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    Monday, December 7, 2020

    Fire Emblem My Little Sister's 14th Birthday Cake

    Fire Emblem My Little Sister's 14th Birthday Cake

    My Little Sister's 14th Birthday Cake

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 01:55 PM PST

    Good morning Bernie ✨(twitter:jxh_soda)

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 06:44 AM PST

    You Should Fear the One Who Purposefully Wears White Pants in The Battlefield - My Concept of M Edelgard

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 12:55 PM PST

    I think this was a bug, but it was cute

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 02:54 PM PST

    Fir, ready to fight! [commission drawn by @eposhim on Twitter]

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 04:37 AM PST

    Edelgard cosplay by me :)

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 09:25 AM PST

    Since shadow dragon got a remake, I drew Tiki!

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 05:25 PM PST

    [OC] Some Mages from Thracia 776!

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 09:41 AM PST

    Christmas Rhea

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 10:48 AM PST


    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 02:13 PM PST

    Fire Emblem Heroes - Book V Movie

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 04:36 PM PST

    Fire Emblem Heroes - New Heroes (Book V Begins: Reginn and More)

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 04:36 PM PST

    |OC| "Not You Too...!" [[Blood Warning]]

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 08:25 AM PST

    Fire Emblem Heroes - Feh Channel (Dec. 7, 2020)

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 04:17 PM PST

    Lyn Figure Accepting Reservations Soon

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 07:17 PM PST

    (Heroes) Top 5 most wanted Heroes not in the game (Post Reginn and More)

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 04:26 PM PST

    Arvis, Sigurd and Deidre returning home from Askr

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 09:15 PM PST

    S-Support Series - Advent Calendar #07 - Cath/Garret

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 11:34 AM PST

    Four way Free For All Link Arena Battle!

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 11:37 AM PST

    I remade a bunch of characters in the Soul Calibur 6 character creator (might upload second batch if this doesn't bother you guys)

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 04:15 AM PST

    Ok, can we talk about Jedah?

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 06:31 PM PST

    Listen. Jedah is like a .5/10 in looks, both Marla and Hestia are easy 7-8/10 while Sonya is even higher I'd say nothing lower than a 9 even on a bad day. So the question is, who did he get with to have three amazing daughters?? Like I ran the calculations, the girls are averaging an 8.3/10 and he's a .5 leaving a 7.8 discrepancy. Not to mention with how genetics work he has a 50% chance of his traits to be chosen. So I have to ask... how did this happen?

    submitted by /u/DCB01
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    [FE4 Character Discussion] Examining the Crusaders #37 - Nanna, Nordion Princess (& Jeanne)

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 07:40 AM PST

    Welcome back to Examining the Crusaders, the series where we look at the playable characters of Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War. Last time we looked at Finn, Lance of Legend, the best dad knight who gives his all even after he suffers a string of tragedies. Today we will look at Finn's (adoptive) daughter, Nanna, Nordion Princess.


    Nanna is a troubadour who is the daughter of Lachesis; through Lachesis, she carries minor Hezul blood. She spent most or all of her life in Leonster and was raised by Finn alongside Leif. Nanna first joins Seliph's army at the beginning of Chapter 7 alongside Finn and Leif.


    Chapter 7 introduction: Finn rides into Leonster castle. Leif asks him if he has heard anything on the status of the other division; Finn delivers the grave news that all of the soldiers who went to Alster were killed. Leif is angered to hear that their best chance had failed and says that he wants to strangle Blume now. He is stopped by Finn, who warns him to calm down as Lewyn is bringing Seliph's liberation army to help them; until then, they will have to ride out the siege. Leif recalls that Seliph is the son of his father's friend Sigurd and comes up with the idea that they can combine forces to fight against the Empire more effectively. Nanna agrees and adds that if they lose now, then the deaths of the soldiers at Alster will have been in vain; she suggests that they flee Leonster to the west. Leif concurs and decides to play defensive until Seliph can arrive with help.

    Nanna is introduced here as she agrees with Finn (her adoptive father?) that being foolish and running after Blume would not be a good idea. She's the one who suggests that they flee Leonster to the west, showing that she thinks through things more than Leif does. But this is definitely not the conversation where Nanna's character shines.


    Chapter 7 conversation with Diarmuid: Diarmuid asks Nanna if she is indeed Nanna; she says yes and asks who he is. Diarmuid, overjoyed, tells her that he is her brother which confuses Nanna. After this Diarmuid explains that Lewyn told him that after Belhalla he was sent to Tirnanog but Nanna was born in Leonster where their mother (Lachesis) had fled to. Nanna, shocked, asks Diarmuid where their mother is, but Diarmuid doesn't know the answer to this question and is puzzled why she asked. Nanna on her end explains that when she was three years old, Lachesis had left to try to get Diarmuid back from Tirnanog but had never returned; Diarmuid says that he never saw her. Nanna is confused by this and wonders where she is but Diarmuid concludes that she may have fallen to the harsh Aed Desert; when Nanna makes this realization as well, she is heartbroken.

    For the first time in her life, Nanna meets her older brother; this conversation actually focuses on what happened to their mother, Lachesis. She's forced to come to terms with the fact that Lachesis was lost in the Aed Desert even though she had waited for most of her life for her mother to come back. It's heartbreaking for Nanna to have to mourn her mother like this, to lose on to her last realistic hopes that she is still alive...but she has to move on. Not that she does immediately given the next conversation.


    Chapter 7 conversation with Finn: Finn asks Nanna how she is doing; she tells her father that she is doing fine and that he doesn't need to worry about her. Finn remarks that Nanna is getting to be bold like her mother; it's almost as if he was talking to Lachesis as he was 20 years before. Nanna then angrily asks Finn why he let her mother run off by herself (to Aed) if he really loved her; Finn answers that this dispute is not her business and is a private matter between himself and Lachesis. Nanna tries to interject but is interrupted by Finn, who tells her that she will understand when she is older

    This conversation may be limited to the context of Finn being Nanna's biological father, but it still reveals a lot about Nanna as a character. She's more hot-headed than her last appearance here (as in, closer to the temper of her mother) as she tries to interrogate her father about why he let her mother run off through the desert on her ill-fated journey. It's an emotional topic for him that he is reluctant to discuss yet she still tries to press him on it, showing that she's still young and less willing to be calm about things than she could be.


    Chapter 8 conversation with Ares: Nanna asks Ares if he is Ares, and Ares indeed confirms that and asks what he wants. Nanna asks him if he is Eldigan's son, and Ares confirms this as well before asking pointedly why she is concerned with that. In response, Nanna gleefully replies that she is the daughter of Lachesis, which shocks Ares. She continues that Lachesis had been concerned with Ares as it was why she went to Leonster in the first place; Ares then explains that as an infant, he had been sent off along with his mother to Leonster (where she was from) before the war in Agustria began. However, his mother Grahnye was killed in the invasion of Leonster and Ares was then adopted by Jabarro, who raised him and taught him how to fight. Nanna gives something to Ares which her mother left for him; it turns out to be a letter from Eldigan addressed to Ares. Nanna explains that the letter says that Sigurd and Eldigan were actually close friends for the entirety of their lives; this shocks Ares too as he turns out to have been wrong about Sigurd. Afterwards, Nanna asks Ares to look after Seliph, and Ares agrees to do so; afterwards, he gives Nanna a lesson in swordsplay.

    Nanna greets her cousin enthusiastically because she has an important task: to reveal the truth that Sigurd was not in fact Eldigan's mortal foe. She's outgoing towards him in order to warm him up enough so he can accept his letter; this shows that Nanna is personable with the same Charm that her mother had. And she's successful with her mission; Nanna gets Ares to stop being hostile to Seliph, contrasting with how her mother was unable to get Eldigan to ally with Sigurd.


    Chapter 10 conversation with Leif: Nanna remarks to Leif that in spite of what she heard about the splendor of this area, Miletos is in ruins. Leif notes that the Empire is so brutal to have destroyed Miletos despite that as recently as 20 years before, one could buy anything they wanted from there; he continues that nothing can grow if the Empire is still in power. Nanna says that when she was younger, she had wanted to come to Miletos and look at all of the things on sale. Leif in response says that when the war is over, he wants to come back to Miletos with her. Nanna asks him why he wants to do this. Leif answers by telling a story of his parents: when they were visiting Miletos, his father had bought a pearl tiara which he gave to his mother as a gift. Leif then wants to do the same thing for Nanna, and Nanna swoons for Leif. But Leif interrupts his thoughts by saying that they still have to win the war first and bring down the Empire; Nanna agrees with him and they set off.

    Nanna has a nice conversation with Leif here where they dream about what they want to do after the war. It's a nice moment for them to break up the horrors of the war that has been waged by the Empire against its own people, and it shows how close they are to each other.


    Endgame conversation with Leif: Nanna asks Leif how long he thinks the fight will take. Leif answers that he does not know but he feels that the end is coming closer. Nanna then follows up by asking if they will return to Leonster afterwards. Leif replies that they will as he will fulfill his father's dream of uniting Thracia; he adds that he wants to have Nanna by his side. Nanna replies that she will happily do that as she will always be with Leif no matter where he goes.

    Leif and Nanna were childhood friends who were close with each other, and they've only gotten closer since. Nanna is dedicated to helping her friend - now lover - with his dream of uniting Thracia. She could have said that she wants to go to Agustria where her mother is from, but instead she prioritizes Leif's homeland of Thracia (her own homeland where she was raised) as she is more dedicated to him than anyone else.


    Endgame conversation with Seliph: Nanna calls for Seliph; Seliph tells her to take care as the battle will be very brutal. Nanna says that she is actually worried for Seliph as he has to take care. Seliph replies that she's right, but they're near the end and he has to give everything he has. Nanna responds that if he will do that, she will do everything she can to protect him and pray for him as she always has. Seliph thanks Nanna for watching over him and says that he can feel her power; Nanna tells Seliph that he is welcome.

    Here, Nanna shows that she wants to take care of Seliph; she wants to help him accomplish what he needs to accomplish (in this case winning the war) just as she does with Leif. Seliph shows concern for her, but Nanna is more worried about her lover than about herself, showing not only how selfless she is but how confident she is that she will survive the war.


    Endgame conversation with Ares: Nanna tells Ares to be careful because Agustria needs him for the restoration; Ares says that he will make sure not to die as he will always work towards his father's dream of a glorious restoration of Agustria. Nanna tells Ares that both Eldigan and her mother (Lachesis) would be proud of him. Ares replies that he couldn't do it alone and that he always needs Nanna; Nanna reciprocates this feeling as she will not make the same mistake her mother made. Ares asks her if she is referring to Lachesis being in love with Eldigan, and Nanna replies that she was but they were only half-siblings after all. Ares notes that they are "only" cousins; Nanna adds that it's unsurprising in light of that that they're together.

    Wtf. Why is this conversation in the game? I suppose it carries on similar themes as her other two lover conversations with Nanna being dedicated to helping her lover rebuild his country, but why does it have to bring up their familial relationship...


    Ending: If Nanna ends the game unmarried and does not inherit from her father then she will return to Agustria with Diarmuid. Seliph is surprised to hear this when she tells him this, but Nanna clarifies that with her work in Leonster done she has no regrets. Seliph tells Nanna to take care as she deserves happiness, and Nanna wishes the same to Seliph.

    If Nanna's lover died, she will say that while she cannot forget her lover she still has to keep going rather than grieving forever. Seliph says that he understands; he wishes for Nanna to stay well as Agustria needs her. Nanna says that she will have to help the king (Ares or Diarmuid) and devote herself to the commoners.

    If you read between the lines in Nanna's default conversation, you could infer that Nanna is secretly disappointed that Leif did not get with her. If this is the context then Nanna setting her feelings aside to go back to Agustria and help the people there contrasts with Lana getting outright mad at Seliph for not getting with her. Regardless of whether this is true or not, Nanna is still shown as being dedicated to the people - her mother's people - and willing to help them.

    The second conversation is interesting too in that Nanna overcomes her grief for her fallen lover and moves on to help the people in Agustria. Much like how Lachesis had to overcome her mourning for Eldigan which is really only shown in the manga, Nanna has to overcome her mourning for her lover so she can help the people of Agustria.


    Jeanne: Jeanne is Nanna's substitute character. She is a troubadour who is the daughter of Yves, one of Lachesis's retainers, and the younger sister of Tristan. Jeanne has two unique conversations as well as a secret event shared with Hermina.


    Chapter 7 conversation with Tristan: Tristan asks Jeanne if she is indeed Jeanne; she says yes and asks who he is. Tristan, overjoyed, tells her that he is her brother which confuses Jeanne. Tristan explains to her that their father was a Cross Knight who was killed in the Agustrian civil war and thus Sigurd's army took them in. They then fled to Tirnanog but Jeanne was somehow separated; Jeanne replies that it makes sense since a traveling merchant adopted her. However, her adoptive father was murdered by a Grannvalian soldier, after which she was taken in by Finn. Tristan says that her story sounds terrible and feels sorry that Jeanne had to go through everything, but Jeanne answers that she's just happy that she has a brother now.

    This conversation provides the backstory to why Tristan and Jeanne were separated, because it would not make too much sense otherwise as to why they were raised by different people on opposite sides of Jugdral. Tristan expresses grief over Jeanne's adoptive father having been killed, but Jeanne has moved on from it. Instead of dwelling on that terrible thing that happened, she moves on to be happy over finally meeting her brother.


    Chapter 9 secret event: "Shannan" calls Jeanne a beauty, which is met by Jeanne angrily interrupting him. Shannam then claims that he, the prince of Isaach, just had to meet Jeanne and asks her to accompany him to a meal; this is met by silence. Shannam then concludes that Jeanne is nervous to stand in front of him but tells her not to worry because he likes staying close with peasants. Jeanne in disbelief asks Shannam to show her the Balmung. He then shows Jeanne the "Balmung dracoshield" and asks her to dinner again, but Jeanne rebukes him for trying to pass off a shield as the Balmung and says that he is nothing like the real Shannan. Shannam realizes that Jeanne is part of the liberation army and apologizes for taking on the guise but says that women have been "fawning over him" since he took on Shannan's identity; he then gives the shield to Jeanne and leaves. After he leaves, Jeanne calls Shannam but says that the shield can help her "toughen up" a little bit.

    As said in the Fee episode, this conversation can be activated by both Hermina and Jeanne with identical results so I will just copypaste what I said there:

    With that in mind, Hermina Jeanne shows that she has a shorter temper and was quick to rebuke "Shannan" (we'll call him Shannam) for trying to pretend to be Shannan to "pick her up" so to speak, and very understandably so. She is also a little clever too as she thought to get Shannam to show her the "Balmung" to prove his identity, which showed that he was not in fact Shannan.


    Endgame conversation with Leif: Jeanne calls out to Leif. Leif reminds Jeanne that he had asked her to stay back in the castle as the battle is too dangerous for everyone who does not carry holy blood. Jeanne says that even though she is a burden if she fights, she can still heal with her staves. Leif weakly agrees that it would help to have healing but orders Jeanne to stay away from danger as Thracia needs her; not only that, but he needs her and he cannot let her die. Jeanne says yes to Leif saying that.

    Jeanne is being told by Leif that she isn't suited for fighting since she lacks holy blood. But Jeanne refuses to sit back and watch; she wants to go fight and continue to do things at least as a healer. Her will to fight is unbreakable, and she forces Leif - her lover - to let her come with him and help him. The conversation also lampshades the fact that Jeanne's combat is really bad and her best use is for healing, not that Nanna is any different.


    Final thoughts: Nanna, like her mother, is (stubbornly) dedicated to doing what she wants to do. She's confident that no matter what, she will be able to survive and push forward, and above everything else she is dedicated to helping everyone else win the war and restore Jugdral to its former glory. Nanna contrasts with her mother as she is more successful; she is able to make Ares change his views on Seliph, unlike Lachesis with Eldigan. Most importantly, Nanna is close to Leif and serves as a support for him, proposing the successful strategy of fleeing Leonster to avoid getting killed and following him no matter where he goes. In summation, Nanna is selfless and determined to do whatever it takes to get what others need to be accomplished, done.

    Jeanne, like Nanna, has an iron will. This is most prominent in her conversation with Leif where she refuses to stay back even if she is "inferior" in fighting due to her lack of holy blood; where instead, she gets Leif to allow her to stay with him and help him with her healing staff. We also see it in Jeanne choosing not to dwell on her adoptive father's death but moving on to the joy of reuniting with her brother Tristan as well as with Jeanne resisting Shannam's attempts to woo her.

    Thanks for reading this episode. Next time we are going to look at Nanna's cousin, the Eldigan look-alike Ares, Black Knight. Until then!

    Previous: Finn, Lance of Legend

    Next: Ares, Black Knight

    submitted by /u/Skelezomperman
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    (Audio Drama) Prologue | Fire Emblem Genealogy of the Holy War Novelization

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 07:13 PM PST

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