 04:15 PM PDT

    Fire Emblem Path of Radiance review

    I'm shocked at what I have just experienced, I couldn't believe such a fantastic game escaped my sight, I knew that POR was hyped by the FE community as the best but I really didn't expect this amount of depth on the story. This game is an absolute master piece.


    The Goddess created life on the planet, that life form evolved and eventually we got the Beorc and the Laguz.

    From what we know Beorc (regular people) and Laguz (human with animal traits that can become animals themselves) have a history of hatred between each other but live on the same continent after the Dark God flooded the world trying to stop them from killing each other, leaving only Tellius so they all had to to the best with what they have.

    You have different nations:

    • Kingdom of Crimea: Beorc Country pro Laguz. The Kings of Crimea have tried to establish a good relationship with the Laguz but that also have them as enemies of their neighbors who hates Laguz people. They focus more on scholarship and rather use hired mercenaries for protection. Daein massacred Crimea for being pro Laguz, at least that's what we're lead to believe, but a princess who was hidden from the eyes of the world escaped and is being hunted by Daein.
    • Kingdom of Daein: This is a more pro Beorc Country and they hate Laguz, so in turn they don't like Crimea. They have a lot of focus on their army and invest tons of money on having a powerful attack. They attacked Crimea because of their good relationship with the Laguz, being the main antagonists of the game with The Mad King Ashnard at the helm.
    • Empire of Begnion: They tend to adore the Goddess Ashera and are seen as more holy people with neutral views of the world. They're composed of an Apostle (Empress Sanaki) who can listen to the voice of the Goddess and a Senate, a group of holy men of powerful influences. They're pro Beorc on the most part but are hated by the Hawk clans because they murdered the Herons since it was said that they killed the previous Apostle and her daughter.
    • Kingdom of Serenes: Country of White Winged Laguz with angelical features, they are more delicate and sign their Galdr (song) to please the Goddess. They were accused of killing the Apostle before Sanaki and the next heir (Sanaki older sister) so in an enraged counter attack they burned Serenes, killed the Herons. It's said all died but two, the King of the Herons and Prince Reyson who are both guarded by Phoenicis and Kilvas.
    • Kingdom of Goldoa: The country of Dragons, they tend to be extremely isolated and don't seek to have anything to do with War, but if they do participate, their enemies would be demolished. At their helm is the King Deghinsea.
    • Kingdom of Gallia: Laguz country where Cats, Tigers and Lions live in, they're Crimea's neighbors and have a great relationship, at least between the authorities King Ramon Crimea and The Lion King Caineguis, the people of Crimea and Gallia don't like each other. When Crime was attacked and Princess Elincia from Crimea seek their help, they couldn't do it to avoid being seen as enemies of Daein which would in turn would make them enemies of Begnion and would be crushed, so all they could do was send her to meet Empress Sanaki for help.
    • Kingdom of Phoenicis: Laguz country of Hawks. With Tibarn at the helm they have Begnion and Beorc people in general as enemies since Begnion massacred the Heron clan who were their winged compatriots, so now they raid all Begnion's ships and make it hard for them to pass through their seas.
    • Kingdom of Kilvas: Laguz country of Ravens. With Naesala at the helm, they were also enraged at the actions of the Beorc, but due to the country state of near poverty, they have to deal with the Beorc and the Laguz taking contracts here and there. Naesala often betrays his Phoenicis neighbors for money. He has a very soft spot for the Heron people but tries to hide it since he rather be hated than feel sorry for. Ravens raid both Begnion ships and any that dares pass through their seas.

    So yeah, Daein attacks Crimea, Gallia can't help but secretly helps the Princess reach Begnion, which in turns help Elincia attack Daein. This makes for a very well writen and executed plot.

    But a group of Mercenaries lend their hand to Elincia and they're the main characters of the game bringing the union of Laguz and Beorc.

    I won't go more in detail since this could go forever and ever with how much story there is, but I love how everything is not black and white, for example Gallia attacking Daein would have Begnion attack them.


    Ike (Lord):

    • Personality: Typical Hero, does what is right always wins and has a huge heart.
    • Gameplay: Path of Radiance is mount dominant, so Ike being footed hurts him a lot, he needs to be given Boots to perform better. Having an Earth affinity means he can support another Earth for a massive avoid bonus, this goes for Oscar, both together means danger. He's quite solid as you can expect, he needs a bit of help on his speed but overall he's good.

    Boyd (Warrior):

    • Personality: Teases his little brother a lot, besides that... he's generic.
    • Gameplay: He suffers from being footed, but early to mid game he's very powerful, craft a Hand Axe and watch him go NUTS!

    Oscar (Lance Paladin):

    • Personality: He's another generic guy, he was once in Crime Royal Knights but prefers to help the people by being a Mercenary.
    • Gameplay: His massive bonus is his Earth Affinity, which means he and Ike can both support each other giving themselves a big avoid bonus. Besides that he starts weakish and when he catch ups with Titania he surpasses her easily. One of the best in the game.

    Titania (Axe Paladin):

    • Personality: One of the commanders of the Mercenaries, she's extremely loyal to Greil even after his death, she's often seen as the Mom of the group.
    • Gameplay: Broken early game okish late game. She's best used as a shield while your other units get experience to catch up. Being mounted and also an Axe user makes her a solid unit overall.

    Kieran (Axe Paladin):

    • Personality: One of the Crimea Royal Knights. Not sure if he secretly wants to fuck Oscar due to how obsessed he is with him.
    • Gameplay: Being mounted and Axe user makes him solid to use. He has a solid DEF and is quite tanky overall, but his SPD suffers a bit, overall quite useful right from the start. Its him or Titania.

    Astrid (Bow Knight):

    • Personality: Didn't care for her.
    • Gameplay: Too late to dump BEXP on her, but since she's mounted she probably could've been a decent unit. She has the Paragon skill which doubles experience, so she's worth to invest, especially with Bow and Canto which can lead to some great plays.

    Makalov (Sword Paladin):

    • Personality: He's a scum, but at least he has a personality compared to the other Paladins.
    • Gameplay: You don't need more Paladins, especially a Sword user one.

    Geoffrey (Lance Paladin):

    • Personality: The head of the Crimean Royal Knights, completely loyal to Elincia and was friends with her since a child.
    • Gameplay: He's pretty solid right from the start, but Oscar is alredy a Lance Paladin and having Earth Affinity... Gives Oscar a big edge especially since you probably been using him.

    Gatrie (General):

    • Personality: He's supposed to be a lady lover.
    • Gameplay: He is pretty good overall but he has the same problem as other foot units but he's even slower than that. Would've loved a Great General class here which is a General on a Horse.

    Brom (General):

    • Personality: I honestly forgot about him until I played Radiant Dawn, decent guy! A farmer that wants a better country so decides to take the Axe.
    • Gameplay: Bad class, bad mobility, bad damage....

    Tauroneo (General):

    • Personality: Another Greil love- I mean friend who respect him so decides to betray his country.
    • Gameplay: Bad class, bad mobility... He's good right from the start but you probably have your final team in mind so he is a no no.

    Marcia (Falcon Knight):

    • Personality: Big sis that is being fucked in life thanks to her clumsy brother. She was from the famous Pegasus Knights of Begnion.
    • Gameplay: She's completely broken! Honestly she has an incredible speed, strong defense and a very high RES thanks to the class. She's OP.

    Tanith (Falcon Knight):

    • Personality: Meh.
    • Gameplay: She breaks the game, the ability to summon THREE pegasus knights stronger than her is just too broken.

    Rolf (Sniper):

    • Personality: Boyd and Oscar little brother. He is just a kid with a big potential and has as a mentor one of the best bow users of Tellius.
    • Gameplay: Starts weak and ends up being a broken unit, he has issues being a foot unit, but his big growths means he ends up with a great late game, but he shines much earlier than that and can 1HKO things easily.

    Shinon (Sniper):

    • Personality: Hates the weak and that is Ike. Basically adopted Rolf into his teaching but is pretty shy about it so its a secret.
    • Gameplay: He suffers from availability, by the time you get him Rolf should be 1HKO anything that moves so he's useless.

    Mia (Swordmaster):

    • Personality: Didn't use her much so idk.
    • Gameplay: I used her in Radiant Dawn where she was the best Beorc character in the game (FIGHT ME!), but here didn't get much of a chance to use her since she was at a low level and bases.

    Zihark (Swordmaster):

    • Personality: Didn't use him much.
    • Gameplay: Not sure, used him in Radiant Dawn but not much. He has an Earth Affinity which makes him have the potential to be one of the best characters in the game. Swordmaster relies heavily on dodging, he has great SPD growths, great speed base and Earth Affinity.

    Stefan (Swordmaster):

    • Personality: A mistery of a character, in POR he's just there, but in Radiant Dawn he adds a LOT to the plot.
    • Gameplay: Best swordmaster and also comes with the ultimate Sword.

    Lucia (Swordmaster):

    • Personality: Elincia best friend and bodyguard. She has a cool looks and overall I enjoyed her.
    • Gameplay: She comes when she's not needed.... In RD she's overpowered!

    Volke (Assasin):

    • Personality: What the fuck he wants with so much money? Forget I ask, he will probably charge me a hundred thousand just for the question.
    • Gameplay: He is very useful for opening doors, chest and thief things here and there. But Daggers suck this game, there is a special event where he changes class and 1HKO anything he touches.

    Sothe (Thief):

    • Personality: Forgot he existed.
    • Gameplay: Thief bot, didn't bother giving him any experience and he ends up dying, you can imagine my surprise in RD...

    Nephenee (Halberdier):

    • Personality: Same as Brom, farm girl taking the Spear to protect her country. Very beautiful and is really cool.
    • Gameplay: I loved her, she was quite tanky but her late game her STR didn't want to grow at all!! So I had to bench her.

    Devdan (Halbedier):

    He was too ugly to recruit.

    Jill (Wyvern Lord):

    • Personality: A conflicting character, she betrays her family, her country and friends to pursue what is right in her mind.
    • Gameplay: I didn't see it. People claim she's broken but her STR remaining at 11 and refused to go up no matter how much BEXP I tried to give her, I benched her. In RD she was going through the same problems but gave her an Energy Drop + Seraph Robe and it helped her a lot.

    Haar (Wyvern Lord):

    • Personality: The guy just wants to sleep, but when he wakes up he uses all that energy to kill anything.
    • Gameplay: While a bit slow, he only needs one Speedwing to start doubling and destroying anything. He's insanely overpowered.

    Soren (Wind Sage):

    • Personality: A tactical genius and a prick. Completely loyal to Ike.
    • Gameplay: Mages suck this game. But you probably want that max support with Ike for Radiant Dawn for plot reasons.

    Tormod (Fire Sage):

    • Personality: Friendly with the Laguz and tries to help them.
    • Gameplay: Mages suck this game, but he comes with Celerity, if there is one mage I would use its him for his mobility and that's the name of the game, especially with Fire being so useful.

    Calill (Fire Sage):

    • Personality: She just wants to find her husband and open a bar.
    • Gameplay: Meh... She's much better in Radiant Dawn.

    Illyana (Thunder Sage):

    • Personality: She is always hungry, always.
    • Gameplay: I would honestly prefer using her over Soren due to her Shadow skill and Thunder can help you a lot late game compared to Wind.

    Bastian (Sage):

    • Personality: A quite cool character, love his supports with Lucia.
    • Gameplay: He's bad. In Radiant Dawn he became my main Magician though.

    Rhys (Bishop):

    • Personality: A delicate Priest that helped Titania. I think he has a crush on her.
    • Gameplay: Typical healer, he gets Light Magic so there is that I guess. Overall he was crucial for the team, gets Hammerne, Physic, etc.

    Mist (Valkyrie):

    • Personality: She has a personality?
    • Gameplay: She died on the chapter she came in... But I did use her a lot in Radiant Dawn, honestly she's pretty damn good on the Horse healing with Canto.

    Largo (Berserker):

    • Personality: I really liked him, dude just wanted to fight strong people to fight. Surprised that Calill married him and he settled down.
    • Gameplay: He's actually very strong and quite tanky, but you're probably used to Boyd and you don't need another foot unit.


    • Personality: I like her a lot! She's one heck of a badass Princess, instead of hiding in Begnion, she decides to take back her Country and fights for it with her ideals. I love her as a character.
    • Gameplay: Flying healer, if Mist was good as a Horse Canto Healing bot, imagine a PEGASUS Canto Healing Bot? Yeah.


    • Personality: The Laguz in general are full of big personalities but Ranulf and the Kings are best imo with Lethe adding a lot to the plot as well. The Royal Kings were also fantastic with Naesala as my favorite, I also loved the Herons Reyson and Leanne (she's so sweet). Nasir can suck a dick and who cares about Ena?
    • Gameplay: I hate Laguz, they're way too squishy on human form and that's my main problem. The Herons on the other hand are a godsend, they can DANCE and make another unit take an action after already taken one. You could use a Laguz by giving them the Demigod Band or whatever its called.

    Tier List

    • SS: Giffca, Tibarn, Naesala, Tanith.
    • S: Titania, Ike, Oscar, Reyson, Marcia, Haar.
    • A: Stefan, Rolf, Shinon, Volke, Elincia, Boyd, Nasir, Zihark
    • B: Nephenee, Jill, Kieran, Mist, Ranulf, Rhys, Astrid, Mia.
    • C: Soren, Bastian, Tauroneo, Gatrie, Ena, Ulki, Geoffrey, Janaff.
    • D: Ilyana, Calill, Tormod, Brom, Muarim, Lucia, Sothe, Bastian.
    • E: Makalov, Lethe, Mordecai, Danved.


    Typical turn based SRPG where you select units, gain EXP for any action, level up, promote to new classes, triangle system, etc.

    Coming from Awakening Fates and 3H, I'm surprised how piss poor magic is in this game, well, not the magic but the users... Their SPD is often so pathetic they can't double and I would have to waste resources trying to protect them and for what? A 1HKO? I have plenty of characters that can do that, perhaps if they added a super Canto to the mages it would've been better for them, but they just suck... The only magic I would bother with is Thunder because its strong against Dragon in a very specific map at the end of the game, and those Dragons are very tanky and hit HARD.

    An interesting thing about Magic is that its powerful against the Laguz, Wind is great against Winged Laguz, Fire is great against Felines (most common ones) and Thunder is great against Dragons.

    As usual in Fire Emblem Axes are kings, especially when you can craft them to raise their accuracy and especially since there are so many Lance users. But that doesn't make Swords bad, it helps a lot against Axe users, especially when the Sword users of the game have high SPD to dodge attacks and you can craft those Swords to reduce the weight. Ike, Zihark and maybe Lucia, are great ones due to their Earth Affinity.

    Path of Radiance difficulty is on the easier side, early game you have Titania to rescue you and act as a meat shield, mid game your party is going strong and late game you get Tanith who can summon SIX meat shields.

    I really enjoyed the gameplay of this game.


    Overall I felt very satisfied with this game, the whole Black Knight vs Ike was awesome, Ashnard was a fantastic cartoony villain, there was a lot left to uncover and they hint on what's to come very subtlety.

    The story felt like you were part of a WAR and how every decision the Leaders of different countries wasn't straightforward but needed preparation especially to lead against arguments, for example Begnion have the Senate who loves to question the Apostle and are trying to gain the upperhand but they have to do it in a subtle way because in the end she's the BIG Authority, but even she can't do what she really wants, those type of gray paths are what I love in a story.

    Ike was another fantastic character, he's a typical JRPG protagonist but he was given a really tough spot, having to defend one girl from an entire Country wanting her head, having to deal with arrogant LEADERS of Countries, facing his big Nemesis at times where he wasn't strong enough, he's a HERO I really love to play as.

    This world, characters, lore, races, conflicts, villains, antagonists, music, gameplay, everything was so well executed you really can't find a specific flaw, even today, this game looks absolutely GORGEUS! This is one of the few cases I ever done this, but I give this game a:


    submitted by /u/Radinax
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    My favourite characters from each title

    Posted: 23 Sep 2021 03:56 AM PDT

    Call me a weirdo, but this is the most I've ever laughed at anything Fire Emblem!! (Also, I hope this doesn't count as one of those low effort poste that you aren't allowed to post.. I JUST WANTED TO SHARE FUNNI THING!!!)

    Posted: 23 Sep 2021 08:05 PM PDT

    What are some of your favorite support from the franchise?

    Posted: 23 Sep 2021 08:59 AM PDT

    Of course I don't just mean romantically and I will start with some of mine.

    Jill/Lethe (PoR) - this support has everything from character development especially in Jill's side to world building and backstory that further establishes the lore of the game. I adore this support and Jill;s growth here is nothing short of exceptional.

    Beruka/Oboro (Fates)- This is by far my favorite support in Fates. I personally find Beruka to be quite underrated as a character but all her support conversations are among the best in Fates and this is no exception. My favorite part about this is this doesn't even end in a friendship. The two decide to tolerate one another and that's fine. Not everyone has to become best friends in the end especially considering their circumstances.

    Knoll/Duessel (Sacred Stones)- Another great backstory support this time not only delving into things like Knoll's guilt over what happened to Lyon, but explains not exactly what did. Knoll is so regretful, so remorseful, even considers himself worthy of death until Duessel reinvigorates him and gives him the strength to continue to push forward.

    Henry/Olivia (Awakening)- Specifically the Japanese version since the English version cuts out Henry's character development. In the Japanese version Henry is painted as much more a lost confused, child-like character with a lot of dark tendencies. To see him legitimately go from someone outright willing to murder an injured puppy to someone who would weep because he thought he lost Olivia is beautiful.

    Serra/Hector (Blazing Blade)_ I will admit Serra is my personal favorite character in Fire Emblem but I understand if people dislike her. However this support does so much for her character it's crazy. Showcasing her to actually be a lonely girl who grew up in a terrible situation who was abused, mistreated, in an orphanage that didn't care about any of the children there. It shows her loneliness and that most of her annoying ramblings at people are really her attempts to connect with someone anyone but unknowing how to do so. Her lies about her lineage are her thinly veiled way of protecting herself from her past because there's no way she's really just some sad abandoned girl who has no one waiting for her. Hector actually listens to and comforts her and in the end they connect with a familial bond.

    submitted by /u/Sarahtoga1004
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    Finished my first Maddening run on Verdant Wind!

    Posted: 23 Sep 2021 12:03 PM PDT

    So I've never played a Fire Emblem game on it's hardest difficulty before. But after putting a few hundred hours into Three Houses to play through every route, I felt like I had enough game knowledge to give Maddening a go with my favourite house. And holy cow was it an interesting experience.

    Maybe I convinced myself that my actions in the monastery mattered more than they really did but the monastery didn't get old like it does on Hard. Every explore felt like I was doing something important since I could garden for stat boosters, motivate my students to hit skill levels for abilities, or work on my desired weapon ranks for Byleth. Really the only time I wanted to skip exploring was the final month of the game, at that point you're set on funds, supports, and most likely already have hit your goals for each unit. On my previous playthroughs the monastery got old much sooner so not feeling that way was welcome.

    As far as gameplay went I was really pleased. The first couple maps do kinda feel like a test in turtling, but around chapter 3 your units start ramping up enough to the point that it becomes a more player phase focused experience. Rather than trying to tank attacks on enemy phase you quickly realize that aggressive strategies focused on pushing forward clearing as many enemies as possible on player phase is a much safer and efficient way to play. Compared to other FE's I've played the aggresive playstyle of Maddening mode was really fun. Once your units become competent every map feels like a puzzle that's very satisfying to solve. I actually really enjoyed Hunting by Daybreak because of that. Because I was trying to build my units "optimally" they all felt really strong and even gave me newfound appreciation for a few units that I found underwhelming on Hard but carried on Maddening.

    Claude: I loved Claude the first time I played VW, coming back after the timeskip on a Wyvern with Failnaught was so dope. I didn't really do anything revolutionary with him, but I did focus on flying in Part 1 which I didn't do in my first playthrough. In flying classes I did miss the extra bow range here and there but increased movement and Canto made up for that.

    Hilda: I know "optimally" she should be a Wyvern Lord or a Warrior, but in my first playthrough I thought budding talents were a really cool idea so I made her a Forretress Knight. And I did train her in armor again, initially just to get Seal Speed which was really useful early game. And then I thought, "What if did more armor training for Weight-3?" And that paired with her high strength in Warrior let her use her speed a lot more effectively. Then I might've kept going for Weight-5, then I might've put her in Fortress Knight again thinking I could use Retribution on her and Warp her into there middle of the map and watch the carnage unfold. It wasn't "optimal" but damn was it fun.

    Lorenz: First time I played VW I hated this guy, and then he grew on me so hard. Because I was trying to take him through Mage and Cavalier though he ended up underwhelming as a unit. So this time I went all in on magic from the get go while training Lance's and riding in the background so he could end up a Dark Knight. Went so much better this time. He one shot a lot of things early and mid game, and sure he couldn't one shot most things anymore late game but he still had good damage which combined with Poison Strike let him soften up many tough enemies that melee units would've had a hard time with. Also I traded Thyrsus around between him and Lysithea quite a bit which was nice.

    Lysithea: She was a beast in my first playthrough and I even S-supported her. And on Maddening even though Hapi might be my best girl now she was still a beast on the battlefield. Focused on Reason immediately to have Dark Spikes by the Rite of Rebirth and she did not disappoint. She was one shotting things the entire game and since I have the DLC I played with Valkyrie a little, which when combined with Thyrsus and Dark Magic Range Plus 1 from S ranking Reason made her an elite US trained sniper. I did up sticking to Gremory for the higher Magic modifier and doubled uses of spells like Warp, Luna, and Dark Spikes but she was great all around.

    Marianne: Excellent support unit and my S-support of the run. I kinda tried to do too much with her. I initially focused solely on Faith to grind Physic then worked on Reason to get done offensive options. Still think that was a good idea. However I initially wanted to take her down Holy Knight so was training lances and riding in the background. When it came closer to the White Heron Cup I realized Marianne probably appreciates Sword Avoid + 20 more than any of my other units. So I certified her for Dancer, also Bishop, also Holy Knight. And by the time I got the Holy Knight certification I hardly used it. She was reclassing to Dancer for most maps. I did train riding long enough to get Movement + 1 which was great on a Dancer. End of the day I wish instead of spending any time in lances I would've just gone all in on swords. Still incredibly useful.

    Leonie: She was an interesting case. I decided pretty early I wanted her training in bows for Point-Blank Volley but I made her a Bow Knight in my first playthrough and while she did well I wasn't a fan of the accuracy drop off from 4 and 5 range especially after seeing the shaky hit rates on Maddening. So I figured flying bow user worked for Claude, why not Leonie? I took her through Pegasus Knight and ended in Falcon Knight, and I realized she's my fastest unit. She's the only one reliably doubling things. So I poured literally every speed booster I got into her and by endgame she had enough speed to double even the fastest enemies. Combined with things like a Brave Bow or Killer Bow and she was incredible.

    Ignatz: First playthrough he didn't leave much of an impression. Bow user that wasn't as strong or fast as Claude or Leonie and his personal ability was just Hit + 20. He was a good boy but that was it. On Maddening, Hit + 20 was a godsend. And he can get another one that stacks by mastering Archer. Also they affect Gambit hit rates which is nice. Trained him in axes just enough to get Death Blow from Brigand and set him to work on bows and authority for the rest of the game. Once he got Hunter's Volley from Sniper that was it. He was a player phase delete button, with high dex for good natural crit, plus a Killer Bow and a Critical Ring it was suprising when he didn't crit things. If I needed something dead, just had to point him at it.

    Raphael: Definitely the weakest of the Golden Deer but by no means is he actually weak. Set him on axes and brawling and that was all. Took him through Brigand and Grappler to get to War Master. My intention was to master it for Quick Riposte then reclass back into Grappler for Firece Iron Fist, but the Crit + 20 from War Master combined with Killer Gauntlets and Gauntlet Crit +10 made him discount Ignatz. His crit rates were great but not near 100% like Ignatz's and his hit rates could sometimes be shaky. But the high might with inherent doubling usually meant that whatever he was attacking would die, especially if had support from a linked attack.

    Balthus: Figured I'd use him due to his supports with the Golden Deer and he was good. The Vajra-Mushti were a great high might pair of gauntlets but at the end of the day he was a less bulky higher avoid Raphael. Took him down the same class line except I did reclass him back into Grappler after getting Quick Riposte. Solid combat unit all around. Maybe he would've felt better overall if I'd taken him into his cannon class of War-Monk because then he'd have healing utility but I don't know for sure.

    Catherine: Grinded support with her to early recruit her. Comes as a early Swordmaster with the according stats and weapon ranks. Carrys hard early game and since she already had such high sword ranks I trained her in lances and flying to make her a Falcon Knight with a focus on swords. Fantastic unit with high avoid, Thunderbrand and a refined Rapier let her do work on most enemies.

    Byleth: Everyone knows Byleth is great. Trained him in swords and authority mainly. Got Windsweep as soon as possible which was nifty. Other than that, trained in faith to get White Magic Avoid + 20 and armor to recruit Ferdinand. Excellent unit 2 range on Sword of the Creator was so helpful especially since Umbral Steel is so plentiful. Doubled a lot of things early and mid game but speed started falling off late game. Compensated for that with a Brave Sword and he was right back to deleting enemies. And while it was 100% luck there's just something about one shotting Nemesis from full health with Ruptured Heaven.

    Overall: Verdant Wind Maddening was a very fun adventure. And while I may not have much to show for it, I do have a gold title screen! Can't wait to start my next Maddening run but I think I might clear a game or two out of my backlog before starting another Three Houses save file. In the meantime if you've read all this I'm interested to hear what you might think of the Golden Deer alumni squad. And any suggestions for the next route and what to do with units will be appreciated!

    submitted by /u/Gomez-Addamz72
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    Slice of Summer Life: Morgan and Kana

    Posted: 23 Sep 2021 08:47 PM PDT

    How does your ranking of Fire Emblem games from most-to-least favourite compare to the order in which you played the games in the series?

    Posted: 23 Sep 2021 02:02 PM PDT

    I'm quite curious about this.

    submitted by /u/astrangelump
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    When you screw up but manage to fix it before anybody notices.

    Posted: 23 Sep 2021 06:15 PM PDT

    Ideas for FETH Challenges?

    Posted: 23 Sep 2021 07:37 PM PDT

    I'm looking for challenge ideas that will make the game interesting for a 7th playthrough.

    I've done: - Church of Seiros, Normal - Blue Lions, Hard - Golden Deer, Maddening - DLC - Red Eagles, Maddening - Blue Lions, Maddening - Golden Deer, Maddening

    On that last run, I only used 7 characters, one for each weapon type. Sword, Lance, Axe, Bow, Gauntlets, White and Black magic.

    Any ideas? Looking for something that'll be both interesting and challenging, preferably something on the Blue Lions route.

    Fuck Edelgard

    submitted by /u/MarathonMedjool
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    Question about Item exchange ( or trade idk i play in french) in path of radiance.

    Posted: 23 Sep 2021 05:26 PM PDT


    I was trying to take one potion from titania and give it to ike and during a preparation phase, i don't know if i m stupid or something but it seems like if i want to give a potion i have to give all three of them. Is there anyway to choose the number of items i want to exchange ?

    submitted by /u/ABRAHAM-HIMLER
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    Played 3 Houses and loved it. Trying fates now. Any recommendations?

    Posted: 23 Sep 2021 06:31 PM PDT

    So relatively new to Fire Emblem as a whole. I will say what drew me into Three Houses was the graphics. Sounds shallow, and it is, but it's got nice 3D models. What made me keep playing was the story. Well done and made me decide to branch out and play others.

    So, that in mind, any tips? No spoilers please.

    submitted by /u/TLunchFTW
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    What If Alm and Celica somehow end up in Tellius and don't bother to hide their brands?

    Posted: 23 Sep 2021 07:24 AM PDT

    Do you think they would be mistaken as being of the Branded race and suffer prejudice by both the Beorc and the Laguz?

    submitted by /u/PkmnTrainerLucas
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