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    Friday, July 24, 2020

    Fire Emblem Happy Birthday to Upside Down Man! (OC)

    Fire Emblem Happy Birthday to Upside Down Man! (OC)

    Happy Birthday to Upside Down Man! (OC)

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 02:39 PM PDT

    Nephenee plays the tambourine (Working!! / Wagnaria!!)

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 05:03 AM PDT

    In honor of Claude's birthday here is a photo of the Claude and Byleth (me) cosplays I've made!

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 11:43 AM PDT

    (OC) bartre but he's bart

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 06:03 PM PDT

    Nintendo of America wishes Claude a happy birthday

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 08:02 AM PDT

    Beauty and the Beast x Three Houses Crossover (OC)

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 10:09 AM PDT

    Khalid/Claude with casual clothing (oc)

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 08:35 AM PDT

    Chrom in my manga art style [OC]

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 11:51 AM PDT

    I drew a shirtless tsundere Felix

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 03:01 AM PDT

    Here's something to believe in! Male Byleth GBA style portrait

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 03:51 PM PDT

    Happy birthday Claude!

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 04:41 PM PDT

    Angry morning Soren [OC]

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 03:31 PM PDT

    [OC] To celebrate the one year anniversary of FE3H, we're playing DnD with the voice of Ingrid from Three Houses: Brittany C. Cox. Live now on Twitch!

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 04:55 PM PDT

    i'm pasha the wyvern and it's my human's birthday today and he says you gotta ask us questions. and give me snacks please.

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 08:35 AM PDT

    Undercurrents (OC)

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 09:49 AM PDT

    Saber Fanart (Fire Emblem Echoes) [OC]

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 03:17 AM PDT

    Some cute Seteth/Hilda to celebrate the end of prt 1 of The Fox and the Squirrel (link in comment)

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 11:30 AM PDT

    "Lemme Introduce Myself"

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 03:37 PM PDT

    Claude's birthday is tomorrow so I decided to draw him !!

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 03:32 PM PDT

    Dumb_Hilda02.png ( Eunnieverse )

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 08:14 AM PDT

    Told this would be appreciated here Caspar pre and post time skip in Sims 4

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 04:19 PM PDT

    Just gonna leave this here (OC)

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 07:51 PM PDT

    [FE4 Character Discussion] Examining the Crusaders #18 - Silvia, Traveling Dancer

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 07:11 AM PDT

    Welcome back to Examining the Crusaders, the series where we look at all of the playable characters in Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War. Last time we looked at Beowulf, Hired Sword. We found that Beowulf is a free roaming knight who may or may not have his intentions first. However, he's not solely self-interested as sometimes he may do an altruistic thing. Today we will look at Silvia, Traveling Dancer.


    Silvia is a young dancer who travels around Agustria looking for work. When she first is introduced, she is traveling with the "bard" Lewyn. She joins the player's team after Heirhein is seized. Silvia is generally seen as an immature young child; however, this immaturity is a façade to cover up her anxieties due to her rough upbringing.


    Chapter 2 introduction: Lewyn asks what is going on outside; a villager tells him that he needs to leave because bandits have arrived. Lewyn asks if the Agustrian army is doing something, to which the villager replies that the army doesn't care about saving the villages; not only that, but rumors have spread that the Lord of Anphony himself is commanding the bandits to raid the villages. After this, Lewyn resolves to take on the bandits himself and asks if there is a reward waiting for him. The villager scoffs at him and asks him once again to leave. Silvia then confronts Lewyn that he is trying to leave without her. She asks Lewyn why he is "dumping" her now; Lewyn replies that they've barely met and have only gone out for dinner "two or three times." Silvia after this starts crying because Lewyn called her "adorable" yet doesn't want to seriously engage in a relationship with her. Lewyn tries to justify it by saying he "didn't mean it;" when he realizes that this isn't fixing the situation, he tells her to stop and warns her that things will "get rough" out in the battle. Silvia replies that she likes it rough. Lewyn quietly remarks to himself that Silvia had a sudden change in mood like if she is still a child; Silvia tries to ask about it but Lewyn pretends he didn't say anything.

    Silvia here appears as an immature young girl. She thinks Lewyn was in a relationship with her even though they had only hung out a couple times. Some people interpret this conversation as showing that Lewyn actually led her on romantically, but that isn't directly proven by the script; it's quite likely that Lewyn was just trying to placate her advances and had no real romantic interest in her. Silvia takes great offense to Lewyn "dumping" her because she is a young girl who doesn't really have the maturity yet, and her immaturity is played for a gag here; there's no deeper meaning apparent to the player quite yet.


    Chapter 2 conversation with Sigurd: Silvia squeals as she is happy to meet Sigurd; Sigurd asks Silvia to go back to the castle as it is too dangerous in the battlefield for her, a dancer. Silvia balks at this and tries to get familiar with Sigurd, offering to let him call her "Silvie." Sigurd apologizes to Silvia that he doesn't have the time to "look after children" and asks her to go back to the castle. This infuriates her; she complains to Sigurd that he is a "boring old stiff" who called Silvia a good little girl even though she is a (self-proclaimed) "hot" woman. Sigurd tells Silvia that this is enough from her and goes on back to his work. Silvia complains in a poetic way that she will return to being a "delicate flower" in the battlefield to Sigurd's dismay.

    This of course is probably the most well-known of Silvia's conversations...because it is also comic relief. Silvia is frustrated that Sigurd doesn't immediately start returning her advances despite the fact that she believes she is a "hot woman." Sigurd of course treats her by her appearance - as a child - which also gets to Silvia's anxiety of her being treated lower than the dignity she wants. She feels very self-conscious about this and is offended that he did this; Silvia tries to ignore it by acting immaturely. We'll see those insecurities developed later on.


    Chapter 2 conversation with Alec: Alec tries to pick up Silvia by calling her "adorable." She is surprised that he does that given that everyone else she has spoken to at this point has been turned off by her own advances; Alec replies by saying that he must be the only "decent" guy around Sigurd's army. Silvia thanks Alec for this. Alec then invites Silvia to a dinner; she says that she may do a "special" dance for Alec that nobody else has seen yet, something which Alec says he "can't wait" for.

    Yet another comic relief conversation. This time, Alec actually returns Silvia's advances as she wants to show him a "special dance." This shows that Silvia...probably doesn't really understand what exactly she is offering him. Or maybe she does understand and is doing it on purpose because she wants to leap into a relationship with Alec; it's up to player interpretation.


    Chapter 4 conversation with Erin: Silvia bugs Erin and asks her if she "really likes" Lewyn. Erin stutters before denying that she is attracted to Lewyn; she explains that all of the people in Silesse respect Lewyn as their prince. Silvia then follows up by asking if Erin would be okay if Silvia got with Lewyn; Erin hesitates before saying that she wouldn't mind it. Silvia presses Erin on whether she is sure about this, to which Erin responds that she would have no issue and asks if she is supposed to object to it. Silvia then says that since Erin doesn't object, she will go "work her magic" on Lewyn. Erin after this raises the point that a consort would have to have the dignity that her prospective mother-in-law Rahna would possess. Silvia takes offense to this as she interprets Erin as saying that she cannot actually be queen and leaves, leaving Erin bewildered.

    Silvia's insecurities are developed a bit more as Erin softly implies that Silvia doesn't have the manners that would be required of a consort. This hits Silvia hard as she wants to think that she is well-mannered; she resents the fact that she grew up horribly. She copes with her insecurities by pretending to not care and getting angry at Erin when she brings it up; again, the insecurities get developed more in her conversation with Claude.


    Chapter 4 secret event: Silvia visits the village near Thove. The villager says that he is glad that Sigurd's army is here to save them but notices that Silvia is a dancer; he asks for Silvia to dance. Silvia happily complies and dances for them so she can cheer up the villagers. When she is done, the villager compliments her skills and thanks her for refreshing them; he then gives her the Safeguard sword.

    Not really much characterization here, but it's good to see Silvia appreciated for her dancing skills for once. She's happy to dance for the villagers to help them, which shows that Silvia not only likes her job but likes it even more when she can use it to please other people.


    Chapter 4 conversation with Claude: Silvia greets Claude. Claude asks who she is, and Silvia responds by introducing herself. Claude asks Silvia how he can help her and asks if she ran into bandits. Silvia asks why he is asking her this; Claude explains that he is asking this because she is only wearing underwear as presumably he thinks her clothes were stolen. Silvia admonishes Claude for asking this and says that this is her working clothes just as Claude's chasuble is his working clothes as a priest. Claude asks if she is cold wearing that few clothes; Silvia answers that she is never cold because of her heart being ablaze. After this Claude asks if Silvia finds dancing enjoyable, to which she answers in the affirmative. Claude continues by questioning if her parents approve of her being a dancer; Silvia responds that she was an orphan who was taught dancing by her master. However, her master was an awful person who beat her and thus a year ago she ran away from home. Claude is saddened by this and tells his own tale that his sister who is about Silvia's age was abducted when she was an infant. Silvia says that she thinks Claude's lost sister is like a princess with a grace that she doesn't have; Claude contests this and says that he thinks Silvia has her own grace. Silvia asks Claude if he is sure about this, and Claude reassures her that this is what he truly believes. Silvia starts crying as nobody has treated her in such a graceful way as Claude has.

    Finally, we get some development! Much like the other conversations, this one starts out with Silvia acting immaturely. However, later on Silvia tells Claude about her backstory: raised by an abusive adoptive father and forced to run away from home because of that. This is probably the source of Silvia's insecurities about how others perceive her. After this, we see Claude compliment Silvia on her own grace. This is the first time in the entire game that we have seen anyone treat Silvia as a mature adult instead of a child; Silvia understandably starts crying because she has never been treated in such a nice manner as Claude had just spoken to her. We finally see her break out of her shell of acting immaturely to cope with her trauma and it shows the depth in her that other conversations don't show.


    Chapter 5 conversation with Claude: Silvia asks Claude if she is doing fine. Claude responds that he is fine and asks Silvia to leave the battlefield rather than endanger herself. Silvia tries to stop him but Claude says that she cannot stay with him. Silvia tells him that she loves him. Claude returns the favor and tries to explain that this is why he wants her to leave. Silvia refuses as she will stay with him until death does them part; Claude tries once again to get Silvia to run to safety.

    Too bad the development didn't last. But they certainly have a love for each other for Silvia to cling to Claude like this. Is it genuine? That's up to the player to decide. Personally I think Silvia truly does love Claude given that he was the first person to genuinely treat Silvia with compassion, so this is a bittersweet conversation especially if one knows about what Claude knows by now. It's a fitting end to their relationship, at least within the actual game.


    Chapter 5 conversation with Lewyn: Silvia asks Lewyn if he still likes her. Lewyn is baffled that she asked this and asks why; Silvia presses him again to respond. Lewyn answers that he still loves her; after all, they are married. Silvia explains that she loves him as well; she promises that she will never forget him and asks for the same from him. Lewyn then is left swooning for her.

    There really isn't much here to say on Silvia's end. Silvia semi-panicking and asking Lewyn if he still loves her can be seen as foreshadowing for what is to come at Belhalla; it can also be seen as her insecurities coming up again as she is anxious that Lewyn doesn't truly love her. The latter interpretation is pretty awful but at least Lewyn reassures her that he does in fact love her and doesn't want to dump her like he "tried" to do in Chapter 2.


    Chapter 5 conversation with Alec: Silvia is still out on the battlefield because she is worried for Alec's safety. Alec then chastises her for being out still and asks for her to return to safety at the castle, saying that she has to act less like a child since she is a mother now. Silvia fires back by saying that Alec is partially responsible as well and needs to come back from the battle safely as well both for her sake and for the sake of their daughter Lene. Alec then promises to come home safely to care for them.

    So this conversation follows up on their conversation in Chapter 2; presumably Alec and Silvia leapt into a relationship a bit too quickly which resulted in the unplanned birth of Lene. Silvia is a bit more mature now; she is able to retort to Alec's request to have her return to the castle by pointing out to him that Alec, too, is responsible. There isn't much more to say.


    Final thoughts: Silvia at surface level is an immature child who does immature things such as trying to flirt with other people whom she doesn't know. A closer examination of Silvia's character however reveals that her immaturity is a coping mechanism against the anxiety of people thinking lowly of her; this stems from her horrible upbringing as a child. In her relationship with Claude, we see that she breaks down because Claude actually treats Silvia like an adult; she receives the much-needed love from him that nobody else can give her. Overall this is a heartwarming arc in the story even though it is one that can easily be missed and Silvia letting go of her anxieties with Claude's help, while not fully developed, is interesting.

    Thanks for reading this episode. The next one will take a bit longer than normal to release because it involves the fan-favorite character and one of my personal favorites. It will be the scion of Forseti himself, Lewyn, Guiding Breeze. Until then!

    Previous: Beowulf, Hired Sword

    Next: Lewyn, Guiding Breeze

    submitted by /u/Skelezomperman
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    Dorothea Character Analysis

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 03:31 PM PDT

    Here's a video I made analyzing Dorothea's character from Three Houses. I hope that all of you who give it a chance like it and if you do be sure to subscribe, because I'll be making more content like this. And if you don't like it feel free to give me feedback because negative feedback is helpful too!


    submitted by /u/OrdinaryUnits
    [link] [comments]

    Fire Emblem Thracia 776 Chapter 19 part 1

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 07:03 PM PDT

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