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    Sunday, October 17, 2021

    Fire Emblem I just got a random thought about Bayonetta's new hairstyle for Bayonetta 3... "Bayonetthleann"

    Fire Emblem I just got a random thought about Bayonetta's new hairstyle for Bayonetta 3... "Bayonetthleann"

    I just got a random thought about Bayonetta's new hairstyle for Bayonetta 3... "Bayonetthleann"

    Posted: 17 Oct 2021 01:19 PM PDT

    Fallen Rhea is finished!

    Posted: 17 Oct 2021 12:58 PM PDT

    After 70 hours I finished my working Creator Sword!

    Posted: 17 Oct 2021 02:16 PM PDT

    Office Lady Bernadetta by me!

    Posted: 17 Oct 2021 06:23 AM PDT

    desperation (edelgard commission i did!)

    Posted: 17 Oct 2021 10:17 AM PDT

    Dimitri's Cipher art animated

    Posted: 17 Oct 2021 03:10 PM PDT

    Happy birthday, Ashe! by @yaminogame/lluvia_yami

    Posted: 17 Oct 2021 10:52 AM PDT

    Maid Ingrid sampling the sweets - sketch by me (nettleseeds)

    Posted: 17 Oct 2021 11:47 AM PDT

    Chibi Lethe! I loved using her in PoR.

    Posted: 17 Oct 2021 02:30 PM PDT

    Day 17 of drawing Tharja each day for Inktober

    Posted: 17 Oct 2021 06:11 PM PDT

    I'm quite Hapi with how this turned out

    Posted: 17 Oct 2021 04:16 PM PDT

    Elise's Halloween costume is complete!

    Posted: 16 Oct 2021 08:53 PM PDT

    Fire Emblem Sacred Stone Ironman tier list (Erika+Ephraim)

    Posted: 17 Oct 2021 11:46 AM PDT

    Summer Silque

    Posted: 17 Oct 2021 08:31 PM PDT


    Posted: 17 Oct 2021 04:15 PM PDT






    3. DON'T BE A DICK



    submitted by /u/LaqOfInterest
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    Witch (adult) Sothis

    Posted: 17 Oct 2021 01:20 PM PDT

    Gonzalez got me fucked up (apologies for quality I play this game on my phone)

    Posted: 17 Oct 2021 06:36 PM PDT

    Aurelian Hope - Roshea Character Analysis

    Posted: 17 Oct 2021 10:56 AM PDT

    Hey reddit, it's been a while since I've done one of these huh? idk how common this is going to be, but another of my favorite, more obscure characters got into FEH which means he's getting exposed to a wider audience. Plus I've been meaning to do this one for a while anyway. The Sage!Rosha Lunatic Reverse image hasn't made its way around for nothing.

    Anyway, in FE1/11, Roshea is a knight of Aurelis, serving under Hardin as a member of the Wolfguard.

    I'll be real with you, he does basically nothing in this game. But it's important context for later.

    We know from outside info that before Hardin rescued him (along with the other members of the Wolfguard), he was a child slave to the people of the plains surrounding Aurelis. After which he raised them as his own children. This rescue explains his incredible loyalty to Hardin, which is exhibited in his death (and only) quote "Unnh! Coyote…".

    His ending has him serve Aurelis as a paladin, though he stayed in Altea for a time.

    Anyway onto the real meat of this analysis, Roshea in FE3/12. For context, Hardin is corrupted and becomes one of the Big Bad Evil Guys of this game. The changes are extremely obvious and he basically becomes a warmonger that wants to conquer everything / absolutely destroy Marth for no reason other than jealousy and hatred.

    We first see Roshea in chapter 18 along with the other Wolfguard members, sent by Hardin to take down Marth's army in a pincer maneuver.

    Roshea asks them if what they're doing is really OK with them and if they're having second thoughts. Up until this point Hardin has been The Bad Guy and clearly gone off the deep end, but the others refuse to see it, not believing that there could be anything wrong with the man they thought the paragon of strength and goodness.

    Marth has to be in the wrong, because Hardin has only done well for them and the people of Aurelis (up until the last year or so). Villagers in the last game and even this one continuously praise Hardin for what he did for them until recently, and we even see him helping them out in one of the BSFE extra maps set prior to the first game. Keep in mind that these are games with very little dialogue for side characters, so the main thing here is that they truly loved Hardin for what he did for them and it's easy to see why.

    You can see also these feelings from the others reactions to his question.


    Roshea! Are you still babbling on about that nonsense? Look over there! The Altean forces are stretched along the narrow pass. Our only chance to crush them is now.


    What's wrong with you, Roshea? Did the four of us not all pledge that we would die for Coyote? It was Coyote who freed us plain dwellers from slavery. If we don't fight Altea here, then we can't protect the palace. Are you telling me you WANT Hardin to be defeated by them?


    That's right! Prince Marth wants to destroy Archanea and everything we hold dear. If we leave him be, the entire world will eventually fall into his hands.


    I still find it hard to believe. So the honorable Prince Marth we met is supposed to harbor diabolical ambitions?


    Are you calling Coyote a liar?! Do you really believe that he would resort to such deceitful tactics?! Enough, Roshea!! I've lost all respect for you. Betray us if you want, I don't care. Sedgar, Vyland, let's go. If we delay any more they will pass us.

    He ultimately does decide to go with them here, albeit very reluctantly. You can choose to slaughter the entire Wolfguard on this map if you would like, though the canon (and much easier) choice is to have Marth visit the village nearby and meet with the King of Aurelis, who gives him a macguffin and forces a retreat.

    In FE3, it is implied that the rest of the named Wolfguard dies in this battle, as they never show up again even if you leave them alive (or they just become nameless and fight you to the death in the next map, who knows). Roshea, however, will join you if you visit a village there with the join quote:

    Prince Marth... It is I, Roshea of the Wolfguard. I received King Aurelis's pardon and have been waiting for you. I am truly sorry for the battle of the pass. I realize that an apology means little, so I will now fight under your banner.

    Roshea ultimately does end up betraying Hardin and his friends, even knowing that he's alone in doing so. He was always the most empathetic towards Marth and the least blinded by love and loyalty, and his courage in doing so is admirable and gives him quite a bit of character compared to most of the Archanea cast.

    In the remake, the rest of the Wolfguard DOES show up in this map and are recruitable, by having Roshea talk to Vyland, Vyland talk to Sedgar, and Sedgar talk to Wolf. I take significant issue with this change, as Roshea being the only one to betray Hardin makes perfect sense with how he and the other Wolfguard were portrayed in the last map. He was the only one empathetic towards Marth's cause, and the rest of them were more than willing to DIE out of loyalty to Hardin despite the extremely obvious changes he's undergone. As far as the (FE3) story is concerned, they literally do. It takes away the impact of a decision that was really tough for him if you ask me.

    My hate for fe12 retcons aside, that's pretty much the end of his main story presence, though I don't think FE12 does all bad for him. He has supports now! One of which is really really good!

    To get the mediocre one out of the way first, if Vyland survives they have a brief convo about Roshea being worried for him on the battlefield. Vyland brushes him off, but he presses the issue and basically says he's full of shit and is always running into dangerous situations. Vyland relents and says he only does that when they're fighting together. Wolf and Sedgar are ok, but they cramp the duo's style. That's all, just a little glimpse into their relationship to show that they are friends. Not bad for what it is, but nothing amazing.

    The good one is with Kris. (Pls no kris hateposting in this thread I don't like them that much either but this isn't about that).

    Anyway, Roshea gets a letter and Kris asks what it's about. He says it's from an orphanage that he helped out at back when he was living in Altea (continuity!). Then they have this exchange.


    When I'm broken from fighting... reading this letter rekindles my resolve. It makes me do my best, for the kids...


    Sir Roshea... You're a kind man.


    Never. I'm just weak, that's all...

    This seems a little odd, as Roshea was the strongest of the Wolfguard, able to stand up for what he knew was right when the others wouldn't.

    Kris asks why Roshea did so much for the orphanage. He taught the kids to read and write, and even donated a lot of his earnings to it. Roshea says that he wanted to be like the person he looked up to the most.


    I wanted to repay a favor to Coyote... The four of us didn't have parents, just like the kids. We're only alive now because Coyote raised us. That's why I wanted to follow in Coyote's footsteps...

    But in the very next moment he reveals what's been bothering him so much.

    But, I'm just... a hypocrite... All I'm doing is killing more people during this war...I'm weak. I'm doing all this just to try and flee from that sin... The townsfolk told me the same. That I'm just a hypocrite...

    Turns out that being the empathetic one isn't always the best. He doesn't like killing and feels really bad about what people think of him. Even if he's in the right.


    There might be people who call your actions hypocrisy... However, in truth, you're the person who's saving those kids' lives. If you can save somebody through hypocrisy, that doesn't automatically make you a bad person, just because you're a hypocrite. In fact, I'd say the hypocrite is a better person than those who accuse him- The ones who do nothing to help. That's what I think.

    Then they talk about Hardin for a bit.


    Sir Roshea... Fighting Emperor Hardin was probably... harshest to you, of all people. Since you are kinder than most, you're hurt more than most, too...


    Thanks, but I'm just weak."


    Indeed, kindness and weakness are oft intertwined... However, I like your kindness, Sir Roshea. Please don't... abandon it.

    Roshea takes this to heart and the conversation ends.

    His character ending in both fe3 and fe12 is:

    Roshea - Aurelian Hope

    Roshea left for Aurelis after the war. Accounts are unclear, but some say he was present at Hardin's funeral...

    Not really anything conclusive, but it shows that he never did abandon his kindness, even towards the one who caused mass devastation to the continent and potentially got all his friends killed.

    Roshea is one of my favorite characters in the Archanea games, because he's one of the few that I feel actually grows and does things he really doesn't want to do. It hurts him to kill. It hurts him to abandon his friends. And it hurts him especially badly to have to put down who is basically his dad. And to have people calling him a terrible person for doing all of that? And still going through with it, never losing the kindness he was known for? It speaks to incredible resolve that very few other characters show.

    I'll be honest, Archanea doesn't do a good job of giving many of it's cast members the love that they deserve. And even for the better ones, there isn't a ton to analyze. But there are a lot of hidden gems, and I hope this got at least someone interested in looking for them.

    This man deserved to be in FEH after all he's been through. I am a little sad he isn't a mage though.

    submitted by /u/krimunism
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    What is your opinion on Ninian?

    Posted: 17 Oct 2021 04:39 AM PDT

    This will be an interesting topic, because despite the romance between her and Eliwood. I don't quite as often hear people talk about her character but just her relationship to Eliwood. So I want to see people feeling on her.

    submitted by /u/MiuIruma332
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    Who are some bad units that by no means should work out for you going by the statistics, yet somehow always do and are really satisfying to for their character/design/class/etc.?

    Posted: 17 Oct 2021 03:27 PM PDT

    A pretty easy way to spot a bad unit incoming is pretty simple going by the fandom's metric: if they have a poor base total or several major flaws that aren't easily rectifiable, there's probably most likely no reason to use them when far less work-intensive options exist. Of course, the nature of defining what's a bad unit only really set in the Western fandom around 2011 due to most of the FEs prior to Radiant Dawn and Shadow Dragon often espousing really easy difficulty curves that are overcome even with bad units deficiencies (FE7's stat totals were too low to make Lyn's flaws noticeable, Amelia and Ewan always had access to the Tower of Valni and at least ten additional levels to make up for bad bases and average growths on top of low enemy stat totals, and FE9 allowed units like Rolf, Mia and Brom to enjoy the sweet, sweet taste of BEXP). I, of course, grew up largely in the days of GameFAQs guides that are seriously outdated and misinformed by today's standards, and as such a lot of my playstyle was set then as it is now. But of course, that's not what I'm here to discuss about today!

    The overall point being that despite often being useless in a need to invest in them, bad units can perform exceptionally well, and likewise, often good units can be reliably cursed in different runs. This has the knock-on effect of leaving bases and Movement as thus the only overall way to establish consistency between games, but I'll tell you, nothing's more satisfying than seeing that little squisher-bee you trained up actually get strong enough to one-round enemy units, especially if they happen to be a character you care a lot about. Yes, the odds were kind of stacked against you from the beginning, and giving it a try may be a waste of resources. But when it works, oh God, is it ever satisfying.

    So let's talk about that, then! What're some of your favorite bad units that often, for some inexplicably odd reason, perform really well despite generally being tactically very bleh?

    submitted by /u/Wanderer2691
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    Fire Emblem: The Phantom Pain (Oct 17 Late-Night Ironman Stream)

    Posted: 17 Oct 2021 05:40 PM PDT

    The Future of Fire Emblem on the Switch

    Posted: 17 Oct 2021 11:41 AM PDT

    Which is your favorite kingdom/nation of Fire Emblem?

    Posted: 17 Oct 2021 09:44 AM PDT

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