• Breaking News

    Sunday, September 12, 2021

    Fire Emblem Dorothea and Mercedes' scrapped C-Support

    Fire Emblem Dorothea and Mercedes' scrapped C-Support

    Dorothea and Mercedes' scrapped C-Support

    Posted: 12 Sep 2021 04:52 PM PDT

    Lilith cutting up some cinnamon rolls to bake

    Posted: 12 Sep 2021 10:50 AM PDT

    Cosplay test for Mia. Next year I will work on the original costume and the halloween version.

    Posted: 12 Sep 2021 10:53 AM PDT

    robin doodle

    Posted: 12 Sep 2021 05:18 PM PDT

    Robin meeting his daughters (commission by @RedKite59623438 on Twitter)

    Posted: 11 Sep 2021 08:58 PM PDT

    [Original Art] Prince of Leonster, Leif

    Posted: 12 Sep 2021 08:56 AM PDT

    My Male Byleth fanart :3

    Posted: 12 Sep 2021 06:30 AM PDT

    [OC] Ike fanart

    Posted: 12 Sep 2021 07:39 AM PDT

    Byleth x Hilda art I commissioned from @Perlmutt on Twitter

    Posted: 12 Sep 2021 06:58 AM PDT

    [NSFW] Severa and Rise In Dancer Outfits (artist: @Uikouiui)[Commission]

    Posted: 12 Sep 2021 11:53 AM PDT

    Oh, the luxury of thumbs

    Posted: 12 Sep 2021 11:00 AM PDT

    What are you doing big sister's room, Corrin?

    Posted: 12 Sep 2021 07:28 PM PDT

    New features you'd like in Fire Emblem?

    Posted: 12 Sep 2021 12:25 PM PDT

    I'm somewhat new to FE, only played FE9 and 10, and playing Three Houses now. Here's some features I'd like to see in the future:

    First is a QOL thing. In addition to pressing ZR to see all enemy ranges, I want a button that'll display only certain types of enemy units, in particular, archers and mages. Maybe let players customize what gets shown when you press it. This would be super handy to avoid mages, since most units can't take hits from them, as well as help path your fliers around archers. I find those are the units I'm constantly manually toggling, and the ZR "all units" range isn't very useful most of the time.

    Another one is hovering the cursor on one of your units to see all enemies targeting them. I don't get why this isn't in Three Houses, since you can get that info when moving another unit anyway. Minor thing, but kinda weird.

    I also want the Carry command back. That was a great mechanic in the Tellius games; not sure if it was in any of the other games, but it offered a good tradeoff between attacking or helping another unit move farther. Every unit being able to Shove would be nice too, but I doubt we'll get that back since it was OP as hell.

    What does everyone think? What improvements would you like to see in future games?

    submitted by /u/RPG_Haven
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    "Chrom.exe has stopped working"

    Posted: 11 Sep 2021 09:03 PM PDT

    If both parents could have kids in Awakening/Fates

    Posted: 12 Sep 2021 04:37 AM PDT

    In Awakening/Fates, the child of each pairing is determined by the mother/father respectively. Obviously they only made one and not both parents have a child associated with them so the cast wouldn't end up hugely bloated and they wouldn't have to write an absurd amount of support conversations to accomodate them. But what if... they did anyway?

    Characters that are centered around a single gimmick might not always be particularly deep or engaging, but they are on the other hand easy to write one or two line summaries for. So here's a bunch of ideas I think would be fun:

    Henry's Daughter - A Troubadour who was brought up to share her father's positive outlook and good humour without any exposure to his more psycopathic qualities. As a result, she believes her father to be a genuinely upstanding gentlemen, and is ashamed of her secret fascination with horror and gore. While she doesn't have a cruel bone in her body, her enthusiasm with which she probes the injuries of wounded soldiers she tends to can be a little offputting for her patients.

    Ricken's Son - A Cavalier whom puberty hit like a truck. He's over six foot tall with a chiseled jaw and a deep baritone voice, all of which only make his father's insecurities about his childish appearence all the worse. He does enjoy teasing his father a little, knowing that in the future he does eventually grow up. Secretly he envies his father a little, feeling he himself never really had the oppurtunity to be a child.

    Elise's Daughter - A Wyvern Rider with a stern, humourless personality. She detests her mother's immaturity and spent most of her childhood wanting to grow up as soon as possible and become independant. Ironically however, her intense dislike of anything she deems childish or unbecoming of an adult has left herself emotionally immature. When she was very young she used to pester Elise over and over asking to have a wyvern as a birthday present, something she quickly grew out of and feels embarrassed about. Her paralogue opens with her actually receiving a wyvern as a gift from her mother, something that only makes their relationship more strained.

    Oboro's Daughter - An Archer with an obsession with Nohrian fashion and culture. She styles herself like an outlaw, hiding under a black hood and avoiding the sun wherever possible. She frequently wishes she had been born to Nohrian parents and claims she's going to move to Nohr as soon as possible and no it's not a phase mom get off my back!!!!

    Kagero's Son - An Apothecary with a talent for mixing poisons. He likes collecting mushrooms and preserving dead animals in jars. Knowing her position as Ryoma's retainer is a dangerous one, Kagero believed that it would be best for her son to understand the concept of death at a young age, and be prepared just in case his mother doesn't come home one day. She was worried this talk might scar him for life, but it had the opposite effect, leaving him with a strange fascination with death. She's not convinced this was a better outcome.

    What do you think? Do you have any ideas of your own? These are pretty fun to write.

    submitted by /u/secret_bitch
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    Dear IS, Please give us better Main character Parents.

    Posted: 12 Sep 2021 07:40 PM PDT

    I am getting quite sick of fire emblem or any anime game where our main characters' parents are either:

    A. Dead(Either "Disneyed" in the background" or dead by chapter 1)

    B. Abusive or Neglectful or Evil(Maybe even both!)

    C. Sidelined in the plot

    D. Boring

    E. Forgotten or even don't exist

    I want a anime game where one of our main characters are actually decent parents who are actually quite interesting and essential to the plot. Please don't pull off another Jeralt and have him die in the middle of the story for cheap feels. Seriously Japan, Do you have a problem with parents being an essential role in your protagonist's life? What do you guys feel about this?

    To prove my point I have an example: Let's say I have an idea for a story that is inspired by the english civil war between parliament and the royalists in the 1600s. Let's say I have a main female lord who was the bastard child of a nobleman and a commoner woman who got divorced. The dad is not a complete deadbeat and actually tries to spend time, money and effort to care for their child. But their relationship is at most complicated and slightly strained because half of the dad's noble family sided with the royalists while only a few others including him and his daughter sided with the parliament. They both are the main characters as they lead their forces in a clash of ideals against their own king and half of their clan. The story would be about complications of one's nation and the lines of loyalty between your ideology and family ties.

    submitted by /u/Educational-Course-7
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    Just finished FE3H first time. Have questions about the plot. (Possible story spoilers)

    Posted: 12 Sep 2021 07:44 PM PDT

    First of all, pretty fantastic game. My first FE game as well.

    Although I loved the plot, and it was a great journey, the destination was weird.

    I completed the Edelgard/Black Eagles path.

    First, does Byleth time ability ever get covered in the story? Seems weird that nobody else seems aware of his power. It could've been an opportunity to explore Byleth's experience of seeing his friends die, over and over again. And even though he can reverse it, that experience alone would be deeply traumatizing. Also, Thales seems to have some time powers as he's able to warp in during one of the Part One missions to assure Jeralt is murdered even after Byleth does his time thing. What's up with that? Is it ever explored?

    Secondly, the Edelgard path seems to end abruptly. Nothing is done on screen about "those who slither in the dark", despite the storyline building them up as a major, and impactful villain. Is that just it?

    I haven't spoiled myself with the other story paths yet, so maybe some of these topics are explored further, as does the motivations of all of the other characters that aren't with you on a particular path.

    It's obvious that a story involving so many different intersecting plots is going to have some holes. But some of these seem a bit too deep, or do I have to play the other paths?

    Which path, after edelgard, should be played next?

    submitted by /u/Mamamama29010
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    What is your favorite class in FE?

    Posted: 12 Sep 2021 01:17 PM PDT

    I played a lot of fire emblem and my favorite class is probably a tie between great knight and trickster. I always find them to have interesting playstyles or just look cool.

    submitted by /u/TheChadSeanSilver
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    Drew a sketch of Basara Oboro

    Posted: 11 Sep 2021 11:36 PM PDT

    A school uniform Byleth I drew(twitter @catmeee25)

    Posted: 12 Sep 2021 02:12 AM PDT

    Teleportation/Warp in Fire Emblem Lore

    Posted: 12 Sep 2021 07:57 AM PDT

    I'm here to discuss something that always gnawed at me when I saw it. The ability of some characters to just warp. Both in and out of the story, and more often than not with not much explanation as to why the player's side seem to never possess that ability in the first place, which would be awfully convenient for a lot of story moments. I'm currently trying to write a story in the world of Fire Emblem Fates, but the very existence of Warp and teleportation in general irks me to no end, because it opens so, sooooooooo many questions. How does it work for the vilain like the Black Knight, Excellus and company and why no player units ever do it ? Or when it does, like with Fire Emblem Fates, its just so awfully utilized to justify a travel which makes no sense?

    What explanation do you have about it ?

    submitted by /u/Magostera
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    The Himbos of Fire Emblem: Critical Analysis

    Posted: 12 Sep 2021 11:01 AM PDT

    Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon - For Liberty | Orchestral Cover

    Posted: 12 Sep 2021 05:43 PM PDT

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