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    Monday, September 13, 2021

    Fire Emblem Brave Alm

    Fire Emblem Brave Alm

    Brave Alm

    Posted: 13 Sep 2021 09:43 AM PDT


    Posted: 13 Sep 2021 02:36 PM PDT

    Lucina ��

    Posted: 13 Sep 2021 09:28 AM PDT

    Warrior Princess

    Posted: 13 Sep 2021 10:15 AM PDT

    (OC art) FE3H Mercedes Commission

    Posted: 13 Sep 2021 05:56 PM PDT

    All of my fe cosplays

    Posted: 13 Sep 2021 02:13 PM PDT

    Nailah doodle [by Crescentia Fortuna]

    Posted: 13 Sep 2021 10:37 AM PDT

    [OC] Lysithea and a tiny Claude (+etc)

    Posted: 13 Sep 2021 08:28 AM PDT

    (Back by... some demand? Maybe?) Pokemon Trainer Igrene with Fae!

    Posted: 13 Sep 2021 08:54 AM PDT

    I just really like Dedue (oc)

    Posted: 13 Sep 2021 09:55 AM PDT

    Fire Emblem: Fates, and world-building through gameplay. Part 1/?

    Posted: 13 Sep 2021 12:03 PM PDT

    So, I'm a huge fan of Fire Emblem Fates. I'm unapologetic about it too. I think it is a truly amazing game. Is it perfect? No. But what game is? I know a lot of people don't like this game, and I totally get it. The game had a horrible translation that removed and changed a lot of content, story, and character development. I can't blame people for not knowing that most of their issues with the game's world, characters, and story don't exist in a version they never played. However, there is one thing that I can't stand when people say: "Fire Emblem Fates has bad/zero world-building."

    The above statement is just plum wrong. Fates does NOT have bad world-building. In fact, the world-building is actually quite good. One thing I hear a lot of people say is "Three Houses was world-building done right". Or "Three Houses did world-building much better than Fates". And I don't think that's entirely correct. Both games just handled world-building in different ways.

    Three Houses brand of world-building was more plot focused. In about every other cutscene, some random, very important, character is just name-dropped. Or Sothis or another important character will tell us why the location we're in is called what it's called. This is what comes to mind when most people think about world-building. Fates on the other hand handles it's world-building not just through story, but through gameplay.

    Let's talk about character classes, and let's also talk about character reclass options, and why each character has access to the classes they do. Cuz there's actually a lot of thought put into these classes. You might just have a newfound appreciation for Fates if you stick around.

    Corrin (Kamui if you're Japanese):

    If we're gonna talk about Corrin, we've gotta talk about his starting class: Nohr Prince/Nohr Princess. This class is exclusive to Corrin and any of his children. The reason this class is exclusive is because it's our first "race class". The more interesting thing about this class is that it's a sword class. Now, I know a lot of you are thinking why that matters. A lot of FE Lords use swords. What's not as obvious is that there's a running theme for the Nohrian siblings: every one of their default classes uses either swords, tomes, or both. What's special about swords and tomes? Think about what the legendary weapons of Nohr are. And keep in mind that the Nohrian siblings were basically at war with each other to see who was worthy of wielding these weapons, so it makes sense that they would train as classes proficient in those weapon types. I don't think it's any coincidence that Corrin starts with a sword, and his Nohrian promoted class: Nohr Noble gains the ability to use tomes.

    As for his secondary class, well… it can be anything. This could possibly represent Corrin's upbringing in both Nohr and Hoshido, since he's one of very few first-gen characters who have access to classes from both cultures without need for supports.

    Another thing that's worth noting is the fact that Corrin starts as a base class. Obviously this is some for gameplay purposes, but that's not a very fun answer. Corrin has spent the majority of his life locked away in his room, with his only real combat experience being sparring matches with his siblings. It makes sense that he wouldn't be a pre-promote like some of his other siblings.

    Azura (Aqua if you're a Konosuba fan):

    So, Azura's starting class is Songstress, a class that is exclusive to her. So, in FE games, you're only allowed to have one dancer class, cuz it would be OP otherwise, but Fates actually gives us a reason why. The song that's invigorating people is a sacred Vallite song, passed down through the royal family, the power of which is tied to Azura's pendant, also passed down through the royal family. It's nice to have a plot reason why only Azura can be a Songstress.

    Her secondary class is Sky Knight. There is actually a running trend with the Sky Knight, and that is that almost every member of the Hoshidan Royal family has immediate access to this class. It's sort of a unifying class amongst Hoshidan royalty.


    So, Felicia's starting class is Maid, which is technically a pre-promote class. Felicia actually has a special type of Maid class which has a level cap of 40. I don't think there's any real reason for this outside of gameplay balance, since she's a pre-promote with the stats of a base class unit.

    Her secondary class is Mercenary which is seen in lore as a fairly strong class that a lot of skilled fighters end up in. Compare this with Flora, who's secondary class is Dark Mage, a physically weaker class. This is likely in reference to characters constantly comparing the two, saying that Flora is a better maid, but Felicia is a better fighter. There actually is another fun piece of Felicia and Flora reclass trivia, but I'd like to save it for when I talk about Flora

    Jakob (Joker if you're feeling funny):

    Much like Felicia, Jakob has a special Butler class with a level cap of 40. Once again, probably just for gameplay.

    What IS something worth talking about is Jakob's secondary class, Cavalier. What's interesting about this? Jakob has this because it's Gunter's primary class. Jakob was orphaned and raised by Gunter who trained him in the arts of a Cavalier. You could honestly look at this as a form of parent-child class inheritance, and view Jakob as a sort of child unit. A nice attention to detail if you ask me.


    Admittedly, there's not much to talk about with Silas. The only thing you could really mention is that his primary and secondary class (Cavalier and Mercenary respectively) are sort of seen as the most noble Nohrian classes, not relying on dark magic or being a literal thief.

    Kaze (Suzukaze if you can pronounce Japanese names that the Treehouse doesn't think you can):

    Much like Silas, there isn't really a lot to say about Kaze. His secondary class is Samurai, which matches his brother Saizo. We know that their father, Saizo IV, was also a ninja, and it's possible that we can infer that Saizo IV's secondary class was Samurai, and that he passed it down to his two sons, but I'll admit that one's a stretch.

    Shura (Ashyura if you're Japanese):

    Shura is our first character who is from neither Hoshido, Nohr, or Vallah, hailing from the country of Kohga. Kohga was a neutral country in the Nohr-Hoshido war, although it was geographically nearby Hoshido, and therefore inherited a lot of Hoshidan culture. Kohga was later annexed by the kingdom of Mokushu, which was an ally of Nohr, making the kingdom a Nohrian territory, but with lots of Hoshidan culture. Why is this history lesson important? Allow me to explain.

    Shura spent a lot of his life up to the events of the game in Nohr, and starts as a Nohrian class line: the Outlaw line. His secondary class is also Nohrian, being the Fighter line. However, Shura is our first non-marriage-eligible character, which is a term that I will be using to describe characters who have Corrin as their sole marriage option. What makes these non-marriage-eligible characters unique is that they actually have TWO reclass options as opposed to one, for a total of three starting class lines.

    Shura's tertiary class is the Ninja, which is very fitting for someone who was born in the land of Kohga. In fact, we can even go a step further and speculate that Ninja may have been the class that Shura used before relocating to Nohr and becoming and Outlaw, and later an Adventurer. One of the skills that Shura starts with is Locktouch. Locktouch is the first skill that Outlaws learn, so not exactly surprising that Shura would know it, but there's another class that learns Locktouch as its first skill: Ninja. Could he have started as a Ninja, learned Locktouch, and then reclassed to Outlaw? It's possible. Shura is one of the few characters who has access to Nohrian and Hoshidan classes without supports, and the reason for it is backed up by the lore.

    Mozu (Mozume if you're not bad at pronunciation like the Treehouse thinks you are):

    As the final character that I'll be covering on this part, you'd think I had something really cool to say about her. Unfortunately not really. The most that can be said is that there is a possible connection between her profession as a farmer, and her reclass option being Archer, as historically, farmers who were drafted into war in feudal Japan regularly used tanegashima, or ancient bow-guns. I suppose it's worth noting that her starting class, Villager, is one exclusive to her and her progeny. But there's not a ton of world-building around the Villager class.

    I think that's gonna do it for part 1. I hope to do more parts like this in the future, assuming I have the free time to sit down and write more posts like this.

    In the meantime, I'd love to spark discussion on other gameplay-related pieces of FE: Fates world-building. There's so much hidden world-building in that game, and I love finding out more stuff about it. I hope I've opened at least a few eyes to how solid the world of Fates is when you dig a little deeper.

    submitted by /u/XephyXeph
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    |OC| Children of Al CaSeiros

    Posted: 13 Sep 2021 05:09 AM PDT

    After meme-ing my first maddening run and five hours I finally did it

    Posted: 13 Sep 2021 12:28 PM PDT

    If it was up to you, how would the class system work in the next Fire Emblem Games?

    Posted: 13 Sep 2021 01:13 PM PDT

    We've seen a lot of variation in the class system between games, but how would you want it to work if you were on charge.

    Things like promotions, ability to use weapons, and reclassing as well as some of the more minor details like if reclassing would affect your weapon level at all like it did in Shadow Dragon. Do you like the system from one particular game, a mix of multiple systems or think it should be reworked altogether.

    submitted by /u/ej_stephens
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    The Ashen Wolves need more supports: Here's my take on Caspar and Balthus!

    Posted: 13 Sep 2021 01:30 PM PDT

    C Support

    Caspar: Rrrragh! Yyyyah! Hhhhhhyah!!!!!

    Balthus: Whoa there, Caspar. Better be careful, or that training dummy is gonna lose his lunch, the way you're punching it in the stomach.

    Caspar: Oh… pant Balthus… pant You here pant pant to train too?

    Balthus: Me? Nah pal, punching training dummies isn't going to teach you how to really win in a fight.

    Caspar: pant Huh?

    Balthus: Think about it. Does a dummy move around? Try to hit you back? Throw a bottle at your head? Can you knock its teeth in?

    Caspar: But… it's good to practice your form, right?

    Balthus: Sure, but form's no good if you can't apply it to real battle. You don't get to be the King of Grappling like yours truly if you don't have a few tavern brawls here and there.

    Caspar: Whoa… so you got good by… picking fights in taverns?

    Balthus: Well, usually not picking the fights, and not always in taverns. Money lenders and angry husbands, fathers and brothers can come for you anywhere, after all. I just happen to hang out in taverns the most.

    Caspar: Balthus…. I want to learn to be like you!

    Balthus: Wait… what?

    Caspar: Yeah! I want to be the next King of Grappling! Teach me how to be like you!!

    Balthus: Buddy, you do NOT want to train like me. Besides, I'm the King of Grappling. Maybe you could shoot for the…. Prince of Pummeling?

    Caspar: Whatever! I do want to train like you!

    Balthus: Fine, but it'll cost ya. My tutoring ain't cheap.

    Caspar: I don't care! I have an allowance, and THIS is what I want to spend it on! Let's do this!!! I'll meet you tomorrow, at sunrise.

    Balthus: Uh… okay. No way I'm getting up early, though. Meet me at the Wilting Rose tomorrow at sundown.

    Caspar: You got it! I'll see you at sundown!

    C+ support

    Caspar: Balthus? We need to talk.

    Balthus: Huh? Oh uh… yeah, sure Castor. What's up?

    Caspar: It's Caspar. And I want a refund!

    Balthus: What?! Why? And no refunds. Ever.

    Caspar: Because you're not teaching me anything! You're just sitting here in this tavern, drinking and looking at women all night!

    Balthus: You should join me.

    Caspar: I'm not old enough to drink!

    Balthus: But you are old enough to look at women...

    Caspar: This is pointless! We haven't even thrown a single blow!

    Balthus: Be patient, young Prince. It looks like trouble just showed up…

    a group of bandits enter

    Soldier: Well, well. We finally caught up to you, Balthus.

    Balthus: I haven't really been moving in the past few hours, so that's not as much of an accomplishment as you think.

    Bandit: Yeah, yeah. They told us you were funny. Wouldn't it be even funnier if we dragged you to Margrave Edmund's dungeon and left you there to rot?

    Balthus: You ready, Caviar? Training starts now!

    Caspar: It's Caspar, and wait, are you serious?!

    Soldier: Get 'em, boys!

    Caspar: Yaaaaaaaagh!

    some time later, in the woods

    Balthus: pant pant Whew… I think we outran them. You okay, little buddy?

    Caspar: ….that…. was…..

    Balthus: Caspar? You okay? Look, I'm sorry about that. It was wrong of me to take your money. I'll give you back what I didn't spend, okay? The rest can be a loan…


    Balthus: Uh… what?

    Caspar: Did you see that left hook I gave that guy?! Oh man, he was MAD! Agh, my whole body is sore, and I LIKE IT!

    Balthus: Caspar…

    Caspar: We have to do that again, Balthus! I've never fought like that before.

    Balthus: I don't think that's such a good idea…

    Caspar: I'll keep paying you! I'll pay double!

    Balthus: Tempting an offer as that is, I'm gonna have to decline. I don't want Count Bergliez to be sending his soldiers after me too…

    Caspar: Please! I gotta do this!

    Balthus: Well, I guess you're an adult. Almost. You can make your own choices. But no more paying. Unless you're buying my drinks.

    Caspar: You got it, Balthus! I'll see you again soon, okay?

    Balthus: Sure thing, pal.

    Caspar: Man, Lindhardt won't believe this! I gotta go tell him! runs off

    Balthus: Heh. That kid is all brawn, no brains. I guess I was like that too, at his age, haha.

    B support

    the professor is angrily standing in front of Caspar and Balthus

    Guard: Alright. You're free to go.

    Byleth: What were you thinking, getting arrested like that?!/You both are in so much trouble.

    Caspar: Ah geez, I'm sorry, Professor. Things just got…. a little out of hand. We didn't think those pirates would smash up the tavern like that… or that the guards would blame us for starting it.

    Balthus: Please don't tell the kid's dad. I don't want him getting in trouble. I'll take the blame.

    Byleth: Both of you will be paying me back the gold. And cleaning the horse stalls for the next five months.

    Byleth: I am so disappointed in you two.

    Caspar: Yeah… that sounds fair. It won't happen again…

    Byleth leaves

    Balthus: I can't believe the professor actually paid our bail. Thank the goddess it wasn't too high.

    Caspar: Balthus… I think we need to stay away from taverns. Maybe forever.

    Balthus: Yeah…. I agree.

    Caspar: Man, that was pretty cool though, when you threw that chair at the one with the beard?

    Balthus: Haha, yeah. And you actually managed to take on two at once. You're getting better!

    Caspar: Wow, you really think?

    Balthus: Yeah! We make a pretty good team, kid. The King of Grappling…

    Caspar: And the Prince of Pummeling!

    A Support

    Caspar: Hey Balthus, I've been thinking.

    Balthus:, Well, that was your first mistake.

    Caspar: There's a war going on now. All these people, we're fighting for them.

    Balthus: Yeah, and?

    Caspar: Well… maybe after we won this war, they won't want to fight anymore.

    Balthus: I sure hope not! I'm tired of people trying to kill us.

    Caspar: But how can we be the King of Grappling and the Prince of Pummeling if nobody wants to battle?

    Balthus: Huh… that IS kinda tricky.

    Caspar: Well, I have a plan! And it's going to make us a lot of money.

    Balthus: I'm listening…

    Caspar:, What if we had a fighting ring? Like, no gauntlets, you only go til knockout?

    Balthus: Yeah, we've got things like that down in the Abyss.

    Caspar: No, wait. But like… all the fighters have titles, like us? And dress a certain way? And shout cool catchphrases! Let the people root for not just the fight, but their stories too! And have announcers to narrate the battles!

    Balthus: Caspar…. That's a great idea!

    Caspar: We would have to compete, though. Gotta drum up the competition.

    Balthus: Well, that part's fine. But I'm going to start recruiting people in Abyss. You start up here!

    Caspar: Wait, already?

    Balthus: Are you kidding?! This could be the biggest thing in Fodlan!

    Caspar: You really think so?!

    Balthus: Yeah! Starting a brawling league with my best buddy, making lots of gold… this is a dream come true!

    Caspar: I'm… your best friend?

    Balthus: S-shut up! Help me make fliers!

    Caspar: Okay!

    Balthus: Now, how do you spell "Bombastic Beat-down"?

    Caspar: Oh boy, this is going to be a lot of work….

    **Epilogue: Once the war was over, Caspar and Balthus devoted all of their energy to developing the Fists of Fodlan League, and were suprisingly successful. When they grew too old for the life of fighting, drinking and wooing, they turned to scouting talented brawlers and funding their tuition at the Officer's Academy. Some of the finest (and most unorthodox) generals in Fodlan owe their success to the King of Graping and Prince of Pummeling

    submitted by /u/OnRoadSupBoop
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    Was playing Sacred Stones blind when suddenly after I chose Ephraim's route, I lost my lockpicks. Just realized it was because Erika's items didn't go back to the convoy

    Posted: 13 Sep 2021 06:49 PM PDT

    Many hours later, here's my Dimitri

    Posted: 13 Sep 2021 05:18 AM PDT

    Silver Snow should of been the Ashen Wolve's fully fleshed out route in the main story.

    Posted: 13 Sep 2021 10:47 AM PDT

    IMO it should of instead of been based around discovering the old lore of the world in its entirely and who better to do that with than the ashen wolves? Revolving around Rhea/Seteth/Flayns backgrounds, the 4 apostles, your mother sitri, the other saints, etc etc.

    How I'd envision it is after you do the DLC where they introduce themselves, thats it. No wierd simp Aelfric stuff or any of that. Once you do that, you can play them in the main story and pick their class like you would the other 3 routes. Obviously some chapters might need adjustments like the battle for eagle and lion but for the most part white clouds can stay the same I think.

    And this can also mean there would be 4 more Ashen wolves in their class to make 8 like the others. The real monica was never really found or explained her fate, she could be one. Maybe someone from the other nations like sreng.

    submitted by /u/ChallengeDK0
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    Fire Emblem Awakening Cutest Pairings

    Posted: 13 Sep 2021 05:48 PM PDT

    I want to play Fire Emblem Awakening with the cutest pairings for Robin (male), Chrom, etc.

    Btw I want Kellam to marry because I want him to be happy. Any suggestions?

    submitted by /u/Vibe_with_Kira
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    With talks of an FE4 Remake, do you think we'll ever get Act 3 Genealogy?

    Posted: 13 Sep 2021 03:16 AM PDT

    Edits: I should've clarified that by talks, I mean that I've seen fans discussing it recently, not that I've seen official statements.

    In quite a few old interviews, Kaga talked about conceptualizing Genealogy of the Cursed War as a 3 Act story, and there's quite a few bits of info out there. A lot of content got cut from the original FE4, like children being tied to every 1st gen character directly, Gen1 characters being revived. I'd delve more into it but I don't have the sources on hand and I should be going offline now.

    But do you think they'd ever go the extra mile and continue the original concept with an extra scenario? Like maybe a post game storyline like Echoes has? I wouldn't even mind a DLC pack focusing on it if it was given the polish and content. Although, I'd be sad if it shook up the FE4's central themes, because for as dark as the story gets, it ends on a sweet note in the true ending. Honestly, that 30 seconds are worth a lot to talk about.

    Still, I would have liked to have seen where the original concept would've gone.

    submitted by /u/Lv3WhiteWind
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