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    Tuesday, October 5, 2021

    Fire Emblem Fates is such a fun game

    Fire Emblem Fates is such a fun game

    Fates is such a fun game

    Posted: 05 Oct 2021 10:08 AM PDT

    Autumn Annette

    Posted: 05 Oct 2021 02:09 PM PDT

    Comic I made about a burning question I have.

    Posted: 05 Oct 2021 06:47 AM PDT

    I Put God Shattering Star With MythBusters Mayhem

    Posted: 05 Oct 2021 01:50 PM PDT

    Day 5 of drawing Tharja each day for Inktober

    Posted: 05 Oct 2021 01:08 PM PDT

    Inktober - Dimitri

    Posted: 05 Oct 2021 02:36 PM PDT

    [OC] Halloween Rhea

    Posted: 05 Oct 2021 01:20 PM PDT

    Did you know?

    Posted: 05 Oct 2021 01:14 PM PDT

    Fates is fuckin weird when it comes to AS but that's what makes it so good. In most games, you have one AS. The formulas are different:

    FE1/2/3/4/15: AS = Speed - Weapon Weight (you can go into negative AS in FE4)

    FE5/6/7/8: AS = Speed - (Con - weapon weight)

    FE9/10/11/16: AS = Speed + (Str-weapon weight) (Three houses does str/5 - wt)

    FE12/13: Fuck weapon weight, all my homies hate weapon weight, your AS is just your speed.

    The thresholds for doubling are also different:

    FE1/2/4/15: Threshold of 1

    FE3: Threshold of 3. Well, aren't you special.

    FE5/6/7/8/9/10/11/12/16: Threshold of 4

    FE13/14: Threshold of 5

    Fates gives you Two types of AS; Offensive AS and Defensive AS.

    1. Offensive AS is How easy it is for you to double
      1. If your offensive AS is 5 or more bigger than your opponent's defensive AS, you double.
    2. Defensive AS is How hard is it for you to GET doubled
      1. If your defensive AS is 5 points or more lower than your opponent's DAS (Ex: you have 15 and your opponent has 20 or more), you get doubled. Otherwise, you don't get doubled.

    If you want to know what affects your offensive AS and what affects your defensive AS, Read the weapon description.


    1. Javelin weapon description: Weak to follow-ups (eff -5 spd). Cannot crit, trigger offensive skills, or follow-up.

    This means that the weapon lowers your defensive AS by 5 points. It doesn't lower your offensive AS, but that doesn't really matter because you can't double with it, to begin with.

    1. Steel sword weapon description: Makes follow-up attacks more difficult to perform (-3 effective Spd).

    This means that the weapon lowers your offensive AS by 3 points. It doesn't make it any easier for the enemies to double you, but it makes it harder for you to double.

    1. (This one's a bit weird) Steel shuriken weapon description: Makes follow-up attacks more difficult to perform (-3 effective Spd).

    Now you might think that this is the exact same thing as the steel sword, but remember: All toasters toast toast All shurikens give you +2 speed when equipping them. So what does that mean? Is that offensive or defensive? Visible speed counts as both offensive and defensive AS, so it just adds 2 to both. So the Steel shuriken has the interesting situation of:

    Steel shuriken offensive AS = -3 (steel effect) + 2 (visible spd from equipping) = -1 offensive AS

    Steel shuriken defensive AS = +2 (visible spd from equipping) = +2 defensive AS

    Isn't that weird?

    I'm cursed with knowledge that's borderline useless, isn't that great?

    submitted by /u/LagSpike776
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    "Any who hurt my dear Corrin will be punished..."

    Posted: 05 Oct 2021 07:34 AM PDT

    Is Fire Emblem GBA (7) okay as a first Fire Emblem if you're a complete idiot?

    Posted: 05 Oct 2021 04:26 PM PDT

    Like I'm ass at chess and have only ever won once. Would rather not look stuff up because it would take away from the experience. I also own Three Houses but haven't played it, if that matters at all.

    submitted by /u/IggyDaDawg
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    Been playing TWEWY, so have a Bernazetta.

    Posted: 05 Oct 2021 10:53 AM PDT

    A Day in the Life of Heroes - Who Could It Be?

    Posted: 05 Oct 2021 07:37 PM PDT

    Unpopular opinion: I'd vastly appreciate it if we went back to shorter playtimes and less-cutscene intensive FEs before 3H for FE17.

    Posted: 05 Oct 2021 01:31 PM PDT

    3H is a great game with a great story and ensemble cast of characters, and speaking as somebody who conversely holds Fates as one of my favorite games of all time, I totally understand why somebody would simply like 3H more as a game. It's everything people wanted out of a story-based game, and as such I 100% understand the sheer amount of hype it gets.

    But... 3H is possibly one of my least played FEs, and likewise the FE that I'm thoroughly neutral on much moreso than even Echoes: Shadow of Valentia, it in itself another game with a great story but poor gameplay. And yet, I found myself enjoying Echoes so much more by comparison, while I ultimately don't have the interest to play 3H more than once already.

    Why is that?

    Thing is, IMO 3H would be a game I'd be so much more interested if it was another property outside of FE. With FE, I kind of expect pretty similar things with each game: the gameplay being tight, snappy and respectful of the players' time, the cast of characters encouraging you to kit with your favorites and learn of their personalities through support conversations, as well as the story being snappily-paced. Ultimately, I find myself enjoying the story of most FEs solely due to the cast of characters, of which FE8, Tellius, Fates and FE6 are some of my favorites solely due to the casts of those games, even if the stories themselves are great.

    But what I love the most about FE is the fact it never feels like it drags on things more than it has to; I have severe ADHD and as a rule, I find it very hard to get into JRPGs across the board due to how time-intensive they are, and that's the banality of somebody who has ADHD. I tried Eternal Sonata one time as part of me experimenting with what I liked or disliked, and haven't even playing the games since I stored the PS3 in the closet. When I tried FE9 for the first time, though, I was enamored by the characters and worldbuilding, but above all else, how much the game felt it respected my time and didn't make me have to grind 100 hours to defeat the next boss or do a bunch of pointless side stuff. Convenience is a huge part of FE for me and I feel many others, and I think it's the reason why the series as a wholesale remains so popular even before 3H's big boom in sales. This is something I feel even Fates, for all its story woes, does extremely well; My Castle was such a great introduction by keeping it largely out of the way of the main campaign, allowing you seamless switching between campaign levels and outside paralogue content, which I loved.

    And that's ultimately where 3H, after 58 hours spent clearing GD, I never came back to nor especially cared about seeing Lysithea, Claude and Sylvain in my game again. I was just exhausted how much 3H wastes your time gameplay-wise to the point I was openly grateful when I got to play through the maps after several dozen cutscenes back to back. The Monastery was similarly dreadful as well, and easily one of my least favorite experiences with the series. And Echoes, despite having bad map and generally bad game design, I still enjoyed because it felt at a much snappier pace than 3H did, not to mention had infinitely better presentation than 3H did for me.

    I love FE, and by all things good and holy, I also love a damn good story. Zero Escape and Umineko are some of my favorite visual novels, and I also am a massive enjoyer of Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers and Danganronpa as well. But that's the problem I have - all but one of those games are visual novels rather than video games, and even PMD: Explorers felt way more competent in pacing and general fun than 3H did.

    IMO, that's where ultimately 3H is killed for me; it's a great story, but as a game, it really falls flat IMO. I'd have infinitely appreciated it more if 3H was a different property altogether from FE and was rather a visual novel series/JRPG somewhere in another universe, because my expectations of what FE is are so intrinsically tied to the identity of what the series has built itself on as the majority than any sort of enjoyment I could've gotten from the game was immediately shot in the foot. This is also why FE4, while also loved by the fandom for the story, is bar none my worst FE in the series for me for how much of an unintuitive, archaic and outdated slog the game feels even by the time it was released.

    For the record, I'm not against longer FEs. Radiant Dawn is outright my favorite game of all time, and for most people it takes roughly the same time it takes to complete 3H. But RD still felt more true to the formula as well as general respect it had for the player's ability to focus than 3H did, and 3H is just a game that I give a 9/10 story wise but a 5/10 gameplay wise, if not lower, because what pains me is even after experiencing the story, I just couldn't care about the game long after it launched. Meanwhile, I'm still obsessing and adoring the casts of Tellius, Fates, Elibe and Magvel so much more despite generally having less detail often because it manages to pace itself excellently. And that feels just something I was lost with in 3H. And given what we've seen of history with Fates being a double downing of what made Awakening so loved and hated (to mixed results, even though I think Fates > Awakening), I worry we're to see the same results with FE17 given how widely well-received 3H was, with another great story that happens to be a total slog gameplay-wise.

    And that's what I ultimately play these games for. To have fun. And even if you have Shakespeare-level writing, chances are I won't care for it all that much if getting to that gameplay wise is literally the defining example of being unfun.

    Anyways, this is a really hot take given how loved 3H is on this sub-Reddit, but I wanted to get this off of my chest given it's been on my mind after seeing my copy of 3H collect dust. I'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments below, and if you have any really commentary on it, that'd be very nice too. Thank you, and I wish you a wonderful day. :)

    submitted by /u/Wanderer2691
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    TIL that FE4 has invisible barriers that stop your fliers from accessing parts of the map that are not relevant to the plot yet.

    Posted: 05 Oct 2021 06:01 PM PDT

    I only recruited Hugh and never used him... Is this a common glitch? (currently doing preps for Chapter 21)

    Posted: 05 Oct 2021 07:12 PM PDT

    I’m still not done with my first ever playthrough on the CF route, but I already love her so much and I couldn’t resist doing this colored sketch in between commissions ❤

    Posted: 05 Oct 2021 01:29 AM PDT

    Bryce Papenbrook (Henry), Erica Lindbeck (Celica) & Cassandra Lee Morris (Sothis) autograph.

    Posted: 05 Oct 2021 04:26 AM PDT

    Doing a Black Eagles playthrough just makes me appreciate the Golden Lions more

    Posted: 05 Oct 2021 05:18 PM PDT

    I realized in September I'd never finished a playthrough of FE3H with the Black Eagles, so I decided to do one. I also found an article online that was talking about how the BE route should be canon. And I gotta say... I'm not feelin' it.

    Now, I half remember the story from two years ago, but from what I remember, there is something hinky going on with the church, and so El is right in that regard. Plus, she was experimented on as a kid by someone or something.

    Here's the thing. In her playthrough, she comes across as ruthless and pretty much indifferent to her fellow classmates. I mean, in that one level she basically tells her fellow Empire people to kill anyone that stands in their way. Which would include you, and seemingly her friends she's spent years with. While in Dimitri's playthrough, it's hinted he had feelings for El, and even offers her mercy, which is amazing considering he goes nuts and becomes a bloodthirsty loon until you calm him down a bit. In the BE playthrough, she seems to relish in killing him. Dimitri does so sadly.

    Claude seems to kind of have a less narrow vision, and also seems the most mentally healthy and outright decent. I think I read where he was added last, as before the game was just between the BL and BE, and I can see how that affected his character.

    Still, Claude is a great leader. He seems to care about his students, and he has a great back-and-forth with Hilda. Honestly, he has a great back-and-forth with Byleth, too, male or female. I kinda read him as bisexual to be honest. But he's definitely intended to be biracial, and seems to have experienced racism, xenophobia, and also didn't seem to grow up as sheltered and pampered as the other leaders.

    I also think Claude is cool because he's clever. Where as El and Dimitri want to smash everything like a couple of Hulks, Claude is like a good version of Littlefinger (at least the intelligent, early GoT seasons Littlefinger). He seems the most capable to lead, because he's constantly learning and curious, he's sympathetic to regular folk, and he's also smart enough to keep things tight to the vest. He's sneaky, but only in that he wants to minimize casualties.

    I will also say that it's kind of sad that in all of the playthroughs, it's clear that El has had feelings for Byleth from the start. Whenever you go against her, she seems to wish that you had chosen her in every capacity. But I think a lot of her fandom initially came from people comparing her to Daenerys and general "girlboss" stuff.

    Having almost completed all four routes, I gotta say... mark me down as a Golden Deer.

    submitted by /u/JamesCodaCoIa
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    Python for the 5th day of Inktober

    Posted: 05 Oct 2021 05:59 AM PDT

    If Genealogy of the Holy War did get a remake, whats one thing you would want them to keep and one thing you’d want them to change/add?

    Posted: 05 Oct 2021 07:18 PM PDT

    Me personally:

    Kept the same: Skill inheritance. I enjoyed considering the first generation Character's skills when pairing them together.

    Changed/Added: I have mixed feelings towards the map size in Genealogy; on the one hand, it makes the game unique; on the other hand, the map size makes it unnecessarily infuriating moving from one castle to another, especially with foot-locked units. I think it would be a good idea to either A. Have a rescue/pair up mechanic, or B. Have the ability to quick travel between conquered castles.

    That is one thing I would want them to keep and another to change/add. But I'm curious what the rest of the fandom thinks.

    submitted by /u/Enderpigman9
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    I remixed 4 Kingdom Hearts tracks using the GBA Fire Emblem games' soundfont. Enjoy!

    Posted: 05 Oct 2021 02:53 PM PDT

    How would characters from Fire Emblem react to the real world?

    Posted: 05 Oct 2021 01:49 PM PDT

    This is how her childhood went right?

    Posted: 04 Oct 2021 08:30 PM PDT

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