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    Saturday, September 11, 2021

    Fire Emblem Some Three Houses swimsuit illustrations I did this summer

    Fire Emblem Some Three Houses swimsuit illustrations I did this summer

    Some Three Houses swimsuit illustrations I did this summer

    Posted: 11 Sep 2021 07:15 AM PDT

    Finally, I finished all of the Tellius GBA sprites! Here's all of the, plus mouth and eye frames! Hope you all enjoy them!

    Posted: 11 Sep 2021 11:57 AM PDT

    Lucina Portrait I did today, been 6month since I drew anything Fire Emblem Related, and I'm happy with my progress.

    Posted: 11 Sep 2021 11:57 AM PDT

    My girlfriend made another diamond painting of our favorite Fire Emblem, it took her ages but I think it looks really great!

    Posted: 11 Sep 2021 09:25 AM PDT

    Quick painting of Female Byleth

    Posted: 11 Sep 2021 02:04 PM PDT

    Lucina Mug Sprite

    Posted: 11 Sep 2021 03:04 PM PDT

    Now he is old

    Posted: 11 Sep 2021 06:14 PM PDT

    Hey, I've decided to release the first version of my Fates Romhack: FE:Fates+!

    Posted: 11 Sep 2021 05:49 PM PDT

    Hey r/Fireemblem! I've always been a fan of the 3DS Fire Emblem, especially since Awakening was my first FE. However, with how much each unit could be customized, I've always wanted to push it further. Hence, I reveal FE Fates+!

    Not everything is available at the moment, but I have a rough roadmap in mind:
    - At least 23 newly recruitable characters, including every named NPC barring Anankos (One of the path's final bosses. These characters WILL include supports as well.
    - #MakeDarkMagicGoodAgain: An addition of 4 new and influential Dark Magics.
    - Making every class change item and skill manual available via shops or paralogues, including the otherwise DLC exclusive ones, including 3 new class change items and 4 new skill manuals.
    - Beautiful new item sprite art via Moonling on gamebannana. Link to their mod
    - At least 1 whole new class.
    - An entire shop rework, making Birthright harder by limiting item options.
    - At least 8 new paralogues.
    - Generic ruffian Wolfskin, Wolfssegner, Kitsune, Nine-Tails, Witch, and Ballisticians.
    - At least 22 new or otherwise DLC exclusive items.
    - Localizes all of the unused Accessories (the swimsuits) and adds the Hoshidan Crown and Dark Crown to the normal pool.

    I'm not begging for people to enjoy it, but as my first major hack that I've ever worked on, I'm hoping to get some support and feedback.

    If you want to check it out, you can find it here: https://discord.gg/SnXTCvn7, at a discord server specifically for it. If you aren't comfortable with using Discord for whatever reason, a direct download to ver1 (the current one as of writing this) can be found at this Google Drive link.

    All credits to the mods I have added to this mod are included in the Credits.txt file in the download.

    Thank you for reading this far and have a wonderful day/night! :D

    submitted by /u/DragoniteChamp
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    Crest of Riegan tattoo!

    Posted: 11 Sep 2021 02:51 PM PDT

    Dorothea and Ferdinand's Dance (the Grovekeeper)

    Posted: 11 Sep 2021 12:56 PM PDT

    Smol Byleth Crochet

    Posted: 11 Sep 2021 03:03 AM PDT

    My humble Fire Emblem shrine.

    Posted: 11 Sep 2021 11:30 AM PDT

    First time playing PoR, chapter 11 was great until…

    Posted: 11 Sep 2021 05:22 PM PDT

    Spoiler alert!

    So I just played chapter 11. And everything went really good. Keeping everybody alive. Going inside those villager houses. I almost finished this level, and there were only 5 enemies left. But then suddenly the black knight spawned on the map and went immediately to Ike who was standing on the bridge and killed him with one hit. Game over…

    Man I really wish he couldn't walk for one turn after he spawned. Lol Anyone experienced the same thing? Any advice is should keep in mind for the next levels?

    submitted by /u/Solid_Slade
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    A random Neco Arc Ranulf sketch I made. doridoridori

    Posted: 11 Sep 2021 06:58 PM PDT

    Kartal's Fire Emblem Wars (AW2 hack release)

    Posted: 11 Sep 2021 04:55 PM PDT

    Fire Emblem Wars is a full scale Advance Wars 2 rom hack which re-imagines Fire Emblem units as Advance Wars units and Fire Emblem characters as Advance Wars Commanding Officers.


    submitted by /u/karsahyena
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    [OC] I did a cover of the Comrades theme from Sacred Stones!

    Posted: 11 Sep 2021 04:23 PM PDT

    Finished Blue Lions in 3H

    Posted: 11 Sep 2021 12:03 PM PDT

    I just finished Blue Lions today, and it was phenomenal. The whole story arc and development of Dimitri was great, and I liked how all the Lions interacted and bounced off of each other as a group.

    I managed to recruit Bernie, Ignatz, Lorenz, Caspar, Lysithea, aaaaaaaand....yeah, that's about it. I also married Mercedes.

    (Despite marrying her, I now see why Dimileth is so popular. Cuz DAMN. Is this what shipping is like?)

    Anyway, should I do Golden Deer or Black Eagles next? I know the game makes the route your on the hero of their own story, but I wanna think of who to pick first?

    (Or should I maybe do the Rhea route?)

    submitted by /u/Kamekameha7
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    Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon - After the Battle | Orchestral Cover

    Posted: 11 Sep 2021 05:03 PM PDT

    Unpopular Opinion: Revelations is actually my favorite path in Fates

    Posted: 10 Sep 2021 09:22 PM PDT

    No this is not a shitpost and yes you did read that correctly.

    I'm just going to briefly address the three points I usually hear about the third path.

    1. The unit balance is pretty uneven

    In Revelations, Royals are favored even more so than the other paths. Their retainers are largely irrelevant from start to finish. In order to make them at all worthwhile, you have to grind on them pretty heavily using Challenges like in Birthrights or DLC like Boo Camp.

    However, this worked out pretty well for me personally.

    I completely understand the frustration other players suffer from on the matter but it fit the way I play the game pretty well. In Conquest and Birthrights I always favor the Royals and Corrin above the other units with a few notable exceptions (Silas, Kaden, etc.) I even get them into S-Class relationships quickly so I can add their kids to the roster. So Revelations buckling down on the Royals actually fit my preferences for the game quite well.

    I also very much appreciated that you get such a wide selection of characters. Even though non-Royals require a significantly higher amount of grinding in order to remain relevant, you still get your pick of the litter out of all characters from both paths. The support between the opposing families felt wholesome, and wide range of strategies utilizing both families offers is very nice as well.

    Lastly, Anankos was the hardest of the three villains (Garon and Takumi being the other two). This in turn made finally defeating him all the more satisfying.

    1. The maps are pretty dreadful

    This one I found to be entirely true. One or two of the gimmicks they used were a fun sort of challenging but overall it was done far too often on this path to be at all enjoyable.

    If they had been spread out more and we were given some more "normal" maps this would be more debatable but as it stands I think this aspect of Revelations gets all the hate that it's due.

    Revelations remains my favorite only because I believe #1 and the following #3 overshadow this particular flaw.

    1. The story

    Here's the other unpopular opinion that will almost certainly cost me a few upvotes.

    I don't think that Fates stories in the three paths are as bad as everyone makes them out to be. On their own they're decent, it's when compared to the other stories from other Fire Emblem games that they become so apparently subpar. B- is an okay grade on its own, but when you're used to A+ it seems pretty dreadful.

    So you can understand why I like Revelations the most, I'll lay out my opinion on the stories from all three paths.

    Birthrights: Certainly this one has the best overarching story of the three. The gimmick is that you follow your conscience over your heart and pick the family who you don't quite love yet but know to be good and peaceful people over the bloodlusted family you do know and love. Considering the fact that Corrin is mostly centered around the concept of being so idealistic he borders on naivety, this path makes more sense than Conquest in that he probably genuinely believes he can get his siblings to see their father for the man he truly is.

    Conquest: This one has the weakest narrative of the three IMO, following the idea that you trust your heart and pick your morally questionable adoptive family over your righteous blood family. It largely contradicts the morals we see instilled within Corrin from previous chapter, as well as those in Birthrights and Revelations. Corrin trusts people to a fault and that is an omnipresent character flaw regardless of path. This is the only one where he is made to be an outright idiot and overly naïve. Knowing what he does about Garon and Nohr, anyone could have known that this path would have done more harm than good. Sure enough it did, as many of the people Corrin intends to spare or save end up dying.

    Revelations: I think this one also has a pretty weak story, but is slightly better than Conquest in that it does not sacrifice characterization and rely to heavily on PIS to make itself. A lot of questions I had going into it were left unanswered (and were then later answered via Hidden Truths). Revelations had a distinct lack of revelations, and was not as it was advertised to be. However, IMO it had by far the best ending. For me personally, the ending is the most important part since it is what you are left to sit with when all is said and done, and Revelations delivers in a way the other two paths just don't. Not only is there the obvious plus side of not having to kill any siblings and Azura surviving, the conclusion makes the most sense. Both Conquest and Birthrights advertise their respective endings as though they are happy when they so obviously are not. Both end with two dead siblings and (depending on your S-Class relationship status) either your best friend or your wife. And it annoys me to no end that this is so easily glanced over. In both cases the surviving siblings basically go "You're in-part/entirely responsible for the death of my older brother and baby sister/younger brother, but that's what under the bridge! I still love you!". Both paths make it feel as though there are virtually no consequences to your decision to side with one family over the other and that everyone can still be buddy buddy after the fact. In the case of Revelations however, Corrin makes it clear that he cannot pick one over the other, which absolutely makes more sense for a peaceful resolution than the prior paths.

    Simply put that in all three paths Corrin has the same idealist dream in which he can have both families. In game where all three paths claim to have a happy ending, Revelations is the only one that actually is.

    submitted by /u/Son-of-the-Dragon
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    Does anyone have their own "tier" system of Regalia?

    Posted: 11 Sep 2021 02:11 PM PDT

    Been on my mind for a while and I just kinda wanted to share it. I know i'm not the only one who does this, but I like to sort of categorize the various divine equipment in the series into three tiers.

    Tier 1 is the Big Boys n' Gals. Stuff that's creme de la creme of divine stuff in their own world. Stuff like Falchion, Book of Naga, Binding Blade, and pretty much any "this thing does something special against the final boss" kinda thing.

    Tier 2 is the lil' boys n' gals. In my mind, these are the regalia that seem to be on par with those above them, but lack one thing that those above them have. Durandal isn't effective against Idunn unlike the BB, Siegfried is affected by dragonskin whereas the yato is only partially, that kinda stuff.

    Lastly the tier 3 kiddos. They don't really have... well anything of note in lore or whatever. But they seem to either be one of a kind strong weapons, or local historical stuff of semi importance. Basilikos has more might than Armads, but Armads is still the better dragon killer. You also got Gurrgurant, which is strong AF with it's 20 might, but who knows where the damn thing came from.

    Well, that's the general gist of what i've got. Although there are a few outliers like Sol Katti. It's supposedly not as strong as the 8 legendary weapons of Elibe, but it at least is better at taking on dragons than the regal blade (if we ignore it's gameplay performance cuz good lord). There's also Hauteclere which is said to be as strong as the three regalia, but no one knows where it comes from, which should put it in tier 3 by my standards, but i'm a little iffy on it. And then there are the twin relics of Magvel, which should all be in the tier 1 category, but having 10 tier 1 divine weapons just doesn't sit right with me. I'm a hypocrite to my own rules.

    Anyways, what do you guys do?

    submitted by /u/PandaShock
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