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    Saturday, September 25, 2021

    Fire Emblem [OC] Painted Hilda and Marianne ^^

    Fire Emblem [OC] Painted Hilda and Marianne ^^

    [OC] Painted Hilda and Marianne ^^

    Posted: 25 Sep 2021 08:19 AM PDT

    Knowing Time Betrays…

    Posted: 25 Sep 2021 06:53 AM PDT

    [OC] End of the War of 1181 (colorized)

    Posted: 25 Sep 2021 03:51 PM PDT

    (OC) Lucina Fanart

    Posted: 25 Sep 2021 02:50 AM PDT

    The Keyblade’s Witness (+ bonus ‘nort/Robin!Lucina) (commissioned by @TheGnomeChild)

    Posted: 25 Sep 2021 10:29 AM PDT

    Annette and Mercedes out on the town! (OC)

    Posted: 25 Sep 2021 03:18 PM PDT

    Finally finished The Binding, Blade, so here’s the brave soldiers that fought alongside Roy and saved Elibe.

    Posted: 25 Sep 2021 11:03 AM PDT

    Meme I made appreciating the fun part of Battle Forecast Reactions

    Posted: 25 Sep 2021 07:27 PM PDT

    Is Tokyo Mirage Sessions worth playing for a Fire Emblem fan?

    Posted: 25 Sep 2021 01:39 PM PDT

    I've played most of the FE games multiple times at this point and with the latest Nintendo Direct it looks like we aren't getting anything new any time soon.

    Is Tokyo Mirage Sessions worth it for a Fire Emblem fan? I've dabbled with the Shin Megami Tensei series but never really got into it.

    What were the high or low points for you?

    submitted by /u/CadmeusCain
    [link] [comments]

    Fire Emblem: Three Houses X Disco Elysium

    Posted: 25 Sep 2021 09:30 AM PDT

    New Video Essay on FE Supports!

    Posted: 25 Sep 2021 12:03 PM PDT

    I have a question about legendary weapons in Nohr and Hoshido.

    Posted: 25 Sep 2021 02:43 PM PDT

    right now, i'm strangely tired, so my rambling may seem very disorganized. Anyways

    I was looking through the FE wiki for fates lore because it's my favorite game, and because I was bored. What stood out to me was that the rainbow sage made 5 divine weapons in the war against the other 11 dragons duking it out for dominance. Now the usual case for dragon made weapons is that the dragon makes a pact with a human, and voila. Ultra Gains, and a cool sword to go with it. but the rainbow sage never bestowed his unruly gains onto humans, just the weapons, yet it seems that not everybody is even capable of using them. So I want to ask, why? One idea I had is that if anyone wanted to wield Siegfried, they would need to learn how to use it specifically. Xander is the canonical wielder, but we know through extra material that Siegbert, Garon, and Leo are capable of wielding it. Similar with Takumi's Fujin Yumi and Hinoka using it in Cipher. So like, zoinks scoob, what is the deal man?

    submitted by /u/PandaShock
    [link] [comments]

    TIL That you can check shop items in the battle prep screen in FE7

    Posted: 25 Sep 2021 09:15 AM PDT

    Blazing Blade was my first FE game, I've owned it for nearly 6 years and played it several times, yet it was not until today that I learned that you can check what shops have for sale on the battle prep screen by just clicking them on the map. It's not incredibly useful, but it's a cool thing to know/

    submitted by /u/Logans_Login
    [link] [comments]

    [Review] Finished Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn. The conclusion of a brilliant story

    Posted: 25 Sep 2021 05:51 AM PDT

    Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn review

    A sequel to the perfect Path of Radiance, it did lived to my expectations, the story was great as a sequel even though I didin't enjoy too much the final act but it was the right conclusion.

    Here is the review I made for Path of Radiance.


    After Ike's actions Crimea gained control over Daein but gave their rights to Begnion because they already had enough trouble rebuilding their Country than focus on another one. The Laguz and Beorc got more friendly due to Ike's actions and the Leaders of the Laguz countries having a new respect towards them.

    Goldoa remains the same as always, they don't want anything to do with WAR or fights, even after what Daein did to King Deguinsea's son.

    This new adventure starts with Daein and how the people are being abused by Begnion's Senate for whatever reason, maybe they wanted to stomp on the weak? Its human nature to do that, especially when the Apostle doesn't let them do what they want.

    Our new main characters (I was shocked to see that I wasn't going to use Ike) are a set of rebels in Daein trying to recover their Country and of course, they all hate Ike because while trying to get to Ashnard, the War destroyed Daein and the people were a collateral damage.

    • Kingdom Of Crimea: Elincia rules this country with love and care, but she's also very inexperienced as a ruler, she has something similar to the Senate of Begnion, a court of Nobles who crawled from whatever hole they were hiding and now play high and mighty wanting to undermine Elincia by spreading a seed of disconfort on the people of Crimea for giving away Daein, letting they rebuild and willing to have diplomatic relationships with them and of course the Laguz racial issues, even though those same Laguz helped them a lot on rebuilding Crimea (yeah people suck hard). Elincia has a rough time and she's one of the main characters of the game and we get to see her POV.
    • Kingdom of Daein: In control of Begnion, they're abusing the people of Daein with extremely high Taxes, torture, etc. You have the Dawn Brigade trying to fight against Begnion and there is a familiar face in a matured Sothe alonside the main character of the game, Micaiah, a girl with silver hair who can see the future (I really hated this, its why I can't take Byleth seriously) and thanks to her tactics she, alonside a group which call themselves the Dawn Brigade in honor of Micaiah who's known as the Maiden of Dawn, they fight to recover Daein.
    • Empire of Begnion: The Senate is trying to gain more and more control, being more aggressive in their actions, they're ruling Daein with an iron fist without the Apostle knowing and they enraged the Laguz, because Rafiel, a Heron that Micaiah saved, got to Galliah and told Tibarn and Reyson that it was the Senate who plotted the assasination of the previous Apostle and blamed the Herons for that. Gallia sent a letter supported by Phoenicis and Kilvas, but Begnion answer was to murder the messenger and burn the letter, this was seen as a declaration of WAR.

    The Laguz countries (except Goldoa) prepares for war against Begnion and they meet Ike's group and request his help which he will give because of their vital help in restoring Crimea and defeating the Mad King.

    This leads to an incredible conflict, Begnion and the Laguz at WAR means that Begion is fucked, Daein is reclaiming their rights and have them as enemies and the Laguz are very powerful, but the Senate are prepared.

    The Senate somehow uses Daein as allies and in turn Micaiah and the Dawn Brigade forces because their new King named Pelleas, son of Ashnard, decides to help Begnion for whatever reason and Begnion forces is lead by GENERAL ZELGIUS, who's probably the strongest Swordsman and tactical general in all of Tellius.

    Crimea's position is neutral, on one hand the Laguz helped them so much, but on the other they owe Begnion and they remind Crimea several times through actions. Elincia has a hard time dealing with this and the internal civil war in her own Country.

    You have the Tactical Genius Micaiah who can see the future alongside GENERAL ZELGIUS, the strongest man in Tellius against IKE Mercenary force and the Laguz who together defeated the Mad King.

    This conflict is just too EPIC and the gameplay makes you feel very immersed.


    Dawn Brigade and friends

    Micaiah (Light Mage):

    • Personality: She's the world for Sothe and is the leader of the rebellion in Daein, she supports the Prince Pelleas and obey his orders. She can see the future which means she's someone you don't want to face. I found her very annoying at several parts of the game and glad Sothe called out to her on her decisions but his purpose is still to protect her
    • Gameplay: She SUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCKS! She can erase Generals and Mounter units but her SPD is awful, and anything that glares at her make her die. Her job is to heal and gain enough light proficiency to use blessed PURGE.

    Sothe (Rogue):

    • Personality: I really like him, he's completely loyal to Micaiah, sees her as family and even more. His personality is more mature and is the co leader of the Dawn Brigade. He thinks like the player thinks, Micaiah often makes some weird decision he calls her out for.
    • Gameplay: He's obviously a trap, he's the TITANIA of Radiant Dawn (ends up way worse), he starts high leveled and can 1HKO enemies, but that would mean less experience for the Trash Brigade. When they catch up to him... He's not that good, he does use Beast Killer which helps tremendously since they face Laguz all the time. Knives having a two ranged option helps a lot. You need to use him even if you don't want, but his capacity for stealing helps a lot given how broke the Dawn Brigade is.

    Edward (Swordmaster):

    • Personality: A kid who wants to become a strong swordsman. Is very friendly with his friends but other than that he faded in the plot due to others deserving more screentime.
    • Gameplay: He starts extremely weak, but once he gets going he's very strong! I see everywhere that its suggested to pair him with Leonardo, but I prefer Nolan if I'm going to use him. Overall he was extremely solid during the whole game, his Light affinity is not that good for a Swordmaster. He gets a unique weapon which raises his LUCK by 8 which helps for his evasion.

    Nolan (Warrior):

    • Personality: He looks cool, but... meh
    • Gameplay: The Haar of the Dawn Brigade, he's the one you need to focus all of your resources on. Having Earth Affinity means he's crucial for characters like Edward or Zihark. He's very solid all game long, and he gets a unique Weapon which helps him even more by giving him 5 DEF. As a Warrior he gets Crossbows, so he can be a Laguz slayer if you give him Beast Foe, which I didn't get in my first run because I didnt know.

    Leonardo (Sniper):

    • Personality: His support conversations with Edward are... too friendly lol, but hey if that's the path they want to go, be happy.
    • Gameplay: He fucking sucks! But if you put resources on him ahead of Jill, he turns out quite decent, he's the only archer of the Dawn Brigade and you often needs his range to chip in things, but his advantage is that in comparison to Jill, you only need to give him levels instead of stat boosts. His unique Weapon called Lughnasadh, gives him 5 speed but is very light weight, very strong and accurate, which makes Leonardo someone very useful to invest on, especially to deal with Winged Laguz. His other advantage is that you play on the defense most of the game so you can easily have him in a safe spot killing things from far.

    Laura (Priest):

    • Personality: A really sweet church girl, not sure why she sticked with the group though.
    • Gameplay: She's crucial, she can help Micaiah grow without taking away others experience by having Micaiah use Sacrifice to heal and then Laura healing her.

    Ilyana (Thunder Sage):

    • Personality: She is still hungry.
    • Gameplay: 30 growth on SPD... yikes... But Thunder is very useful at the end of the game so maybe that could help her be more useful.

    Aran (Solider):

    • Personality: Decided to fight for Laura so he betrayed his employer. Honestly I don't blame him.
    • Gameplay: Ugh... forget about him, low speed means he gets doubled and can't double anything. As an early tank he works, but he's not worth it.

    Volug (Wolf):

    • Personality: He is actually a pretty sweet guy, cares for Micaiah a lot.
    • Gameplay: Trying to figure him out, he destroys everything when you get him but get 1 EXP, but when you need him he just sucks... I didn't know you could take out Wild Heart in part 3, going to try that so he can be more powerful. I tried to give Skimir Wild Heart and he got 1HKO easily making him look like trash, perhaps Volug is being hold down by that skill.

    Jill (Dragonmaster):

    • Personality: A conflicting character who betrays everyone easily, too easily, has a huge boner for Haar and if he talks to her she betrays her Country... again.
    • Gameplay: Often seen as the best character in the game, I decided to invest a Seraph Robe, Energy Drop and Secret Book, she took over the game fast, she was destroying everything so easily and this time her STR was growing. But those were three stat boosters I spent on her... Especially when I would be on the defensive in later chapters... Without stat boosters she suck HARD, I tried to level her on the last map (of 1st chapter on a second playthrough) and she couldn't hit anything given how low her SKILL was. She's worth the investment, a Flying Axe user with Canto is great, but without stat boosters she sucks.

    Zihark (Swordmaster):

    • Personality: I laughed hard at his conversation with Meg (Brom's daughter who he told her that her fiancé was Zihark, she 's on the heavy side and has a round cute face, worst unit of the game). He has a very cool design.
    • Gameplay: When Edward catches up to him he has better stats than Zihark, but Zihark has Earth Affinity which means he will always be superior to Edward no matter what he does, so why invest in Edward when you have Zihark? The answer is to use Edward because you need another offensive unit and he does help Leonardo. But Zihark should be getting the EXP when enemies start giving him real EXP and not 1 EXP. Earth Affinity plus Nolan Earth Affinity means +45 AVOID, that's insane.

    Tauroneo (General):

    • Personality: Very loyal to Daein (he's even more loyal to Greil, I can't believe he really betrayed Daein last game). He does what must be done and is King Pelleas shield and advisor.
    • Gameplay: He's a fantastic meat shield!

    Tormod (Fire Sage):

    • Personality: I really like him and how devoted he's to help the Laguz. Love his interactions with Sothe.
    • Gameplay: A mage who can double things? Has high mobility? Good damage? Is this a dream?! Yeah it's a dream because he disappears most of the game... Take away Celerity ASAP and give it to Rafiel or whoever needs it.

    Vika (Hawk):

    • Personality: I like her personality a lot, shame she's out most of the game.
    • Gameplay: Meh. Great growths but that's it.

    Muarim (Tiger):

    • Personality: Very calm and collected, like him a lot, hated what Izuka did to him, fuck that scum.
    • Gameplay: Meh. Bad availability.

    Fiona (Lance Paladin):

    • Personality: Honestly she is quite interesting! Had a really cool design as well, she had potential but disappeared from the plot.
    • Gameplay: If you put resources on her (and I mean every single resource), she can be very good, she is a great defensive unit who is also an Earth Affinity user, so you add the Earth affinity, the 60 SPD growth, the 55 DEF and 50 RES growth plus the normal 40 STR, you get one strong unit. I think she can become amazing, but requires a lot of dedication to make her work. Her other main problem is that the DB chapters are horrible for Paladins. She is a contender with Meg and Lyre for the worst character in the game, the amount of resources you need to put on her... Its better to put them on Jill.

    Crimean Royal Knights and friends


    • Personality: Taking the mantle as a Queen as a gentle girl who wants to help people, she's getting abused by her counsel group of Nobles and they want her power, but she fights for the people of her Country and is doing a great job.
    • Gameplay: Best healer in the game and a life saver in the latest maps, being able to heal and Canto away as a flyer is amazing.

    Geoffrey (Lance Paladin):

    • Personality: The game is hinting at people saying he's in love or in bed with Elincia and they're using that to attack her. I really like him, he's very loyal and a great leader.
    • Gameplay: While he's not a end game unit, being second tier five levels away from third tier while also having Brave Lance, makes him a very powerful unit when you play the CRK chapters.

    Lucia (Swordmaster):

    • Personality: I really like her, she had a lot of protagonism when she was the lead and had some fantastic moments with Elincia. Both her old and new design look badass.
    • Gameplay: She's very powerful as an end game unit, having Earth Affinity and inmense SPD growth makes her cap her SPD quite fast and if bonding with another Earth user, she can be very deadly. She was one of my best units.

    Bastian (Arch Sage):

    • Personality: Working on the shadows and putting a show when in public, he's quite the character. Has a very public crush over Lucia, honestly she's my favorite female character in the game after Elincia, both those girl rock and I understand why Bastian tries to court Lucia when he can.
    • Gameplay: A high level magic user with great SPD? Bring him! He was an endgame unit for me and glad I took my chances, he was crucial alongside Sanaki and Micaiah to three shot a Dragon from one country away.

    Marcia (Falcon Knight):

    • Personality: Still based her life around her useless brother, but this time she's more of an emotional shoulder for Elincia.
    • Gameplay: They did my girl very dirty, low bases, not enough time to even try to rescue her. She's garbage this game compared to how great she was in POR.

    Haar (Dragon Master):

    • Personality: Still the same sleeping dude who can speak with his Dragon.
    • Gameplay: He's one of the best characters in the game, needs only one speedwing to boss everyone and solo an entire map by himself. His huge weakness are those frigging Priests with Sleep staves.

    Kieran (Axe Paladin):

    • Personality: Had Oscar issues in the past and now he has Geoffrey issues this time around.
    • Gameplay: He's very strong in the CRK chapters, he can tank a fair bit but his SPD is on the lower side which means he won't double anyone.

    Makalov (Sword Paladin):

    • Personality: Still a scum, but somehow he made Astrid fall in love with him, ugh.
    • Gameplay: I had him killed.

    Astrid (Bow Knight):

    • Personality: They did her dirty, from refusing to marry the Begnion Senate antagonist to getting with Makalov? She had a great background and could've been much better, but cases like her happen frequently IRL.
    • Gameplay: There is little time to make her strong, she comes with Paragon, decent growths and could become a very solid unit if needed. But you will probably need to invest a lot of resources on her.

    Devdan (Halbedier): He was an item bot for Ike's team, I used him to deliver the Speedwing to Haar.

    Nephenee (Halbedier):

    • Personality: She came back from war to pick up her Spear again to fight one more time. She has an awesome design.
    • Gameplay: One of my favorites! Can 1HKO, tank both physical and magical attacks, great speed, how can you not love her? What she can't fly or use a horse? Put her on a choke point and good luck getting past her. Had her support Mia and that duo was my strongest attack.

    Brom (General):

    • Personality: I had to remember where exactly I met him from POR. He was quite cool here, a normal Dad who went to war to have a safe place for his family that had to take the Axe again.
    • Gameplay: He's good in the chapters he's in, helps Nephi gets experience and few things can seriously hurt him.

    Heather (Rogue):

    • Personality: Love her personality, she loves girls and it add a lot of funny interactions, plus she's sweet towards Nephi.
    • Gameplay: A thief bot, but those are extremely useful overall given how broke you get that you can't even buy healing items with how expensive they are, so she becomes quite useful.

    Calill (Fire Sage):

    • Personality: I really like her, adopted Amy and settled with Largo, surprised it was her and not Largo who joined the fight. I liked her role as a Mom.
    • Gameplay: She's pretty awesome but suffers from availability sadly. Not worth it.

    Naeluchi (Raven):

    • Personality: I really like him, he loves Leanne like a daughter and treats the almighty King of Kilvas as a kid since he basically raised him. He is a pretty cool dude.
    • Gameplay: He is great when he is available, but I often have him baby sit Leanne.

    Leanne (Heron):

    • Personality: She is absolutely lovely, not her looks alone, but the way she wants to fight and be more like Elincia, how she helped her as an emotional shoulder when she cried herself out towards Leanne was great to see, she actually healed Elincia's heart which was troubled by the huge stress she was on. She is also very important for Naesala who seems like someone who only thinks of himself, but wants to protect Leanne at all costs.
    • Gameplay: Easily the worst Heron. Useful when she is the only one available but if Reyson or Rafiel are available, there is no reason to pick her other than you like her as a character.

    Lethe and Mordecai got taken away their personality and just plain suck, Lyre suck as a unit but her interactions with Lethe are really sweet.

    Greil Mercenaries and friends, lots of friends

    Ike (Vanguard):

    • Personality: Same old Ike, same old typical JRPG protagonist. Loved his ending with his rival, the way they both acknowledged each other was great. They're all pretty much the same from Path of Radiance so gonna skip the personality comments.
    • Gameplay: Doesn't feel as strong as other units, especially on the final maps, even at max STR he has a hard time dealing and receiving damage, maybe because I didn't include Oscar who gives him +45 avoid. He was good.

    Titania (Axe Paladin):

    • Gameplay: The strongest Paladin in the game and its not even close. She is the reason Kieran can't have a spot on the final team. But to be fair, she wasn't in my final team, and yeah, my final team didn't had a single Paladin.

    Soren (Wind Sage):

    • Gameplay: Wind sucks, his SPD is low. He's garbage.

    Mist (Valkyrie):

    • Gameplay: She's AWESOME! Being able to Canto her way to heal people was useful, until I got Elincia, she was one of my greatest.

    Rolf (Snipper):

    • Gameplay: One of the greatest characters in the game, this little kid can 1HKO a frigging DRAGON! Don't understand what that means? Those motherfuckers make the Royal Laguz their bitch, Ike gets fucked if he gets hit by TWO attacks only. Rolf can 1HKO those frigging tanks! Not even Haar can do this and only the Swordmasters, but there are not many Wyrm Slayers available and there are a LOT of Dragons.

    Boyd (Warrior):

    • Gameplay: Can 1HKO things late game, but Titania, Haar and Jill can do the same, so why pick him?

    Oscar (Lance Paladin):

    • Gameplay: Ahhh the great Oscar, with a high 60 SPD and having an Earth affinity, he can link with Ike to make an extremely strong duo, being a mount gives him a lot of versatility as well. Didn't pick him and Ike suffered a lot.

    Shinon (Snipper):

    • Gameplay: If I knew how broken Snippers are in this game, I would've used both him and Rolf. I always favored Rolf over him, but Shinon could probably end up as broken as Rolf with less investment in giving away last hits to Rolf. Plus Shinon is quite tanky.

    Gatrie (General):

    • Gameplay: They just suck, he's useless against Dragons too because the White ones will destroy him.

    Rhys (Bishop):

    • Gameplay: No reason to play him over Mist, but I used both and they were valuable.

    Mia (Swordmaster):

    • Gameplay: The GOAT, the MVP, the best character in the game in my first run, not even the Royals or Haar can compete with her. She has a crazy high avoid, can support Nephi and both become unstoppable, the enemies just can't hit them. She's completely amazing.

    Ranful (Cat):

    • Gameplay: He was useful when I had to use him, but he was annoyingly squishy and his Laguz transformation was too short.

    Reyson (Heron):

    • Gameplay: Same as Leanne, his shifted form can DANCE multiple units. But Rafiel is superior.

    Janaff and Ulki (Hawks):

    • Gameplay: While I dislike Laguz, these two guys are AWESOME!! Ulki especially, his skill lets him avoid almost anything.

    Sigrun (Falcon Knight):

    • Gameplay: Ahhh finally! I waited so long to play her and she was really amazing to use, her bases are really solid, being a flying unit gave her versatility and overall she was just very solid as a mage killer.

    Tanith (Falcon Knight):

    • Gameplay: She's very strong!! She starts with great bases and is worth to EXP dump on her for the ultimate tier. She bosses maps easily with Canto and her magical Swords. She's EARTH!! Means she is very valuable overall.

    Sanaki (Empress):

    • Gameplay: Suffers from the issues that plagues the other mages, but since she's locked I had to user her. Blessed Meteor and she was very valuable by hitting things from far.

    Skrimir (Lion):

    • Gameplay: He is pretty strong! Gave him Wild Heart and it sucked... Overall he is quite solid, he suffered in the desert...

    Tibarn (ROYAL Hawk)

    • Gameplay: The second best character after Mia, he bosses the whole Map if he wants to and remains extremely solid at all phases of the game given his crazy avoid.

    Naesala (ROYAL Raven)

    • Gameplay: Couldn't try him much but he feels similar to Tibarn.

    Stefan (Swordmaster):

    • Gameplay: Not as a great as last game, but he remains very useful and adds a lot to the plot. I really didn't expect his history to be like that, loved him as a character.

    Oliver (Light Sage):

    • Gameplay: Ugh... Has a decent SPD growth but not worth it.

    Volke (Assasin):

    • Gameplay: Amazing! But sadly you're locked with Sothe... So having two users of the worst weapon of the game is not fun.

    Kurthnaga (DRAGON):

    • Gameplay: He can't hit :/ He actually suck, but can be useful to wall the Dragons off since they refuse to attack him.

    Ena (DRAGON):

    • Gameplay: Same as Kurth..

    Caineghis (ROYAL Lion):

    • Gameplay: I played him like I play Tibarn and he got fucked by the White Dragons .__.

    Giffca (Lion):

    • Gameplay: Didn't use him.

    Renning (Lance Paladin):

    • Gameplay: Didn't use him, but seemed quite bad.

    Gareth (RED Dragon):

    • Gameplay: He got fucked by Lehran from one country apart...

    Nasir (WHITE Dragon):

    • Gameplay: More useful than all of the rest of the Dragons, magical damage was quite useful.

    Tier List

    • SS: Tibarn, Haar, Mia
    • S: Nephenee, Jill, Titania, Naesala, Caineghis, Nailah, Lucia, Zihark.
    • A: Nolan, Rolf, Shinon, Oscar, Volke, Elincia, Ulki, Rafiel, Reyson, Giffca, Nailah. Ike.
    • B: Edward, Boyd, Sigrun, Tanith, Kieran, Geoffrey, Sothe, Mist, Ranulf, Janaff, Kurthnaga, Nasir, Leanne, Stefan.
    • C: Micaiah, Soren, Bastian, Marcia, Tauroneo, Gatrie, Heather, Rhys, Sanaki, Skrimir, Ena, Renning, Gareth, Volug.
    • D: Aran, Danved, Leonardo, Ilyana, Calill, Tormod, Brom, Laura, Oliver, Muarim, Naeluchi.
    • E: Meg, Fiona, Astrid, Makalov, Lethe, Mordecai, Kyza, Vika, Lyre.

    Mia is probably one of the most broken character I have played as in Fire Emblem (Robin is pretty up there too), I gave her Adept and she destroyed everything, then I gave her Daunt plus Support with Neph and they were both just wrecking things. Adept + Vantage+ Daunt = unkillable. She's like the kids from the future of Awakening, she dodges and solo maps without problem, her only issue is that when she activates Astra it eats the weapons especially against Generals or Dragons.


    • Three different POV from the same WAR was just amazing to experience.
    • The plot is amazing, the story continue and it managed to grasp human nature in Crimea people hating on Elincia when she saved them from the worst possible scenario.
    • The Laguz were a lot more fun to use this time around.
    • The feeling of despair in the story was captured in the gameplay, when you had all the odds against you but you had to play the map and try to find a victory, there were many fights that I thought I was soft locked, but felt great when I won.
    • Sothe was an amazing self aware on the story, many of our questions as a player towards Micaiah's stupidity were reflected on Sothe questioning her decisions, like having that sudden loyalty towards a puppet King...
    • The game managed a HUGE SCALE conflict, they could've fucked up multiple times but it was handled in a great way. The writing was amazing.
    • On the previous topic, maps like 2-E with Elincia vs the world where she and Lucia got outplayed hard, Micaiah and Black Knight vs the assasins of the night, Micaiah and the Dawn Brigade defense against the Greil Mercenaries, those made me feel very immersed in how all the odds were stacked against me in both the plot and the gameplay, there were soooooooo many enemies and most of the time the enemies were much better than my unit. This is something few games have ever done to me and I felt goosebumps at those epic moments..
    • The conclusion of Ike vs Black Knight was just amazing. The respect they had for each other to remember Greil/Gawain while fighting was a great way remember him.
    • The identity of the Black Knight was kind of obvious to me since I was keeping my eye on someone with those characteristics, but his actions made me question my hunch.
    • On the topic of powerful people, GENERAL ZELGIUS was just amazing! It's impressive how well he repelled the Laguz plus Ike for the first time and how great of a person he is overall. Massive respect towards him.
    • Lehran was another one I didn't expect to be so involved in the overall plot, I kind of understand him, the Laguz were being slaved and no one was moving a finger to avoid a conflict, so he just made a massive conflict happen to end it all. He got triggered hard by the Seron massacre, no wonder he lost all faith.
    • The game was full of surprises to the very end, I really really didn't expect the real identity of Micaiah, I was shocked and didn't see it coming at all. Same for who Stefan and SOREN really are, I was absolutely shocked at their true identities.
    • The map design was awesome! It became quite vertical this time and it was a lot of fun.
    • I loved how HARD the game was. It was absolutely brutal, the AI wanted me DEAD, they wanted to destroy me with everything they had and didn't hold anything back, the AI was smart on pulling me to make specific plays while making other moves I wasn't expecting to hurt me more.
    • I'm glad there was a very specific reason as to why Naesala did what he did, I really didn't see it coming.


    • The graphics of portraits and menus look really bad quality... The design of characters look great but they're too pixelated...
    • Micaiah is just annoying in general, the game is self aware of how frustrating she is by inserting some comments from Sothe. But her loyalty towards Pelleas was what shocked me the most, she knows he is just an inexperienced puppet, so why follow his orders? She could've easily take the Crown from him and decide to not help Begnion since it was the best for Daein. But we all find out why he had to help them, stupid naive King.
    • While the story was making a road towards a conflict with the Goddess, it felt too out of place and annoying as a trope... I much prefer Path of Radiance approach. But this was the only possible ending
    • Micaiah seeing the future was extremely annoying on the plot.
    • There are some units that just suck way too hard and you need to invest a lot to make them at least useable.
    • Hard mode removing the range indicator and the weapon triangle was extremely annoying.
    • Elincia didn't end up with Ike, like what the actual fuck? I guess she ended up with Geoffrey, but she clearly had a crush on Ike in Path of Radiance.
    • Ike's ending... Did he got Isekai'd somewhere? I remember years ago I got him in Fates. Kind of a meh ending for him honestly, but I understand that he isn't the type of man Elincia needs and she isn't the type of woman he needed. Ike's a mercenary, he loves that lifestyle. I do wonder who did he end up with... Aimee?? I think Mia makes the most sense since they practiced together nearly every day and they're same age.
    • The Dawn Brigade basically ceased to exist after Chapter 1, Edward, Nolan, Leonardo barely had any relevance to the plot at all... I wanted more protagonism from them. It was basically Micaiah and Sothe.
    • The yellow units chapter were kinda annoying, I understand why they had to be there but it would've been cool to have an option to skip all animations and put you directly in the next turn similar to Three Houses


    Overall I had an amazing time with Radiant Dawn, it has some issues , especially compared to the master piece of its prequel, but the plot was awesome and the war at such a scale was just great overall.

    The writing of the game is superb, the character development, knowing the true Lore, tactical outplays, capturing human nature, music, gameplay, this game was a lot of fun!

    Overall I give this game a:


    submitted by /u/Radinax
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    Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia. The Most Unlikely Fire Emblem Remake. A deep look into the behind the scenes development of SoV! (Video)

    Posted: 25 Sep 2021 10:11 AM PDT

    So I made an RPG.

    Posted: 25 Sep 2021 08:48 AM PDT

    A while ago, I was playing Fire Emblem: Awakening and I had an idea. I thought, "This would make a good role-playing game, sort of like dungeons & dragons." I became so enamored with the idea, that I decided to go and actually make the thing! I'd like to give a special thanks to Xeohelios for inspiring me to actually follow through with the idea, and fireemblemwiki.org for the raw numerical information. If you'd like to check it out, you can download the pdf at https://shadybrain-entertainment.itch.io/the-unofficial-fire-emblem-role-playing-game I do plan on releasing a book with Awakening lore, expanded enemy classes, mechanics more loyal to the original, and more! I will also plan on releasing books for the other Fire Emblem games. I hope everyone who plays this has a lot of fun, and if there's anything you think I can do better, please comment here or on the site above.

    submitted by /u/Tigerman2134
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    Fire Emblem 6 Chinese Version - Explanation in Comments

    Posted: 25 Sep 2021 07:29 AM PDT

    YES!!! FINALLY!!! After getting that bridge key as a hidden treasure in chapter 3, I couldn't find a single hidden treasure anywhere! Even though I tried searching through the strangest corners of the Archanean maps...(Chapter 4...) BUT NO! THIS WAS SATISFYING!!

    Posted: 25 Sep 2021 08:38 AM PDT

    What Is The Best Class For Male Robin?

    Posted: 25 Sep 2021 02:41 PM PDT

    I'm Playing Fire Emblem Awakening And I Want To Know Which Class Is Best For Male Robin. I Want To Decide Between Sorcerer And Grandmaster.

    submitted by /u/SmashLegend25
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    Opinions on Ranked Runs?

    Posted: 25 Sep 2021 09:50 AM PDT

    So, a number of us are familiar with the Rankings system from the Jugdral and GBA sagas. They encourage players to play meticulously so as to avoid stalling, manage resources, etc., with a high rank, and sometimes bonus content, as a reward.

    I'm wondering: is all the effort genuinely worth achieving the "optimal" playthrough, so to speak? Or does it only get in the way of enjoying the game in the long run?

    I find myself to be a perfectionist of sorts. I tend to try saving valuable equipment for fear of it going to waste. If a unit goes down, the whole map is getting a do-over. I'm not one for LTC, but I try not to take TOO long. Eventually, I end up feeling burned-out after completing a few maps in succession, while feeling closer to my goal of a solid run at the same time.

    What about you? Where do you draw the line in the topic of ranked runs?

    submitted by /u/castle_seized
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    Today I beat Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade for the first time! (Eliwood’s path) Here’s my final team!

    Posted: 25 Sep 2021 07:20 AM PDT

    [ OC ] Designed outfits of Roy and Lilina + bonus art of Lilina

    Posted: 25 Sep 2021 08:03 PM PDT

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