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    Monday, September 20, 2021

    Fire Emblem Smash Anna Comission by @p_fritzart on Twitter

    Fire Emblem Smash Anna Comission by @p_fritzart on Twitter

    Smash Anna Comission by @p_fritzart on Twitter

    Posted: 20 Sep 2021 01:31 PM PDT

    Imperial Year 1210, Day 20 of the Horsebow Moon: Byleth's birthday with the family

    Posted: 20 Sep 2021 08:53 AM PDT

    Robin and Tiki having a picnique (commission by Pitdoo)

    Posted: 20 Sep 2021 01:24 PM PDT

    Corrin and Felicia (Commission by RedKite)

    Posted: 20 Sep 2021 04:08 AM PDT

    Chibi Eirika I drew! Thinking about turning her into a pin sometime.

    Posted: 20 Sep 2021 08:52 AM PDT

    this card just came in the mail, signed by Edelgard's voice actor

    Posted: 20 Sep 2021 08:32 PM PDT

    Mechanists in Birthright: The Incredible Overlooked Class

    Posted: 20 Sep 2021 09:26 AM PDT

    Replicate is an incredibly broken skill in Fates that can double the number of actions a unit can take after spending a turn to use the "Replicate" command, but I don't really see much talk about it online. The units will share inventories while being independently controlled, allowing for two different actions in a single player phase. It should be pretty clear that doubling a unit's potential damage output in a player phase is pretty broken, but that's not all there is to the skill. What's done to one of the two replicated units is done to the other, allowing for interesting strategies like:

    • Inventory management (for instance, attacking with a Guard Naginata on a replicant after using a Silver Naginata on the main unit leaves both of them with the Guard Naginata equipped).

    • Stat boosts from rallies apply to both units, allowing you to keep your support units a safe distance from battle while still buffing the replicants of your frontline units.

    • The two units share an HP bar, which may seem like a bad thing until you realize you can do remote healing on a frontline unit by healing its replica instead, allowing for more flexibility in action order and giving some wiggle room for player error.

    • Doubling the range of "aura"-type skill (though they don't self-stack).

    • Spy's Shuriken + Poison Strike chipping to set up kills for weaker units.

    • Personal skill buffs that occur when a unit chooses to "Wait" carry over.

    Things that aren't carried over include:

    • Pair-up bonuses (Though you can also give replicate to someone you use as a backpack)

    • Azura's "Sing" Command (As you probably know from the Valla chapter in Conquest), though if you have Replicate on a unit with Shelter, you can still increase the number of Sings per turn

    • Getting an action back from Azura's Sing

    • Support points and their respective bonuses

    In my current playthrough of Birthright Lunatic, I'll have Replicate on 10 units by endgame (F!Corrin, Jakob, Kana, Dwyer, Azama, Mitama, Saizo, Asugi, Takumi, Kiragi) just because the Mechanist class is such a nice class to pass through.

    At first, you might not think Mechanist Azama is too useful. Compared to his more common promotion route, Great Master, he loses 1 point of HP, Strength, Speed, and Resistance in exchange for a point of Movement. He loses access to Naginatas, including the Guard Naginata, leaving him with effectively a net -1 / -5 Def, -2 / -6 Res. He also loses staff utility, forcing you to either leave Jakob/Felicia as a Butler/Maid, or use Sakura or a captured Daniela. Turning Azama into a Mechanist also requires a Heart Seal, which you might have other plans for (though you shouldn't rush to promote Azama anyways since his monstrous stats keep him viable until endgame even with a level 10 promotion).

    But going into Mechanist provides a lot of extra benefits. Azama has access to Mechanist without the need to build relationship points through his secondary Apothecary tree, meaning you don't need to grind up relationship points for him. His near-useless Great Master pair-up bonuses get turned into +2 Str, +2 Def, +2 Res (which you can replicate to have in addition to the Azama you have on the frontlines). The reduction in Strength and speed in addition to the lower Might of shurikens may seem bad until you realize all shurikens give +2 speed and that +2 brass shurikens have the same Might as Javelins with 20 extra Hit, 10 Crit Evade, don't slow you down, are actually obtainable through the Dawn Armory in Birthright, and doesn't require the lengthy grind up to D-rank lances. Taking Azama out of a lance class means there's less competition for lances, allowing you to better distribute your specialty weapons between Silas, Hinoka, Oboro, etc. Speaking of which, you'll have two Azamas before you reach late game if you early promote for a lower internal level and EXP requirement to get to Replicate, so any investments you make in him with weapons, stat boosters, rallies, skills, etc. provides a greater benefit than with most other units.

    Bringing Takumi Mechanist seemed like a no-braner since it still lets Takumi use the Fujin Yumi (on one or both of his player phases) while allowing him to do more than stand at the very edge of a ranged enemy's range on enemy phase. This does require you to deploy Kagero or Setsuna with him for a while until you reach S-rank, though, but the middle part of Birthright is easy enough that his partner hogging a deployment spot for a few maps shouldn't matter too much.

    Passing Replicate and a Rally (probably Defense through A+ Scarlet or Speed through A+ Hinoka) to Corrin and Jakob's children give them incredible utility as effectively four independent staff/rally/backpack utility units without needing to invest much. This also frees Jakob to do (literally) double duty as a Paladin/Great Knight for combat, shelter singing, and/or being a backpack for Corrin in the late game.

    Thanks to the miracle of childbirth, we can bring Asugi (and Midori) into this world once Saizo (and Kaze) reach S-rank, allowing me to early promote my starter ninjas at level 10 (Saizo to Master Ninja at first to help with his speed) for an early stat bump and access to Replicate without worrying that they'll fall behind (or off a cliff) by the end of the game since I can always just grab their replacements. Even if they reach a point where their stats can't keep up, at least one of their weapon ranks and levels will be high enough to use replicate + poison strike + spy's shuriken to set up for kills on big threats.

    The earlier a Mechanist promotes, the more favorable their EXP curve will be in relation to the rest of the game even with their big promotion stat gains, allowing you to break the game earlier (reaching level 15 at around Chapter 20, just as the game starts to step up its difficulty), or funnel your EXP gains to your more high-investment units.

    And while I haven't done it on this playthrough, using Silas to propagate the Cavalier line through potential Replicate users (or early promoting to get it himself) can produce even more busted units and children if you're willing to do some extra planning with skill routes with the unlimited class changing items in the last third of the game.

    Of course, more experienced players will be more affected by the forced turn of downtime when using the Replicate command and generally won't need the extra filler combat or support units Replicate can provide, but not all of us play at that level. For mere mortals like me that don't play in the most efficient way, forget to tonic, use meals, or manage inventory, passing through Mechanist early for the skill can make life so much easier. Having the extra attacking unit on player phase to clean up after an unexpected miss, or a +2 Str/Def/Res pair-up, or a filler replicant to body block someone you left exposed, or the ability to remotely heal and rally a replicated frontline unit can make recovering from a missed input so much easier.

    submitted by /u/pqrslqsx
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    Who's your favourite healer in FE?

    Posted: 20 Sep 2021 06:31 AM PDT

    Hi everyone, it's been a while since I've done one of these (settling into uni blahblahblah) but I'm back to it now and asking the all important question...

    who is your favourite healer unit in Fire Emblem?

    I love Mist and L'arachel as characters and will always use them in playthroughs of their respective games. I also really like Clarine and Maribelle.

    submitted by /u/emtheghost__
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    Guys, if I were you, I'd invest on Shamir.

    Posted: 20 Sep 2021 08:36 AM PDT

    "Taking aim."

    submitted by /u/BrunoLDias
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    Regarding Nephenee’s Name

    Posted: 20 Sep 2021 11:00 AM PDT

    I've been thinking about Nephenee's name and it's really unique sounding. It got me wondering, is Nephenee a real world name? Or was it invented for her? Google searches lead me to believe the developers made her name up.

    submitted by /u/weaselboy123
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    What are some uncommon opinions you guys have?

    Posted: 20 Sep 2021 07:28 PM PDT

    Been a while since i've done a thread like this before. Anyways, what i'm looking for are opinions that you have that aren't really "unpopular" or controversial, but opinions or ideas that are hardly talked about. Lemme start.

    For some reason, I am absolutely peeved by weapons that give a bonus to strength/magic when equipped. Just increase the might by that amount, what's the big idea?

    Now I get it. Or at least I think I do. Getting +5 magic from apocalypse helps more than just increasing damage. It increases health restored from staves, and affects hit chance of offensive staves. I also get that making Fae's Divine stone have 28 might would be ridiculous because she'd literally wipe every dragon off the face of the planet until they're nothing but a fine mist, whisked away by natures wind, their ashes spread around the world giving nutrients to the soil, growing grass, animals eat the grass, the top of the food chain eat the animals eating the grass, and perpetuate the circle of life.

    But FUCK, it bothers me so much. The only weapon I tolerate that does this is Raijinto. Specifically because it gives +4 strength when in the user's inventory instead of needing to be equipped.

    alright, your turn.

    submitted by /u/PandaShock
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    It's been 84 years... (FE7)

    Posted: 20 Sep 2021 11:09 AM PDT

    Okay, more like sixteen, but last night I reached and beat Chapter 19xx in FE7 for the first time. I've owned this game for literally more than half my life and have always considered it too much trouble, but a desire to use the pandemic-time to clear up unfinished business in my life, both major and minor, pushed me to try it, and I succeeded!

    The chapter itself is surprisingly easy for a mega-super bonus level; Only had to reset once, and that was due to one of the Thieves stealing the damn Guiding Ring that I was going to promote Canas with. Never had an enemy Thief do that before.

    submitted by /u/Pinball_Lizard
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    Which is the worst Fire Emblem chapter storywise?

    Posted: 20 Sep 2021 06:43 AM PDT

    Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones - Lyon | Orchestral Cover

    Posted: 20 Sep 2021 07:36 AM PDT

    Continuing my first 0% growths run in FE8! Currently at chapter 13; the dreaded sand map draws ever closer...

    Posted: 20 Sep 2021 01:57 PM PDT

    What are your thoughts on the green units?

    Posted: 20 Sep 2021 05:10 PM PDT


    Posted: 20 Sep 2021 04:10 PM PDT

    So just got fire emblem fate conquest and I noticed it has dlc and other story path is it recommended that I get them or just ignore them cause I just go straight to 3 house if need be.

    submitted by /u/Tetchedtoe
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