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    Wednesday, July 22, 2020

    Fire Emblem I went ham...

    Fire Emblem I went ham...

    I went ham...

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 04:11 PM PDT

    Ghost of Hoshido

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 07:57 AM PDT

    Summer Cain and Abel

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 01:25 PM PDT

    My first ever sprite edit! Catria x 2B turned out alright.

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 12:59 AM PDT

    been thinking about school... quick smol Byleth to raise my motivation ✨

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 06:28 PM PDT

    Sophia Using The Luna Tome \O/

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 03:11 AM PDT

    Emperor Edelgard beadsprite

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 08:20 AM PDT

    (OC) I recently started Awakening so I felt obligated to draw Anna!

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 05:56 PM PDT

    |OC| HBD Kagero! (Uploading this now because July 26 will be full of Three Houses one year Anniversary art)

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 06:23 PM PDT

    Gray Fanart (Fire Emblem Echoes) [OC]

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 04:30 AM PDT


    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 08:43 PM PDT

    Hilda is a bit angry

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 09:16 AM PDT

    Fire Emblem Retrospective: New Mystery of the Emblem ~Heroes of Light and Shadow~

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 04:30 PM PDT

    You know, I debated on putting the full title in the title, but it's so ridiculous that I had to make fun of it at least once.

    Memes aside, previous post here. This was my first time playing FE12, and I played it on Hard 1. I used Female Kris, although the differences are quite minor from my understanding with F!Kris being a little sassier in some supports. I'd like to note that my Kris actually got stat screwed, so I missed out on my state mandated avatar worship by virtue of being stat screwed and having Jagen constantly berate me for it. Not cool, old man.


    I guess we should open with the most controversial aspect of FE12, Kris. The avatar. I came into this game with extremely low expectations of them as a character. The main thing you'll usually hear about Kris is that the game bends over backwards to worship them, and to make the player feel good about them. That they're a boring character that's just there for you to self-insert, and shouldn't be there. And I kinda lie in the middle here. While a lot of their interactions are boring (If I had a dollar for every support that starts with training I'd be able to buy a second copy of the game), and it is true that there is a certain bit of avatar worship, I don't think that Kris themselves are that bad of a character. The problem is more with their effect on the game where they can make moments about them, when they just... Weren't before. I don't think this makes the story bad, but I do think it makes the story worse than it could be. There's a bit in the chapter where you recruit George where Kris stays behind, and Jagen is like "yeah we're fucked but I guess Kris is there so we'll be ok". There's the famous ending credits scene where Marth calls him his other half while Caeda is standing right there. There's the INTRO OF THE GAME ITSELF starting off with avatar jerk.

    All that said, my main problem with them is that the game didn't really need them. The story was complete without Kris, and the bits where I do think Kris is good, are bits that could easily be given to another character. Cain's support could have been given to another trainee. Feena's F!Kris support could have been given to any other tomboy (Cecil kinda fits the bill, I think? From what I understand?) and as such we could have built the Archanea gang up by having them support each other rather than having everyone support Kris. Outside of the Whitewings + Minerva, most characters only support Kris or Kris+1 other, and that's super lame, especially when Kris is such a simple character. What if instead of supporting Linde with Merric and Kris, we had Linde with Merric and Wendell? Perhaps with another mage like Etzel, perhaps with Elrean? These would all be interesting options to explore, but instead we get Kris.

    Moving on from there, I'm not a big fan of how the returning cast from Shadow Dragon is handled. For the unfamiliar, FE3 cut some FE1 characters, so Mystery had a smaller cast and then when we got to Shadow Dragon, we had them back. In order to bring them back in New Mystery, they were jammed in... Really, really awkwardly. In terms of gameplay, it's fine, but in story? Barst is just chilling in a random forest and Ogma recruits him. Darros is chilling in a volcano with fire dragons??? Why is Beck next to the ice dragon temple? I thought Anri's Way was supposed to be DIFFICULT to brave, not so easy that Darros of all people is able to make it halfway through. Why is he here?

    I'm actually kind of a fan of the assassin's league subplot. It makes logical sense that Gharnef is trying to bonk off Marth's old comrades, and I quite like what happened with Eremiyah, and I even like Klein/Katarina (even if Roro is too silly for me...) I think it has a satisfying ending, and a fine premise when it comes to the overall plot. What I'm less a fan of is how they integrate these chapters into the story. At times, they happen when there's nothing going on that's THAT urgent, so it's fine to deviate, but other times it happens when there's really way more important stuff to be doing. As an example, when we're in the ice dragon temple, why are we going back to save like one girl? I get that it makes sense for Marth to make the decision, it's not super out of character for him, and the reason the deployment limit is so low is because they can only afford to bring a few people, but at the same time it completely breaks the pace. The story would be better if they were better integrated into the actual events going on. For instance, what if instead of backtracking to deal with the assassins, they simply caught up to Marth as he prepared to leave the Ice Dragon temple? Just spitballing here.

    That said, it's not all negative. It's not like the story is less enjoyable than FE3's by a significant margin. I didn't significantly disengage from the story just because Kris was there and these characters were in nonsensical locations, or because the gaidens could have been better. It's still Mystery of the Emblem, and a few scenes that I dislike aren't enough to ruin that for me. Not even close to it. I talked about the wasted opportunity of centering so many supports around Kris earlier, but that doesn't mean they're necessarily bad. They still show off more of the side crew, and still expand on them. Whether that be talking between them, or just Kris x someone else scenes.

    I really don't have a lot to say about the base story of NM, though. It's FE3's story. I already posted about it. I like it. It's the same story with minor differences that I mentioned above.


    To anyone in a server with me or that follows me on twitter, this won't be surprising, but I absolutely fell in love with this game. It's crazy how much it improved over the original Mystery in occasionally subtle ways, and occasionally more overt one. For one, certain maps that were rather annoying like chapter 3 are made better simply by the game itself playing faster. The cursor moves faster, the units move faster (who thought tying unit movement to their actual speed stat was a good idea?), and animations are much faster, both on and off. There's also other changes that were carried over from Shadow Dragon that make this game more interesting to play, such as the removal of class specific items and replacing them with master seals. Palla, notably, joins basically promotion ready, and is now able to promote in her joining chapter due to the master seals from the mountaintop wyverns, which are now much more bearable with a simple Arran dracoknight reclass. It should say a lot that Anri's Way went from being a bottom tier garbage map, to actually quite enjoyable in FE12.

    The emphasis on forges is still rather high, but forged effective weaponry is somewhat less overpowered than in FE11 due to the variety of enemies being much higher. It used to be that 90% of enemies were weak to it, but now that number is much lower. Or more accurately, they are weak to a greater variety of weapons. This game likes to throw a lot of dragons at you, but you need to forge really, really expensive dragon pikes if you want to hit ohko thresholds since they tend to be stronger than cavs, and the pikes have less uses than ridersbane/hammers/wing spear. More importantly, the hammerne (though you get it earlier) has far less uses, making it more expensive to maintain an arsenal of forged weaponry. It also feels like you get less gold, but I might be missing something.

    Map wise, as I mentioned earlier, most of the FE3 maps are good. The final chapter with Medeus was actually incredibly entertaining. However, the gaidens are mostly... Bad? They're more puzzles than maps, and sometimes they can be incredibly frustrating puzzles at that, like the Roro map or the two fog of war maps. This game does not have a torch, and though its fog mechanics are somewhat interesting (reveal everything within a tile of you through your path rather than only the final destination) it still makes both the ballista and eremiyah chapter frustrating, especially if I were playing a higher difficulty without warp.

    Some features were tuned down that I wish they left the same, like the Again staff, but it's not that big of a deal. I think the game is overall not only better, but much better. It plays incredibly well, and IMO better than Shadow Dragon. This game has possibly the best gameplay in the series so far, that I've played, and I adore it for it.


    The story is not quite as good as it could be, but I also don't think Kris made the story as offensively bad as some people say. I'd say it's worse than FE3 in most regards, but also has better characterization of overall characters. This is not a trade-off. It could be both. But that is unfortunately not what we have, and so I have to judge it for what it is, and what it is is worse than FE3 in main plot, but thankfully bringing some much needed characterization to the side cast.

    Gameplay wise, this is easily the best game in the series IMO (so far, at least.) It has made it into my top 3, dethroning Thracia from the #3 position, and that's quite the accomplishment.

    Really good game. Please, play DSFE. Like, I'm begging you man. DSFE is so good. Just play it.

    submitted by /u/peevedlatios
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    I was hoping to have this high detail 3D Blutgang asset ready by the 3H anniversary, but I'm out of time, here is a work in progress shot anyway! Details in thread

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 03:57 AM PDT

    Armored Mage Eldegard

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 08:30 AM PDT

    Does anyone else wish there was an armored mage class in Three Houses? Like at least for Eldegard to support her budding reason talent. I know it wouldn't be a good class for like maddening mode but I'm not really concerned with optimization for character classes. I like what fits best for their character or what's the most interesting build I can do for them.

    submitted by /u/StilesHale93
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    Scion of Light

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 10:03 AM PDT

    Whose Line Is It Anyway? r/fireemblem edition - July 2020

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 09:49 AM PDT

    For those who don't know what a "Whose Line" thread is, it's a thread where someone posts a prompt, (such as "Things less interesting than Gaiden's map design") and someone responds with a funny quip that plays off of it (such as "The Sable Knights' personality")

    Keep it fun, be creative

    And mark your spoilers

    submitted by /u/Bullwine85
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    Olwen revealed as next Resplendent Hero

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 07:14 AM PDT

    "What If?" Wednesdays, Chapter 1: Half-Blooded Holy Weapons?

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 04:16 PM PDT

    Hello, Fire Emblem fans;

    First off, I really appreciated all the good answers, and further questions, that came up in last week's version of this thread. There was a lot of good speculative gameplay discussion, and I want to keep that rolling. So, without further Dedue, here's this week's prompt:

    Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War is a game where Holy Blood, and Holy Weapons, take center stage. The Holy Weapons, such as the Bow Yewfelle and the Sword Tyrfing, have high stats, and provide their wielders with massive benefits. To wield one of these powerful tools, one must have been born with the proper line of Holy Blood - and a major level, at that. But what if that were not so strictly the case? What if it were possible for characters with Minor Holy Blood to acquire, and wield, their respective Holy Weapons?

    Going along with this, let's take a few liberties. Let's assume that Holy Weapons can be bought and sold in the Pawn Shop, like regular weapons, at prices commensurate with their repair costs. Moreover, let's assume that previously unobtainable Holy Weapons (Valflame, Helswath, Mjolnir) are now dropped by the enemy wielding each one, in its last appearance. Of course, the wielder will need to be in a class that uses the weapon type in question (i.e. Larcei can't wield Helswath, even with Neir blood, because she has no Axe class). In terms of the particular benefits proferred by the weapons upon Minor Blood wielders, let's consider three scenarios. A) The wielder receives no stat bonuses nor skills from the weapon; B) The wielder receives half-valued stat bonuses from the weapon, but no skills (i.e. +5 skl, +5 spd, +10 res from Tyrfing; rather than +10 skl, +10 spd, +20 res, Miracle); and C) The wielder receives the same stat boosts and skills as any user with Major Holy Blood.

    How would such a change, in any of these three scenarios, affect the way you play the game? Would you do something differently in scenario C or B, but not A? Is this the sort of change you would like to see (say, in a potential remake), or would you not be a fan of it? I will provide my own answer in the comments, but I look forward to hearing all of yours! And, as before, if you have your own question to pose, feel free to do so.

    submitted by /u/SixThousandHulls
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    FE4 Genealogy of the Holy War impressions and takeaways

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 04:13 PM PDT

    I had played through the game a few times and it dawned on me how special the story was, every playthrough after the first one, I began to pick up more and more details and I fell in love with the cast of characters, finding everyone to be a fleshed out enough character that I can invest in them. Alec to Ulster and all alphabetically in between I was impressed that despite the simplicity it connects well and the maps are truly amazing devices to tell the story forward and the music is stupendous and paints the scene of the map and story if the narration and dialogue didn't do enough.

    The antagonists are equally great in their roles of investing the player more in them and the story until they are done with their arc. The available classes were lovely to use, I hardly know what to flair this as, the game feels great to experience, paying attention to detail is encouraged as new dynamics are picked up on every new time. The pairing system I like a lot too, the conversations are written to each character and their traits and tropes. The cast feels believable in their setting of a sprawling continent and a "Holy War" of a epic war journey that is fatiguing and emotional.

    This is the best Fire Emblem experience I have had yet and welcome more, I want to thank those in the fan base that tell people to give it a try as without you, I wouldn't be in love with the series.

    submitted by /u/MankuyRLaffy
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    One hour into Shadow Dragon and I'm already crying

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 07:31 PM PDT

    I'm sorry old man

    submitted by /u/Lolailo900
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    My friend is talking trash about Edelgard, so I made this

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 07:30 PM PDT

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