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    Sunday, May 10, 2020

    Fire Emblem Mother’s Day, Imperial Year 1205: Queen of Fódlan Dotes On Teenager Daughter A Bit Too Hard…

    Fire Emblem Mother’s Day, Imperial Year 1205: Queen of Fódlan Dotes On Teenager Daughter A Bit Too Hard…

    Mother’s Day, Imperial Year 1205: Queen of Fódlan Dotes On Teenager Daughter A Bit Too Hard…

    Posted: 10 May 2020 07:04 AM PDT

    Annette Week, day 4: Harmony (carol conductor)

    Posted: 10 May 2020 09:03 AM PDT

    Mother Trouble

    Posted: 10 May 2020 05:19 PM PDT

    Happy Mother's Day to Eyvel, Best Mom <3

    Posted: 10 May 2020 05:18 PM PDT

    Arlequin Yuri

    Posted: 10 May 2020 07:16 AM PDT

    Happy Birthday Annette ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)

    Posted: 10 May 2020 03:29 AM PDT

    It's slow sword boi's birthday! Happy Birthday Hinata!

    Posted: 10 May 2020 10:49 AM PDT

    Dorothea by Eerisyn

    Posted: 10 May 2020 07:43 PM PDT

    I drew Fallen Corrin!

    Posted: 10 May 2020 05:44 PM PDT

    Julia's relationships need fleshing out

    Posted: 10 May 2020 11:50 AM PDT

    Jugdral has some of my favorite stories in the series, both on a macro level but also on an individual basis. But without supports, many characters don't get enough chances to talk, outside of the few optional conversations they have. There are a lot of characters who need more screentime, and I'd like to bring up Julia.

    Her role in the story places her in relation and conflict with some of the biggest players, but we barely see what her thoughts on that are. Even if we don't change her actions in the story (aka nothing other than getting possessed and being a kill button against Julius) there's so much of her character to be explored.

    What does she think about Julius? Does she still have love for him? Does she feel conflicted? Does she see stopping him as her responsibility? We really don't see enough of her story with him, considering they're TWINS. I get that this is partially because he was nice before being possessed so the old Julius isn't really even there anymore, but... c'mon. In the last chapter she declares she's ready to fight, but there's a lot of buildup there that is missing.

    How has the loss of her mother affected her? From what we see in the bonus scenes, it looks like it was pretty traumatizing - Deirdre warping her away before Julius killed them both. What did she think of Deirdre? Does she want to avenge her? Julia is a very peaceful person - it would be something to see her angry.

    What about her relationship with Arvis? Does she have any resentment for him? Does her love for him bring her into conflict with Seliph? To Julia, Arvis was a fairly loving father figure - to Seliph, he's the guy that killed his father and brainwashed his mother. Also, Julia being kidnapped during the confrontation with Arvis is such a missed opportunity.

    Ultimately Julia is a character with a lot of wasted potential, possibly moreso than anyone else in Genealogy. I'd love to see at least some of these relationships fleshed out. What are your thoughts on how to build on Julia's role in the story and relationships with other characters? Who else do you think has potential that a remake could build on?

    submitted by /u/sittingonchairs
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    Happy Mother's Day Corrin! My custom Corrin family with Jacob and Dwyer.

    Posted: 10 May 2020 10:23 AM PDT

    In retrospect, how do you feel about Kouhei Maeda's tenure as director?

    Posted: 10 May 2020 11:05 AM PDT

    So I've decided I was going to mull over some of Fire Emblem's previous directors for a retrospect, and the one to have most recently changed hands - Kouhei Maeda. If you don't know this guy, he's the director behind NMotE, Awakening, Fates and Heroes - with the exception of one, all of them had excellent gameplay design but are some of the low points in the series in terms of storytelling, due to an overabundance of cliches and character tropes saturating those games. I'm not to suggest that FE never had tropey characters nor did the Maeda Era didn't have some amazing characters in spite of the stories they were placed in (Fates is actually my second favorite FE in terms of how much I love the cast, and NMotE has a good cast outside of Kris, especially compared to SD's dull characterization), but the general consensus was that a lot of the exaggerative qualities of the Era didn't really sit well with the foundation set in place from the more darker eras of Kaga and Tellius, so for a lot of people it was not a very good change. Of course, this also led to Maeda being a very controversial developer, possibly the most controversial, due to there being a major subsect of FE fans who liked FE much more for the story than gameplay, and it reached a boiling point with Fates onwards.

    So I ask the Reddit in the present year 2020: what're your feelings in hindsight over him? If you're wondering what spawned this topic, I blame this thread, really; that's because that while I'm certain that Kouhei is the one responsible for some very divisive choices, I didn't think he was given enough of a fair shake on what he did right, especially given he's the one who created the two games regarded as the best in the series gameplay-wise (Fates and NMotE), and he still had a capacity to write compelling characters, just not very good stories. So I was wondering if all of you could share your thoughts and if they changed due to the shift of hands in the current state of the franchise.

    Please keep the discussion respectful. Thanks. :)

    submitted by /u/Wanderer2691
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    Do you think Permadeath will stay as a staple of fire emblem?

    Posted: 10 May 2020 01:52 PM PDT

    To preface this, I'm writing this post to engage in discussion, I don't want to come off as combative.

    In the last few games (awakening - three houses), Permadeath has taken a backseat in the gameplay department, in favor of a greater characterization of units that are more important to the story. They put fewer units to make sure every unit is interesting and are fleshed out. This also makes it easier from a development perpective because you don't need as many designs (easier to keep them unique) and you don't need an obscene amount of voice actors. To add onto this it makes the prospect of losing a character that much more emotional, reinforcing Permadeath.

    This may seem like all positives, but having a small cast creates some problems. What happens when units die?

    If they were ever present in story scenes, they now have to be re-written to acomodate every death combination there is or they don't *truly die* and still appear in cutscenes. Personally, this ludo-narrative dissonance is very annoying, it's kind of a writing cop out.

    Gameplay-wise, it forces on the player a decision where the choices are heavily inbalanced; you have to choose wether to reset (the choice with most positives) or to keep going (*the bad choice*). With a limited cast, replacements aren't very good and you lose a character that you probably liked.

    Wait! Here comes divine pulse/mila's turnwheel to the rescue!

    Or at least it should. Initially it appears to have the best of both worlds, but after examining the new scenario it brings, it doesn't solve the problem. The new decision to make is wether to use divine pulse to recover your character without reseting and *wasting* your time or go on with a dead character. The problem is, why would you ever not use divine pulse? It has no downsides, and running out of is never a problem. Is this really a choice? It is like being asked: do you want to win or lose?

    If you limit the time rewinding mechanic, to lets say 1 or 2 uses, you end up with the problem of reseting again. If it were 3 or 4 charges would it help so that characters never die to a crit or unless you are really bad at the game? But if characters never die, whats the point of Permadeath?

    The solution (in my opinion), a bigger cast of characters and multiple difficulties for varying levels of skill, adding a time rewinding mechanic adds nothing to death - survival dichotomy, unless it is drastically changed.

    And finally back to the title question. IS has been placing more importance on characters over anything else in recent games, quality over quantity if you will. This has limited size of the cast. It seems to me that Permadeath is in Three houses due to tradition, as formality, not as a central piece of the gameplay. So, do you think future games will have **proper** Permadeath?

    P.S. I know that games like Geneology also minimize Permadeath, but it seems more prominent in newer games.

    TL,DR; There is a focus as of late on making small casts of characters that are more fleshed out, but it has had a negative effect on the concept of Permadeath, and in general Fire emblem seems to be moving away from the idea that you should continue playing when a unit dies.

    submitted by /u/smashbrosemblem
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    After ages, i finally finished the Golden Deer symbol in Animal Crossing!

    Posted: 10 May 2020 10:41 AM PDT

    The Im-Pasha-ble Dream (Pasha Saga #4 feat. Annette)

    Posted: 09 May 2020 08:35 PM PDT

    Matthis and Lena have joined the brawl in Rivals of Aether

    Posted: 10 May 2020 11:31 AM PDT

    Happy Mother's Day! Who's your favorite playable FE mom?

    Posted: 10 May 2020 12:13 PM PDT

    Now just to be clear, there's not enough room to put every FE4, FE13, and FE14 mom, but those characters can only potentially have kids. These are characters that are canonically moms, so yeah. Happy Mother's day!

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/Acepaladin
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    What genre do you want the next spinoff to be?

    Posted: 10 May 2020 11:51 AM PDT

    So far, the only spinoffs we have are a JRPG and a Warriors. Hypothetically, if IS were to release another spinoff, what would you want it to be?

    I'd personally like to see a fighting game made by ArcSys or something like that.

    submitted by /u/MinniMaster15
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    FE4 Randomizer Highlight- Literally Cheating Death

    Posted: 10 May 2020 04:55 PM PDT

    The Evolution of End of the Holy War {Holy War • Arranged • 25th • Galeforce • Premium Arrange}

    Posted: 10 May 2020 10:55 AM PDT

    I very rarely draw but yesterday I decided to draw Kriss.

    Posted: 10 May 2020 08:28 AM PDT

    A small detail of Three Houses that I enjoy

    Posted: 10 May 2020 01:08 AM PDT

    When playing the missions against Lord Lonato and Remire Village, killing the enemies there will result in the character not saying anything for when they get a kill, leveling up, or increasing their skill rank (such as C+ to D). Even cooler is how, on the Remire mission, when you attack the real enemies who are allied with Solon, your characters speak again.

    I love this because it shows that they--your characters--lament the loss of the lives of innocent civilians and won't celebrate them like it's a good thing. It shows that they have respect for those people by staying silent when they kill them and I just love that little detail. Because it's one thing to fight against an entire army who wants you to die too, but it's another when you're forced to attack regular people.

    But yeah, just wanted to express how much I found that one, seemingly insignificant aspect of the game to be so interesting. XD

    submitted by /u/BebeFanMasterJ
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