• Breaking News

    Tuesday, September 14, 2021

    Fire Emblem Announcing an AMA with the JOE ZEJA, voice actor for Claude!! Wednesday, Sept. 15th from 12-2 Pacific/3-5pm Eastern

    Fire Emblem Announcing an AMA with the JOE ZEJA, voice actor for Claude!! Wednesday, Sept. 15th from 12-2 Pacific/3-5pm Eastern

    Announcing an AMA with the JOE ZEJA, voice actor for Claude!! Wednesday, Sept. 15th from 12-2 Pacific/3-5pm Eastern

    Posted: 14 Sep 2021 06:02 PM PDT

    Hey folks! We have a rare AMA to announce, and it will be with none other then famous voice actor extraordinaire Joe Zieija (Claude's voice actor). For tomorrow!! Wednesday, Sept. 15th from 12-2 Pacific/3-5pm Eastern

    And if you have the time make it a pleasure and please check out Joe kick starter for THREE HOUSES: FOUR SAXES album and support him in all his creative endeavours at his twitch. Here are all his socials!!






    The AMA begins at Wednesday, Sept. 15th from 12-2 Pacific/3-5pm Eastern Yep, that's Wednesday, Sept. 15th from 12-2 Pacific/3-5pm Eastern

    Some things to note: Keep a positive attitude and be respectful! This should go without saying, but these VAs are our guests and it's incredibly cool that they've taken the time to talk with us. So treat them with respect and let's have a good time!!

    Mark your spoilers!! We cannot stress this enough. The Joe themselves might already be "spoiled" on certain plot elements, but we'll be strict on removing untagged spoilers for the sake of our users. As a reminder, spoilers are tagged like this:

    [spoiler description goes here] >! spoiler goes here!<

    The exclamation marks must be touching the text! No space in between.

    Be there and let's have some fun.

    submitted by /u/DoseofDhillon
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    "This is where I watched my parents die, Raphael..." (Twitter @DiegoBucketz)

    Posted: 14 Sep 2021 03:49 PM PDT

    Headpats and a very flsutered Florina

    Posted: 14 Sep 2021 10:44 AM PDT

    My Tharja and Noire Cosplay. How you Guys like it?

    Posted: 14 Sep 2021 03:19 PM PDT

    FE5 Machyua

    Posted: 14 Sep 2021 02:29 PM PDT

    Jotunheim Lissa (commission by @jarckius_art on Twitter)

    Posted: 14 Sep 2021 04:51 PM PDT

    The FE Avatar Nekoarc Quartet

    Posted: 14 Sep 2021 08:17 AM PDT

    A Day in the Life of Heroes - Fair Feather Friend

    Posted: 14 Sep 2021 06:44 PM PDT

    "Awakening saved the series" is a tired and ineffective rhetoric (My perspective as an Awakening fan)

    Posted: 14 Sep 2021 05:26 PM PDT

    Awakening is my favourite Fire Emblem game, but, or perhaps because of that, I wish Awakening fans didn't use the "If Awakening had failed Fire Emblem wouldn't exist anymore" crutch so much when talking about the game.

    Awakening is more than capable of being praised on grounds separate from this meta viewpoint of its sales. What it did or didn't do for FE is irrelevant in my opinion.

    Awakening being a resounding success and propelling Fire Emblem into the mainstream doesn't make it a good game, but it is a good game. A fucking brilliant game. And talking about the things that make it good is more compelling than "It sold a lot of copies".

    "Awakening deserves respect because it saved the series" is in itself a disrespectful statement to Awakening because it doesn't acknowledge anything about why Awakening is great. If sales numbers dictated good or bad games, Thracia would be the worst Fire Emblem game and every single one of us would have Minecraft at the top of our all-time favourite games list (which I'm sure some of you reading this might, that's fine obviously).

    Talk about the fucking amazing soundtrack of this game. Like seriously at worst there's a couple boring tracks, but Awakening has the most consistently amazing OST in the series in my opinion rivaled only by SoV and Genealogy.

    The characters! There's so many amazing characters in this game! Brought to life through the honestly underappreciated supports which are bursting with personality. I can't praise the localization team enough.

    The sound design, still my favourite in the series to date from moving the cursor to the shing of crits/skill procs.

    The emotional highs this game reaches is brilliant. "Don't speak her name!" and the entirety of Chapter 11. "You deserved better from me than one sword and a world of troubles....". Pretty much the entire story of the second generation, especially if you play The Future Past.

    I could go on, but the main purpose of this post is just to say that I think Awakening fans zeroing in on sales is not respecting Awakening nor is it a compelling argument for a non-Awakening fan to give a shit. Let the game stand on its own merits and you'll find it's more than up to task.

    submitted by /u/PsiYoshi
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    (OC) Fanart Corrin from Fire Emblem Fates

    Posted: 14 Sep 2021 04:29 PM PDT

    Scholar of Misfortune

    Posted: 14 Sep 2021 12:09 PM PDT

    Marianne in Rinea's outfit because I love the headcanon about Marianne being daughter of Berkut and Rinea. [OC]

    Posted: 14 Sep 2021 08:48 AM PDT


    Posted: 13 Sep 2021 09:12 PM PDT

    We need more Fire Emblem characters like Plum

    Posted: 14 Sep 2021 01:34 PM PDT

    No, I'm obviously not talking about the milk part. Get your head out of the gutter.

    So, imagine this: you're just starting a totally blind run of Tear Ring Saga with no context beforehand. On the first map, you visit all the houses and learn about what the different types of houses do within your initial 5 turns of the game – the stalls are shops, the little blue huts teach skills, and the other brown houses either give flavor text from civilians, or an item.

    Then you get to Chapter 2 and visit the house down here.

    Inside is a character with a design so unmemorable, she looks like she could be a recurring villager portrait. And it's Chapter 2, so it's not like you're familiar enough with the villager portraits to tell the difference at this point – but the ones you have seen already in Chapter 1 have a lot of variety, so it's not completely out of the question. Maybe this portrait is just a reused villager who will show up in later houses to provide further exposition in the future. You have absolutely no way of knowing at this point.

    And what flavor text do you get? What does this generic-looking village girl say to you when you visit her?

    "I beg of you, please rescue Sister Enteh! She came all the way from the Temple of Mars to care for our sick and wounded. She even saved my brother's life when he was dying from a venomous snakebite! If anyone needs help, then Sister Enteh is the first to lend a hand, no matter who it is.

    "But I'd never imagine she'd trust the words of a bandit… My brother went to rescue her, but I'm still worried. If only I were able to fight, then I could help out in times like these… Please, save Sister Enteh from the Taurus bandits!"

    I'm not sure how to describe this quite wholly, but these lines capture the feel of a generic village dialogue. She provides exposition on the characters relevant to this chapter; she even asks the player to do something heroic for her (that they need to do anyways to beat the chapter). If this doesn't sound like an unremarkable FE house dialogue then I don't know what does.

    Now, in normal GBA FE, the tiny houses that give nothing but lore usually don't have changing dialogue or effects (bar the Emblem Lance house and the bridge village in The Last Promise and Dale's house in Dark Lord and the Maiden of Light, but those are romhacks and not normal FE). Visiting a house or village is a one-time event that doesn't change from multiple visits. So I'd argue most FE players are conditioned to visit a house once and be done with it, especially a house like Plum's that has nothing notable about it.

    Keeping all of this in mind – the design, the concepts that the player has been introduced to already in Chapter 1, the usual FE habits for visiting villages – I think it's completely reasonable for a blind player to assume that Plum is just a lore NPC to flesh out Bartz, and that she is just as relevant to TRS as Raphael's sister is to Three Houses. I feel it would be pretty understandable for a typical FE player to visit Plum's house once, think nothing of it, and move along. Of course, this is all just logical conjecture, so take it with a grain of salt.

    But what happens if you play around? What happens if you experiment a bit?

    ...Well, Kaga decides to throw you a bone, that's what.

    Plum's introduction – fostering the player's attention to story

    In my first blind run, I was curious to see what would happen if I brought Bartz to Plum's house. I wanted to know whether she'd still talk about Bartz getting bitten by a snake if Bartz was the one visiting her. Lo and behold, the dialogue changes, and Bartz and Plum get a special conversation if he visits their house.

    Bartz: Plum, I'm home!

    Plum: Oh, Bartz! You're safe! Thank goodness..

    Bartz: Hey, hey! What's wrong, Plum? You didn't think I'd lose to a bunch of brigands, did you?

    Plum: No… But… I couldn't help but worry… If something happened to you, then I'd be all alone...

    Bartz: ...

    Plum: I'd never be able to bear that! I couldn't bear being left alone...

    Bartz: Plum, I...

    Plum: Bartz?

    Bartz: ...

    Of course, we the player already know where this is going and how this will end. We know Bartz has already joined the player army, so he won't be returning home anytime soon. And that predestined conclusion leaves a sinking feeling in the player's heart.

    (As an aside, I also want to point out how rare this kind of interaction is. You rarely see NPC family members being hurt over a player character joining the army. Off the top of my head Ronan is the only example, since usually NPCs are more than willing to give their children to your cause, i:e Mallesia's grandmother.)

    Plum: ...I knew it. You're leaving the village, aren't you?

    Bartz: ...I'm sorry.

    Plum: I hate you!

    Bartz: Plum! I'm sorry, Plum. But I promise I'll be back someday. I'm taking the halberd in the shed. ...Take care.

    Plum: Bartz...

    Bartz gets a halberd and a sister feeling betrayed if he visits Plum's house, and seeing this dialogue variation made my brain start churning. Since Bartz got a special cutscene with his sister, would Enteh get one too? Would Plum still talk about rescuing Enteh if Enteh was the one visiting her? And what about the adjacent house where the village elder lives – would he react to Bartz and Enteh too?

    Well… visiting the elder's house with Enteh gives you a fruit, and visiting with Bartz gets you some money and frames his individual motivations well (wanting to step outside into the world and leave a greater impact). And visiting Plum with Enteh?

    Plum: Sister Enteh! I'm so glad you're safe!

    Enteh: I'm sorry. I caused you and your brother so much grief.

    Plum: No… I've become fed up with myself after all this.

    Enteh: What…? Why?

    Plum: I'm only a year younger than you, but I'm nothing like you. I'm just a useless child.

    Enteh: That's not true! You've been trying your very best to master the healing arts because you want to help the people of your village. And now that you can use a Heal staff, you can tend to the people in my place. The villagers are very grateful.

    Plum: I need to learn more… I want to become a pure and strong cleric like you. Please, Sister Enteh, take me with you to the Temple of Mars!

    Enteh: But…

    Plum: Bartz isn't the only one who can go on journeys! I want to spread my wings, too! I don't want to be left here all alone, doing nothing but waiting! I want to see what the world has to offer! I don't want to spend the rest of my life in a tiny village like this!

    Enteh: Plum… Very well. I can't say no to such strong resolve. But remember, Plum: many people cannot return to their homes even if they want to. Someday, you will realize how important this village is to you. Someday, I'm sure...

    When I first saw this happen, I was awestruck. It felt like I just saw Wade's sister Mary from Binding Blade join the party – and not even Project Ember had the guts to try doing that. I genuinely don't know any other non-TRS character (aside from a certain character in DLATMOL) whose recruitment is as uniquely memorable as Plum is for me, because I honestly never expected her to be anything more than a village dialogue.

    And of course, Bartz was just as shocked as I was.

    Bartz: P-Plum! What are you doing here?

    Plum: I'm sick of staying behind… always waiting all alone by myself… I'm going to the Temple of Mars with Sister Enteh!

    Bartz: Look, Plum. You have no idea how dangerous it is beyond the village walls. You're not tough enough for a long journey. Go back home!

    Plum: No way! Besides, you're leaving the village too, aren't you, Bartz?

    Bartz: Plum...

    Plum: You're always talking about making a name for yourself on the battlefield. I was always scared that one day, you'd disappear and leave me behind. But I have dreams just like you, Bartz! If you get to leave, then why can't I go with Sister Enteh!

    Bartz: ...All right. I'm sorry, Plum. I thought I was keeping you safe, but… Maybe I was just being selfish.

    That highlighted line in of itself kind of embodies why I love Plum so much as a character. Everything about her first impression, from her generic design to her village dialogue, feels carefully designed to make her come off as nothing more than a forgettable NPC.

    But the game rewards players who deliberately ignore Plum's coding, go against the conditioned habits they've learned over time from mainline FE, and treat her like more than just a random villager. Recruiting her blindly means purposefully ignoring pre-existing trends for the sake of lore and experimenting to see what happens.


    Plum has one more interaction in this chapter: with the village elder. Similar to Bartz, it helps frame another motivation to her character: using her last keepsake from her mother as a clue to finding her blood father. At this point with the development and story arc setup she's gotten so far, we know her motives, her personality, and even her fears. She could practically be the protagonist of the game at this rate!

    Within one chapter, Plum has already gotten more depth than Arkis and Kreiss have so far combined – and for reference, they're the Cain and Abel of the game, and they look way more like anime-haired conventional FE recruits. And yet Plum of all people, forgettable, NPC-esque Plum, is more fleshed out than them right now!

    Honestly, I'm still in awe. And the craziest thing? It doesn't even end there. On top of all this Plum gets an entire fucking sidequest dedicated to her. If that isn't putting love and care into your unimportant characters, then I don't know what is.

    Plum's a clear example of a kinda-sorta FE game directly rewarding players who pay attention to the lore, and that is one of my favorite things to see in any video game. And her very recruitment is a reminder that every character, no matter how insignificant, has a story to tell.

    (...and yeah, the actual content of Plum's sidequest is really icky and somehow gets even ickier after what should be a moment of optimism, with the whole incident somehow making her want to dance again despite milk becoming a trauma trigger for her, Holmes rescuing her from being forced to dance for strangers only to make her dance for his soldiers, Bartz potentially doing the funny Kaga incest thing etc. While there are several parts of Plum's sidequest which made me deeply uncomfortable, and the execution of it is "questionable at times" to put it rather lightly, the idea of giving one of the longest side story chains in the entire game to Plum of all people – who looks so much like a generic villager, who the game pushes so hard to feel like nothing but an NPC – is one of my favorite design choices I've ever seen in an FE game. As much as I dislike the execution and ending payoff, the conceptual structure of Plum's sidequest really feels emblematic of something I truly love about FE: the idea that anyone can become a memorable character, even an unremarkable nobody like Plum)

    submitted by /u/BobbyYukitsuki
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    Posted: 14 Sep 2021 08:37 PM PDT

    FE3H House Leader Pins

    Posted: 14 Sep 2021 05:32 PM PDT

    Keaton the tsundere doggo

    Posted: 14 Sep 2021 08:54 AM PDT

    Fire Emblem Heroes - New Heroes (Abyss & Múspell)

    Posted: 14 Sep 2021 08:01 PM PDT

    My Interview with Tara Sands (the dub voice of Sonya)

    Posted: 14 Sep 2021 09:06 AM PDT

    Our favorite time travelling princess getting ready to rock out! �� (udelart)

    Posted: 13 Sep 2021 09:31 PM PDT

    Continuing my first 0% Growths attempt through FE8! Currently at chapter 12 of Eirika HM!

    Posted: 14 Sep 2021 02:55 PM PDT

    Ashen Wolves confirmed for Fire Emblem Heroes!

    Posted: 14 Sep 2021 08:26 PM PDT

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