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    Saturday, November 6, 2021

    Fire Emblem Bord The Mighty!

    Fire Emblem Bord The Mighty!

    Bord The Mighty!

    Posted: 06 Nov 2021 03:51 PM PDT

    Art of Byleth and Hilda sleeping in that I commissioned from @tamafries on Twitter

    Posted: 06 Nov 2021 05:47 AM PDT

    I drew Ninja Shamir!

    Posted: 06 Nov 2021 03:18 PM PDT

    Tiki: everyone's favorite sleepy manakete (OC)

    Posted: 06 Nov 2021 12:01 PM PDT

    (Comm) POV: you are about to take 400 damage

    Posted: 06 Nov 2021 03:20 PM PDT

    Got to meet Zach Aguilar at Rhode Island Comic Con today. Had him sign my copy of 3H.

    Posted: 06 Nov 2021 04:24 PM PDT

    [FE4] Arthur - Heir of Thrud

    Posted: 06 Nov 2021 11:38 AM PDT

    Fire Emblem collection!!

    Posted: 06 Nov 2021 05:31 AM PDT

    1950s style Leonie (Commission made by Anilust)

    Posted: 06 Nov 2021 07:15 AM PDT

    What fire emblem moment made you cry ( or atleast swallow)

    Posted: 06 Nov 2021 10:11 AM PDT

    For me it was the conversation between Dimitri and Edelgard in Azure Moon when Dimitri asks her why she has gone to war in the first place. This Conversation alone is a reason why both fandoms should be at peace. These are honorable Rulers who are ready to talk with each other even though they are at war. Both of them can understand the viewpoint of the other and claim them to be right in their own way but cannot accept the methods. They dont hate each other. They just wished it would have ended differently.

    submitted by /u/D3rDr3ckigeD4n
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    From Zero to God among Gods

    Posted: 06 Nov 2021 04:34 PM PDT

    Ranking the physical weapon types in every FE game

    Posted: 06 Nov 2021 09:34 AM PDT

    So, the viability of each weapon type in the FE games varies wildly due to the differences between weapon accuracy, enemy quality, general menchanics, ect. However, which weapon type was actually the best throughout FE's history? Let's find out

    RULES: Only ranking swords, lances, axes and bows, no other weapon types. Only ranking the mainline games. Aside from the weapons themselves it's important to rank the characters and classes that can use them. The scoring system works so that the best weapon type gets 4 or 3 points (depending on how many weapons are in the game) while the lower ones get progressively lower scores (capping out at 1). Afterwards, we'll divide their scores to the number of games they appear in. These ranking assume the hardest difficulty and somewhat fast play. And this is just all my opinion.


    FE1 - Swords > Lances > Bows > Axes

    Swords are overall the best weapon type in FE1. Lances do have some good users and the silver lance is excellent, while bows have The Parthis, which is pretty useful despite the low enemy quality. Unfortunately axes and axe users both really suck in this game

    FE2 - Swords > Lances > Bows

    Bows are really bad in this game (besides the holy bow), lances are decent and swords are once again top tier. Lances are much closer this time, but since you desperately want accuracy in Gaiden and due to the lightning sword, swords reign supreme.

    FE3 - Swords > Lances > Bows > Axes

    It's actually really close this time between swords and lances. As while swords are overall better, you have a lot of good lance users. Particularly the dracoknights and the silver lance is a pretty great and common weapon. Still, due to most characters being forced to use swords in indoor maps and with the plethora of strong swords in FE3, they are still the best. Bows and bow users (Mostly just Gordin and Jeorge) are also quite useful in this game, but not as useful as swords or lances. Axes just suck and you can't even use them in book 2.

    FE4 - Swords > Lances > Bows = Axes

    Swords are easely the best weapon type once again, while lances are the second best due to being reliable and not too heavy, though not nearely as good as swords. Bows and Axes just both suck. Lex is pretty good in gen 1 if you get the brave axe, but there's also Midir with the killer bow who can put in some work. Still, in general axes and bows aren't very reliable in FE4.

    FE5 - Swords > Axes > Lances > Bows

    Swords are the best once again, but this time axes are actually good. Due to there being a notable amount of good axe users and with the existence of the Bhuj and the Brave axe they do actually give swords some competition. Still, swords are the most priveleged weapon type overall. Lances suck, but not as much as bows where bows are both bad and there are a lot of bad bow users as well. Bows also can't capture and besides the brave bow there aren't many notable bows in the game.

    FE6 - Swords > Lances > Bows > Axes

    Probably the most balanced game yet in terms of weapon balance. Swords are the best due to high accuracy being important in FE6, while lances aren't as good at dealing with bosses or against axe users, they still have good users and good effective weapons like the horsekiller. Bows are also quite valuable due to giving chip damage without taking a counterattack and dealing with the wyverns. Axes are ther most unreliable and thus the worst, but there are good situational uses like Marcus with the hammer or halberd. And the killer axe is actually pretty good overall.

    FE7 - Axes > Lances > Swords > Bows

    The enemy quality is really low this time and a lot of the enemies use lances in HHM, so axes are pretty great. Along with that there are some great axe users like Hawkeye. Still, axes can be problematic against sword users without the swordweaver and lances are mosre reliable overall. But ultimately, I think I used axes more overall than lances, though it's really close. FE7 is a very EP heavy game so swords are pretty worthless due to not having a 1-2 range option and bows suck even more due to the x2 weapon effectiveness. Rath does have some uses and Louise does support Pent, but swords uses in the earlygame are still more valuable than anything bows have.

    FE8 - Lances > Axes > Swords > Bows

    Paladins can't use axes anymore, which is why I consider lances to be overall better now. Yes, Garm is really broken, but it's only super relevant in 0% growths, while you can usually beat the game rather easely without it. Though of course, both having 1-2 range is really good. Swords are once again margianlly better than bows due to there being a few more 1 range using enemies than 2 range using ones and Joshua having a slight nieche with his earlygame speed and killing edge.

    FE9 - Axes > Lances > Swords > Bows

    Due to forging axes get rid of their greatest weakness and the enemy quality is comically low, just forge a bunch of handaxes for your paladins and watch them wreck house. Lances are also still great as usual thanks to having good 1-2 range. Swords and bows still suck, but there is the Sonic sword which is actually pretty good at dealing with enemy wyverns.

    FE10 - Axes > Lances = Swords > Bows

    Due to this being Tellius axes are supreme. But lances vs swords is more interesting. No weapon triangle destroys a lot of the viability Edward has in the earlygame, but the swordmaster class is overall better than the reaver and sentinel classlines. Along with that there are some great swords in FE10. Still, lances have better 1-2 range (besides the Tempest Blade) and are more useful forges. So, overall I'm gonna rate them as equal in this game. Bows aren't that bad actually. Leonardo has some nice uses with his personal bow, Shinon is pretty strong and the crossbows are also quite useful when fighting an enemy on a ledge. Still, I'd call them the weakest overall, but not by that much

    FE11 - Lances > Bows > Axes > Swords

    Lances are easely the best ones here because of the Win Spear and the Ridersbane being insanely useful against the majority of the enmies in the game. Bows are also very useful due to allowing character to avoid a counterattack and Jeorge with the Parthia being a great tool against enemy fliers and one of the few reliable dispencers of significant chip damage if you're warpskipping Axes are also quite good, due to the S rank axe being the best generic damage in the game, hammers having some notable uses and the poleaxe being good, but you need to wait some time to get it. Sowrds just suck. Though the wyrmslayer and swordmaster class is ocassionally useful.

    FE12 - Bows > Swords = Lances = Axes

    Due to Lunatic reverse, all the enemies have vantage and they hit hard, so bows avoiding the counterattack most of the time and being great against the dangerous enemy flyers are a godsend. I'm not sure how to rate the rest of the weapons though, as all of them have their uses. Axes give great damage against the bulky enemies, lances have the dragonpike and the ridersbane while Arran with the sliver lance giving some of the best damage in the earlygame and swords have the wyrmslayer, swordslayer and in particular the swordmaster class is realy useful and the levin sword is excellent as well if you reclass Linde or Katarina into the swordmaster class. Overall, FE12 is really balanced in terms of weapon types.

    Awakening - Axes > Lances > Swords > Bows

    You're realistically gonna be using the nosferatu tome more than anything else in Awakening, but if you aren't axes are the way to go thanks to pair up bonuses and forging removing all of the greatest weaknesses of the class. The Vaike is also really good. Lances also aren't anything to scoff at, as Frederick with the silver lance is the only character who doesn't do comical damage in the earlygame. Swords have some uses like the Falchion doing quick work of Grima or Anna with the Levin sword being really useful, but usually aren't that great. Bows are just kinda meh overall. They give some nice earlygame chip damage, but that's about that.

    Fates - IDK

    I'm not really sure how to rate the weapons here. The weapon triangle is generally changed overall and a lot of the weapon viability depends game to game. Also, I'm not sure wether I should count the broken personal swords Corrin, Xander and Ryoma get as well. So, I'm completely lost on Fates overall. You can judge for yourself what you think the best one is, but I'm giving them all just one point.

    Echoes:SoV - Bows > Lances = Swords

    The killer bow is insanely broken in this game, so bows are the best despite archers not neing the best in the earlygame. I'd rate sowrds and lances equal overall. The lightning sword is insanely good in act 1, but afterwards lances are more useful overall. And honeslty the Dread Fighter classline is kinda overhyped nowadays. Still, a pretty balanced game in terms of weapons

    3H - Lances > Bows > Axes > Swords

    Lances get the best combat arts liek swift strkes,tempest lance and vengeance, while being attached to some of the best classes in the game like pegasus knight, wyvern lord and paladin. Bows are really useful due to the archer classline giving hit +20, the exisctence of close counter and the hunter's volley and curved shot combat arts. Axes aren't that impressive. Mostly carried by being attached to good classes like brigand or wyvern lord and Edelgard's axe giving her Galeforce. Swords are just bad in general, though there are some useful swords like the Rapier or the Thunderbrand.

    Final Score: Swords (39/16 = 2.4375), Lances (44/16 = 2.75), Axes (33/14 = 2.3571), Bows (29/16 = 1.8125)


    1. Lances
    2. Swords
    3. Axes
    4. Bows

    Lances are the best weapon type overall. Unlike swords and axes which vary wildly in terms of quality from game to game, lancs alsways remain strong and reliable, along with having plenty of good users. Bows are overall just poor, but have made a comeback recently. Swords are mostly carried by being really good in the first 6 games as their quality drops off greately aftewards, while axes are plagued by being awful in the earlyer games.

    Note that this is all just my opinion and that you can likely put a lot of the ranking differently due to there often being close competition between the weapons. If you have any disagreements please feel free to comment down below.

    submitted by /u/Every_Computer_935
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    Just started playing Fates: Birthright. How do you feel about Corrin?

    Posted: 06 Nov 2021 08:21 AM PDT

    I've played almost every Fire Emblem, but I skipped Fates when it came out because the timing was bad in my hectic life. Now, I'm back to fill in the gaps!

    I enjoy the gameplay very much. I'm not far into it, but I can see lots of potential. I do find myself liking the Nohr nobles better as dramatic characters than the Hoshidans, with some exceptions, so I'm looking forward to playing Conquest. But, I'm still early in the game, so there's plenty of room to change my mind.

    But… Corrin is driving me a bit bonkers as a character. They're annoyingly self-righteous, but also kind of dumb as rocks? The combo of trait characteristics is one I have hard connecting with emotionally. I'm just at the chapter where the bad guy disguises himself as the cool-guy archduke and traps them in the dungeon. At the end of the chapter, Leo stops the bad guy, only to get a self-righteous lecture from Corrin, which made me roll my eyes. ("How could you kill your own countryman???" I don't know, Corrin. Haven't you been slaughtering people left and right because of your sense of righteousness since the beginning of the damned game???) Then, Corrin mentions that Leo used to be happy, but now has changed and they don't know why, and I'm like, Are you that dense, Corrin? The guy literally put his life on the line by stealth-sparing those prisoners at the beginning for your sake only for his sibling to betray the whole family for people they JUST met. I WONDER WHY HE'S CHANGED CORRIN? I WONDER WHY. IT IS AN UNSOLVABLE MYSTERY.

    So, Corrin is self-righteous and dense from what I can deduce so far.

    So, how do you feel about Corrin as a protagonist? Am I being dense? Would Corrin and I get along like a house on fire? What are your general thoughts on them as a character, especially in relation to both the Hoshidans and the Nohrians.

    Feel free to go crazy with spoilers. I always read the last page of a book first, so I don't mind. Go crazy.

    submitted by /u/HelloDesdemona
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    Bolting hilda experiences

    Posted: 06 Nov 2021 04:38 PM PDT

    I'm doing a blue lions maddening run and want to recruit hilda and build her up magically ( BOLTING) this round for fun. I am curious how you guys built her? I know she has low magic growth. Monk > mage> (dark flyer vs Valkyrie) > dark knight vs Gremory. I already have flying and riding skill i can buy for her, so that isn't an issue. I need help running the numbers on what will make her the best magical unit she can be. Aside from me feeding her magic beans every month.

    submitted by /u/Cutelilshinigami
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    Why do you think Fire Emblem loves norse mythology so much?

    Posted: 06 Nov 2021 04:36 PM PDT

    In case someone doesn't know, in the FE franchise there is A LOT of references to norse mythology. The most obvious are the names of various characters and weapons (Sigurd, Idunn, Siegmund and Skadi, to name a few), but there's also some classes like berserks and valkeries. You also have the einherjar in Awakening who have basically the same function as the myths. Also, FE4/5 have many similarities in their story with some classic norse myths, most notably the Volsung Saga (and the fact that Loptyr is just another name for Loki). And then there's FE Heroes, where we travel through the 9 realms (so far 7 of them).

    As far as I can remember, the norse mythology is the most represented in FE in one way or the other. The only other mythology that could came close is the Irish one, also very represented in FE4/5 and 3H.

    So, why do you think this is? Why aren't there more references to other cultures, like greeks, romans arabs, etc.?

    submitted by /u/Zac-Raf
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    What are your favorite weapon designs or magic animations in the series? (Excluding legendary/Devine weapons such as Yato, Ragnell, Falchion, Aymr, etc)

    Posted: 06 Nov 2021 05:53 PM PDT

    What's your favorite support conversation?

    Posted: 06 Nov 2021 05:42 PM PDT

    Mine's Dozla and Ewan from FE8. Back when I was a teen/early teen playing Sacred Stones I never really cared much about their convo, but now, seeing how I'm a bit closer to Dozla than I am to Ewan, it resonates with me on another level, let alone the fact that it's medieval-esque people thinking about future inventions and possibilities, things humans have always thought of from the get go, regardless of the time period.

    Wouldn't it be nice if we could do X? Wouldn't it be great if we did Y instead of Z? Wouldn't things be better? All of this hits you because you live in a time where all of the stuff Ewan alludes to already exists, and it hits you doubly so because there might be further inventions down the road that we ourselves might unknowingly allude to in everyday conversation and daydreams.

    Oh and, of course, the friendship element is great.

    I know it's not exactly deep-dive analysis material, but it just clicked with me.

    What about you? Got any convos that you hold close to heart?

    submitted by /u/wetsandwichesandtea
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    Leo and Takumi bein' bros

    Posted: 06 Nov 2021 02:27 PM PDT

    Is permadeath necessary?

    Posted: 06 Nov 2021 03:15 PM PDT

    Not counting the whole Casual vs. Classic debate, you think that Fire Emblem (and strategy RPG's more generally, I suppose) necessarily need permadeath? Perhaps you could have like how it is in Shining Force where churches at towns allow you to revive dead units for a fee. That, and mid-to-late game you can have revival items and spells be a thing.

    submitted by /u/HayatoMiyazaki
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    Day 4 and 5 to Nichol November! I tried a lot of things but ended up really unhappy so here’s basic sketches instead :)

    Posted: 06 Nov 2021 08:26 AM PDT

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