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    Tuesday, January 19, 2021

    Fire Emblem I made BOTW Zelda into a Fire Emblem 3H character! I imagine she would be a mage, but I'm not sure what house she would be in... What do you think? I might do Link next!

    Fire Emblem I made BOTW Zelda into a Fire Emblem 3H character! I imagine she would be a mage, but I'm not sure what house she would be in... What do you think? I might do Link next!

    I made BOTW Zelda into a Fire Emblem 3H character! I imagine she would be a mage, but I'm not sure what house she would be in... What do you think? I might do Link next!

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 12:53 PM PST

    I drew Minerva, but she's from a 1991 Sega Genesis RPG instead.

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 05:35 PM PST

    Unexpected finding at my local Covid vaccine center:

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 12:20 AM PST

    I drew Sonya for a friend

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 11:35 AM PST

    Ma'Aya commission came in!

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 02:30 PM PST

    I drew the dragons table

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 08:44 AM PST

    Sophia Drinking Tea [commission]

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 06:10 AM PST

    Dark Desert Ritual Tharja

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 07:20 PM PST

    (Heroes) Top 5 most wanted Heroes not in the game before CYL5 (and a look back at last year)

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 06:13 PM PST

    Plegian!Eirika and Judith (Drawn by u/alexa_44)

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 08:02 PM PST

    Caesar is among the most worldy & in universe strongest characters in Archanea

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 10:39 AM PST

    This is not a shitpost I swear I have both math and narrative context to back my assertions up. To begin with lets look at the premise of this post, we know from every game involving Valentia and Archanea that Caesar has worldly knowledge that goes beyond just the two continents established in the classic Archanean timeline, but alongside this information we can gather that he is among the most powerful characters due to a variety of implications we can make about the world. Let us begin with his worldly knowledge.

    This section will begin with us digging into Caesar's supports in New Mystery a little bit which elucidates a surprising amount of information about the guy. The Kris - Caesar B support in particular gives us some insight into the world of Archanea.

    Caesar and Chris 2

    Caesar: Hey, Chris. How is the book going?

    Chris: I started reading, but... There are many words I don't recognize, so I'm having trouble.

    Caesar: Yes, I forgot to warn you. That book originates from another continent. It's no surprise you find it hard to read.

    Chris: Where did you get it?

    Caesar: Have you ever been to Warren?

    If Chris is male

    Chris: No. I know it's a port city, though.

    If Chris is female

    Chris: No. I know it's a port city, though...

    Caesar: My base is in Warren. Ships from all over the world go there. I got the book as a reward for escorting a foreign ship... basically.

    Chris: So you can understand their language?

    Caesar: Yes, with no trouble. After all, mercenaries do more than just fight in wars. I often escort people, too-- all sorts of people.

    Chris: You're quite knowledgeable... It appears there's more to a mercenary's way of life than I thought...

    Now overall this might not seem interesting on the surface, but realize that Caesar mentions that this book comes from a different continent & is difficult to read. One might immediately assume it's from Valentia, but the problem there is that a language barrier isn't shown to exist we know that Tatiana is able to immediately talk to Zeke & the Peg Sisters to Celica immediately upon them meeting. There is no confusion nor language discrepancies between Archanea and Valentia. The only other alternatives to this is that either this book comes from the land Athena comes from OR this book originates from modern Archanean Calendar Jugdral (as Jugdral has been confirmed to be in the same world as Archanea & Valentia). Now remembering that Athena's country speaks a different language that's across the sea, but is visually & orally different from the Valentian language in SoV, we can confirm in some way that yes the overall Archanean world has both multiple languages & Archanea trades with them as the book was from a ship Caesar escorted.

    Now, on to the more mechanical part of the argument, how is Caesar a powerful character? Well lets look back at the Caesar Kris B support he mentions again that he escorts ships, both foreign & presumably native, but either way Caesar is traversing the sea from out of Port Warren. Now again I am going to pull from our knowledge of SoV on water ecology and inhabitants of the sea. What we know for sure is that Water Dragons are both aggressive and are littered throughout the ocean if the normal boat trip Alm & Celica take in Part 6 is anything to go by. This means that part of Caesar's job reliably involves the warding off & slaying of Water Dragons as part of this escort. With me being quite the curious mind, I decided I'm going to see how feasible this combat is & determine how strong/lucky Caesar truly is. Because Caesar is still alive though by FE12 which means the events of his support occurred prior to his recruitment. I'm going to give Caesar the benefit of the doubt and say yes, he's at his FE12 bases for this battle because he's obviously such a strapping young lad. Here we can reference his base stats. If we give Caesar a Wyrmslayer from FE12 (as he has the rank to wield them and honestly why wouldn't he bring one to the Water Dragon seas) we get a solid 29 attack. Decent enough. Now here are the base stats of a Water Dragon. I am not going to pull a random SoV Water Dragon, we're just going to use one purely at base stats with Water Breath. Now this means that we have a 26 base attack, but the fun thing about Water Breath is that it completely ignores defense, meaning that Caesar will immediately die if a base Water Dragon were to touch him. Caesar only deals 6 damage to this sample Water Dragon, now if we play by Valentian doubling Caesar is dealing 12 damage per turn, but if we use New Mystery doubling we're at 6. To give Caesar the benefit of the doubt, this is still 3 rounds of combat where Caesar needs to land every strike he makes to kill this Water Dragon. This means that Caesar is an evasion god that is able to consistently avoid attacks from Water Dragons and make at least 6 pin point strikes with his Wyrmslayer to defend merchant ships from Water Dragons. The difficulty only increases if we begin taking SoV Water Dragons directly, but that'd be strictly unfair.

    Through both of these discoveries we now know that Caesar likely has the largest power gap between the established lore vs in game stats to a degree even greater than Astram's. Caesar has been done dirty as the amount of XP he'd be gaining from Water Dragons is not reflected in his base level and this is something we've all been completely ignoring for years.

    submitted by /u/RodmunchPHD
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    More DLC Ideas

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 03:42 PM PST

    So, like everyone else who is as obsessed with Fire Emblem Three Houses, I've been continuing to think about the cool DLC side stories that Nintendo should make.

    What about if:

    -You get to play out the History of Fodlan where in each chapter, the boss is a Nabatean and then the aprés cut scene could be one of the Elites gaining a Sacred Relic and gaining their crest. Ultimately leading to the big war between the 10 Elites and Seiros.

    -You get to play the establishment of the Church of Seiros wherein you get to play as the 4 Saints and even the other saints who left that were seen in Cindered Shadows and in this arc, you could even use their crest beast forms.

    What do y'all think?

    submitted by /u/Hope1essRomant1c
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    Highlight from my iron man run.... many mistakes were made..

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 07:26 PM PST

    2B Marianne (By @mitsuchiis) [Commission]

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 01:09 AM PST

    Just finished this drawing of Edelgard.

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 08:44 PM PST

    [OC] Eirika Character Analysis Part 6!

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 02:42 PM PST

    How do you feel about MCs having intrinsically increased EXP gain and would you like to see FE17's MC(s) have it too?

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 09:27 AM PST


    In FE games post Awakening that aren't remakes, we've seen MCs with intrinsic increased exp gain via

    • Robin's Veteran
    • Corrin's Nobility
    • Byleth's personal part of Professor's Guidance and the House Leaders' respective lineage skills

    Personally I find that FE's MCs get alot of favoritism as is and they should get it given their importance to the story. But intrinsically increased exp gain not only feels like the most boring way to make them feel important/powerful, but takes away alot of the strategy that would go into playing with them since you can just crash their bigger stat numbers into the enemies smaller stat numbers. And we've had strong MCs without the need for intrinsically increased exp gain through

    • Strong bases: Sigurd/Seliph, SOV Alm, RD Ike
    • Unique Utilities: Thracia Leif being immune to fatigue, Michiah having an automatic A support with Sothe, Marth using the Fire Emblem as an unlimited Chest Key in DSFE, Chrom's Dual Strike+ skill
    • Or just jacked prf weapons: Roy's Binding Blade, Ike's Ragnell in both Tellius games, Siegmund/Sieglinde for Ephraim/Eirika, 3H House leaders prfs

    There's also the idea that the MC doesn't necessarily have to be the most powerful unit in the game. Roy, Eliwood and DSFE Marth are not fighters at heart and PoR Ike is inexperienced, so their early game unit performance really reflects that(don't know about FE1 and 3 Marth as I haven't finished them yet).

    Now this isn't to say I dislike the inherent idea of increased exp gain through skills like Paragon or Thracia's Elite Sword. I also don't mind the MCs being given tools that allow them to more easily secure exp for themselves because at least you'd have to understand how to use those tools. The fact that promoted Thracia Leif gains exp at the same rate as an unpromoted unit tells a cool story that he's growing into the hero that Thracia needs him to be. The increased EXP to adjacent units part of Byleth's prf skill is genuinely cool because it makes you think about your unit's positioning in order to get the most out of it and helps portray Byleth's role as a teacher. I'm just not a fan of the idea of having increased exp gain solely just because you are the MC.

    I'd prefer if FE17's MC(s) just didn't have intrinsically increased exp gain, but if they must I hope there's conditions to it that make you think about how you play the game.

    submitted by /u/DonnyLamsonx
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    A Day in the Life of Heroes - Adapting to a New Realm

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 08:04 PM PST

    First play through of FE6 is wild

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 06:18 PM PST

    So, I've played a lot of Fire Emblem, but never stepped into the games that needed translation patches. I decided to give FE6 hard mode a go. It's mostly blind, I've read some discussion about the game before so I know a little bit(such as Rutger and Karel's memetic status).

    I think the most interesting aspect is that so many characters feel... bad for lack of a better word. It took so long for me to feel confident doing any of the aggressive strategies that I use in other games just because of how fragile everyone is and how basically no one can one round enemies reliably.

    Milady was the first unit who I felt confident leaving alone(besides early game Marcus, but that feels expected) and I think Percival will be the second.

    The weird thing is that it feels like every run is likely to be fairly unique because of level up luck mattering so much more. Lance fell off hard because he never leveled speed, while Allen is solidly reliable as a paladin. Fir felt like she should have been worse than Rutger, but got strength blessed so she's comparable. Or maybe he actually got Str screwed given Serenes Forest averages.

    Lilina, by comparison, got speed and def blessed so she can survive an enemy phase.

    What strange run specific things have others found when playing older games?

    submitted by /u/Graveless
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    I love this game(i dunni what to flair this

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 05:20 AM PST

    Crackpot theory: Natasha was made bad on purpose

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 02:38 AM PST

    So if you've ever played FE8 or The Sacred Stones as it's also know, you probabky rememeber the two main earlygame healers. Moulder and Natasha. Now, pretty much everybody knows that Moulder is much better than Natasha (what do you mean people thought she was better for a while?), but why is taht exactly. Well, let's look at their bases. At base moulder beats Natasha in HP, skill, magic and speed, Natasha beats Moulder in luck and resistance and both have the same base defense. Now, you'd think this means that Natasha has much better growth rates, but in truth Natasha only beats Moulder in magic (+20%), luck (+40%) and resistance (+30%) in term of growths, while Moulder beats Natasha in HP (+20%), skill (+25%) and defense (+10%) and both have the same speed growth. This is without even mentioning how Moulder joins at a higher base level which allows him to promote sooner, has a C rank in staves at base compared to Natasha's D rank and also joins in chapter 2, while Natasha joins in chapter 5. Now, Natasha does have the option to promote to Valkyrie, but in FE7 Valkyrie's only have 7 movement, which only gives her + 1 movement over promoted Moulder, not to mention that Moulder still has access to Slayer as a Bishop so he isn't even that bad comparatively.

    So, since Moulder is so obviously better than Natasha you probably ask yourself why did IS make Natasha so bad comparatively? Was it in case you were ironmaning the game, so you have a replacement? No, that can't be it since FE8 has a failry small cast and is more focused on character interactions. Is IS just bad at balancing? No, that can't be it. I mean just look at Seth, he's the definition os a well balanced character, where his poor bases make him unviable in the endgame chapt- wait, what do you mean Seth is viable in the final map even in 0% growths and why does he have the best growths in the game? OK, so that one might be possible, but I think that there is a much more logical conclusion. Natasha was made worse than Moulder as a social experiment.

    What do I mean by this? Well, if you ever take a look at Heroes, you'll see how Natasha came to Heroes before Moulder? Now, it could be that it was made as she is a part of Grado as the rest of the characters revealed in said video, but I think there is amore logical conclusion. You see, most FE players have bad taste, so they could never truly appreciate the fine mustache Moulder has and IS knows this, this is why they decided to pose a question. "Would the average FE player choose the cute blonde, over the old guy with an excellent moustache, even if the old guy was better in every single way?". I think this is by far the only logical conclusion that one can conclude. Now, some of you might have some complaints about this theory, so I'm here to say that there is nothing wrong here and that this is all 100% correct.

    Anyway, Natasha was made bad on purpose to see if people would choose the cute blonde over the better unit and character. That's it, end of discuccion!

    submitted by /u/Every_Computer_935
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    |OC| My last SFM render before I move to Blender

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 06:58 AM PST

    I made a goofy parody video to a vocaloid song featuring Claude and Byleth. It's my first time making such a thing and there's lots of room for improvement, but I hope you guys could enjoy this anyway :)

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 05:51 PM PST

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