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    Monday, January 18, 2021

    Fire Emblem /r/FireEmblem BestOf2020

    Fire Emblem /r/FireEmblem BestOf2020

    /r/FireEmblem BestOf2020

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 01:17 PM PST

    Hello Everyone!

    All the voting has been done and without further delay time to announce the winners!

    Best Creative Work

    /u/racecarart's LOCALIZED FE1 LET'S GOOOOOOO

    /u/Vetsa's Tailtean

    Best Gameplay

    /u/Dondon151's FE7 0% LTC

    /u/chessjumpbowl's Conquest Lunatic 0% Growths LTC

    Best Humor

    /u/MonopolyRubix's Theory: Fates is a pornographic manga written by Inigo

    /u/Pinball_Lizard's Am I The Asshole Parody

    Best Mechanical Disucussion

    /u/Every_Computer_935's What does it take for them to be good?

    /u/Zoran501's The Expert's Guide to Conquest

    Best Character/Story Discussion

    /u/Skelezomperman's Examining the Crusaders

    /u/lcelerate's An in depth look at Soren's Strategies

    2020 was a rough year overall, but its over now. With Three Houses DLC finished and the FE1 Localization released, we now turn towards the future and await whatever IS has in store for us. The mod team here would also like to thank everyone who participates in the subreddit, and we wish everyone a great 2021!

    2015's Best Of Winners

    2016's Best Of Winners

    2017's Best Of Winners

    2018's Best Of Winners

    2019's Best Of Winners

    submitted by /u/Shephen
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    I draw some ModernAU of all girls in FE3H

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 03:51 AM PST

    Maid Mercedes

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 01:41 PM PST

    3D Fodlan Map (a bit extended)

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 10:03 AM PST

    I drew Deirdre and Julia

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 08:41 AM PST

    finally got my first tattoo! wanted to pay homage to my favorite ds game growing up. hope yall enjoy it as much as i do haha

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 12:32 PM PST

    Tharja art I made!

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 11:19 AM PST

    Their dynamic in a nutshell (Claude/F!Byleth, FE3H)

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 08:26 AM PST

    Sometimes it do really be like that...

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 05:47 PM PST

    My clay figure I made of Florina

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 11:49 AM PST

    Rutger and Lilina in FE3H Academy Uniforms

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 10:21 PM PST

    A discussion on map gimmicks

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 10:44 AM PST

    First off, let's define a gimmick. I personally define a gimmick, in the context of map gimmicks anyways, as a mechanic that's only there for a couple of maps and never returns. It's just there to make that one specific map more interesting, as opposed to a core mechanic of the game or a defining feature of a specific map within a game. So for instance, FE4 having large maps would not count as a gimmick (the whole game is like that), but most dragon veins would.

    It feels like a lot of the time, when people talk about map gimmicks, they do so in a negative sense. Revelation is often described as being "Gimmicky", as if gimmicky is inherently bad. This is also how a lot of Fate detractors will talk about the dragon vein system. And while I wouldn't dispute that these things are gimmicks, I dispute that something being a gimmick is actually a bad thing. When someone says that Rev is gimmicky, what should actually be said is that Rev's gimmicks are uninteresting or annoying, rather than merely that they're gimmicks. Being a gimmick is neutral.

    If anything, I'd argue that a lot of FE games that are well regarded here are gimmicky, and that gimmicks are good actually. Let's look at Radiant Dawn. How many maps have a unique mechanic that is tied to map completion?

    2-P is the only sky map in the entire game with moving terrain

    3-P features two armies and requires a green unit to arrive

    3-3 is the supply burning map

    3-E requires a certain amount of units to die from all armies to complete the map

    If we extend the definition of gimmick from required for completion to merely there being a gimmick that you can ignore, then we also add maps such as 2-1, where you only have 2 units and a thief, 2-3, where you're supposed to keep as many enemies as possible alive, 3-6 for being all laguz, 3-8 for the fire pits, 3-9 for the burning villages, all of part 4 for the army split... You could even argue that the final boss is a gimmick.

    Some of these are good, some are not. I personally don't care for the fire of 3-8, but 3-6 is a pretty cool map, and so is 3-3. It's silly to look at something and say "It's a gimmick" as though that's the end of the discussion. Rev being "Gimmicky" isn't bad. Rev's gimmicks being bad is bad.

    But apparently something's only a gimmick if it's bad.

    submitted by /u/peevedlatios
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    Just an Aida sketch.

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 03:41 PM PST

    Bad screenshot but a 16 hit shaman in chapter 19 of SS got a 6% crit on duessel in my ironman, I'm gonna go insane.

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 03:16 PM PST

    Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones - The Battle Must Be Won | Orchestral Cover

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 07:00 PM PST

    [OC] I drew a Felix! (did I make another reddit account just to post this? yes, I did)

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 03:48 PM PST

    Are they really Avatars

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 02:11 PM PST

    Whether you like them or hate them, I think that IS is bad at making "avatars" or a self-insert. In my opinion I think of an avatar is a character that the player can customize and experience the plot through. Self-inserts are meant to be a representation of the player and the player characterizes the avatar themself but if they have a defined personality are they really an avatar.

    This is where I think IS comes up short, they are wishy-washy in that they give us characters that want to have a personality but at the same time has as little character as possible so that you can invision yourself as them. Kris, Robin, and Corrin are all in this in-between trying to be an avatar but having enough character to were they are not completely blank.

    Byleth is IS's take at trying to make a full fledged self-insert, but they failed here as well. I think that one of the most important to implement in a self-insert is an array of fun dialogue choice that change how other characters perceive the player character. Byleth tries to do this by having choices but there are so few of them, they feel similar, and they don't change how the characters view byleth, to them you are still their lovable and impressive professor. For the most part it does't feel like characters in 3H have a conversation with byleth since byleth might have 2 bits of uninteresting dialogue in one support.

    A Fix

    IS could make self-inserts a lot more appealing by giving them dialogue choices (they don't have to be the lord or a main character) that are varied in what personality they convey and have character acknowledge that you just said that and have a somewhat lasting effect. A choice doesn't have to change the plot to have weight behind it for example

    Ex: Red knight says something you respond with choice C Red knight gets offended by what you said Red knight treats you with disdain for a varying amount of time Red knight might even leave the army

    Choices that make you feel something and gets diverse reactions out of the cast gives a feeling of actual interaction and that is fun, whether you pick choices that suit you or one that are the most extreme. This series is technically a ROLE PLAYING game. However this is completely unrealistic or seems out of the realm of possibility since we are taking about IS, this is way too much for them to handle or even pay for if they keep full voice acting.

    Another more realistic option is to take away the self-insert part of the avatar, however they won't be a self-insert any more. Some people already call the avatars customizable lords and in Japan they are called MyUnit, so why not put the emphasis on the unit part. Make the character fully customizable from their bases and growths (with limitations of coruse) to their voice and appearance while giving them a full personality like any other character.

    As it stands avatars do have problems and them being uninteresting to many might not be what you personally hate about them (avatar woreship) but this post is about the fact that they are all less avatars and are more characters (besides byleth) with a defined personality however shallow it may or may not be as well as giving some suggestions about how they could be more interesting.

    You can't deny that avatars are popular so they will probably return in the next game.

    submitted by /u/ryugenos
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    [OC] I drew Byleth

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 01:24 PM PST

    How is Fire Emblem Fates, five years later?

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 01:08 PM PST

    Released on February 19, 2016 in North America, while Europe still had to wait a good few months and everyone spoiled the story already.

    submitted by /u/Asad_Farooqui
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    Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones - Determination | Orchestral Cover

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 05:38 PM PST

    Cuddlyfied Wandering Beast/Maurice doodle

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 05:18 PM PST

    My own drawing I made of Melady

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 07:29 AM PST

    The Archanean Blitz: Part 1 (Roderick, Warren, and Jeorge)

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 09:25 AM PST

    Welcome to The Archanean Blitz! I've been on a bit of an Archanea kick lately, and I thought it'd be fun to talk about a random assortment of my favourite Archanean characters. On today's menu: Roderick, Warren, and Jeorge!


    Truly the voice of reason amongst the 7th platoon. If Kris didn't have him beat with experience, Roderick would be my pick to lead. Chivalry is the mantra of his soul, and you'd be hard-pressed to find a more composed individual. He'll tackle any situation with a calm and collected attitude, deducing logically his approach rather than fighting on instinct.

    Though he's certainly a nice person, he's not afraid to be bluntly honest if the situation calls for it. Like calling Kris out on getting lost so often. His Kris support also showcases his dedication to improving as he borrows books on strategy and tactics from Kris, as well as showcasing his respect towards Kris's efforts to improve. Roderick's loyalty to those above him in rank, Kris, Jagen, and of course Marth, is one of his greatest assets.

    His support with Cecil shows that he's considerate of others, and has hidden talents such as sewing, cooking, and baking, which he learned out of necessity due to his family not being super well off. As well, it's revealed that his mother died when he was young, so he took on the responsibility of caring for his sisters. He's understanding of Cecil's frustrations with him and is patient while she learns to understand where Roderick is coming from with his actions, while Roderick reciprocates with respect for Cecil's attitude to break free of gender conformity.

    We see another side of Roderick in his support with Luke, where he not so subtly insults Luke by mimicking his bizarre pastime of coming up with nicknames for people, calling Luke "Should Be More Serious!" and "Oh Dear, He's Crazy…". Roderick reveals his reason for becoming a knight here as well, which is to earn money to support his family. Luke says he did it because ladies dig knights. Roderick both expresses his respect for Luke's performance and also calls him an idiot for this. Though this is later said to not be entirely true, or at least not the whole story, Roderick ends things off with a statement that he hopes he and Luke can get a girlfriend or two with their "dashing visages and peerless chivalry", showcasing his sense of humour.

    Through the prologue and his supports, we can see that Roderick is a surprisingly multi-facted character with a well-rounded personality and a simple yet sympathetic backstory that harkens back to another excellent Fire Emblem character, Tobin (who was also the more level-headed of the early-game pair in his game)


    Warren was a character I paid no mind to until I read his support with Kris during my research for my Kris write-up. Warren is somebody who is not the most familiar with human interaction. He's not against the concept, but his life hasn't lent itself to many conversations, and so he has a difficult time talking to other people. He tells tales of how he'd wait literal days in a hole during hunts on the mountain if a blizzard came, doing nothing at all to pass time the, simply...waiting. He has no family, and doesn't even really understand the concept of feeling lonely. There's a poignant exchange between Warren and Kris in their second conversation:

    Warren: Even if everyone else disappeared from this world... It wouldn't change a thing for me. And on the other hand, if I were to disappear from this world... It wouldn't change a thing for the world, either.

    Kris: You're mistaken, Warren. We're comrades. If you were to disappear, I would be sad.

    Warren: ...

    Kris: So, don't disappear suddenly.

    Warren: ...Don't worry. I don't plan to.

    This is the first time Warren has had somebody express concern for whether he is there or not, and you can feel it's had an effect on him. This is confirmed in the following conversation where he says that while he still plans on going back to being a hunter after the war, he now feels like he'll have a hard time parting with everyone. He wants to talk to everyone again rather than living in total isolation.

    Warren: We stuck together for a long time. I believe I've gotten to know why people feel lonely. People don't feel lonely because they're alone... but because they've become alone. Parting from a precious companion feels lonely. That's what I've learned…

    You never know what you have until it's gone. Now that Warren has seen the value in friendship, he's not eager to let it go.


    Jeorge is a compelling character. A noble, fiercely loyal to Archanea, even if it means fighting old comrades. That said, he has his own code he follows as well. Even though he's working under Lang at the beginning of the War of Heroes, he tells his men to ignore Lang's orders, saying that working under him is "an insult". Even so, he doesn't defect because he cares for his men, so he makes the difficult decision to feign support for Lang as loosely as he can. If you choose to engage him here, he says:

    Jeorge: You wouldn't have needed to die if you hadn't come so close…

    He clearly shows regret for what he must do, yet does not hesitate to use lethal force for the sake of his men and his country. A bit later on however he's stationed at a castle and decides that while he's loyal to Nyna, Hardin's actions are inexcusable. To save Archanea he must fight against Archanea.

    In his support conversations with Kris, we see he is not keen on boasting, denying Kris's claims that he's one of the greatest archers in Archanea. He claims that his noble family simply spread that information for fame. Also in this conversation, he exclaims why he, an archer, was defending a castle, despite being ill-suited for such a job. It was essentially an execution by Hardin. To be sent on a pointless suicide mission by the leader of the country you're so fiercely loyal to was the last straw for him. As Jeorge kept trying to explain the issues with what Archanea was turning into, Hardin decided it was time to get rid of him. Jeorge says that he thought he should die, but that the Altean army reminded him of who he's truly loyal to (implied to be Nyna and her ideals, and the country he knows Archanea can be). While this is partly true, it goes deeper than that. Jeorge is a discerning and sharp individual, calculating in his actions. Kris deduces that Jeorge knew precisely the position he was in back at the castle, and planned on using his connections with Altea to defect, taking into account his relationships with Gordin and Marth. While Jeorge denies this at first, again because he hates to boast, he later admits that it's is families way to be manipulative like that.

    Jeorge: However, as they say, I have their blood in my veins. Just as you've noticed, my true nature has a cold, calculating element. While I find disgust with my family's scheming mind, I have no choice but to rely on it... That's who I am. To protect my men and Lady Nyna too... To find the best way to solve a problem... I can't help but see people as chess pieces.

    Jeorge is at odds with himself. He's not fond of his own nature, and while it serves him well, he had no respect for his noble house. He talks about how Midia and he used to be in a relationship, however, it's revealed this was a political ploy by his house to retain power in the Archanean nobility. While it's hard to say whether or not he had feelings for Midia, and it's certainly possible he did, he broke up with her for the sake of his own moral conscience.

    I find characters like this to be exceptionally compelling. Characters who aren't particularly fond of themselves, but who nonetheless fight to do the right thing in their heart.

    His support with Gordin showcases another side to him. He has confidence and pride in his skills as a teacher and is proud of how much Gordin has progressed. He showcases a dry sense of humour, which I'm personally a fan of. He also speaks to Gordin about boosting his confidence and self-esteem. He hides the rift between his mind and heart to his student to instill in him the attitude he needs to succeed.

    And finally, in his support with Astram we can see him being a bit more loose and friendly than with Kris and Gordin.

    Jeorge: I'm pretty sure there were other mercenaries there too. Hmm... By any chance, were you the one who mistook Midia for a man, and got in trouble for it...?

    Astram: Bah, of all the things... That is utter nonsense. Her silken locks, that heavenly face, radiating her pride and sense of duty... It would take a tasteless scoundrel with no eye for beauty to see her as anything less than a goddess.

    Jeorge: Astram... That... might be too much information, thank you.

    Astram: Hah!

    Jeorge: Honestly... You might just be the most entertaining person I know.

    The two of them continue to reminisce about the old days for a while, but things get serious when they start talking about the current war, and the actions Astram had been taking up until that point. His loyalty to Hardin up until very recently. Jeorge expresses deep concern for Astram, and he specifies it's as a friend, not as a knight. It's a heartwarming conclusion showing how close the two of them really are.

    All 3 of Jeorge's support conversations showcase different sides to him, all equally important to understanding the type of person he is. While he can be cold and calculating, he's also a good friend and mentor.

    submitted by /u/PsiYoshi
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    drew hilda, but again!

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 08:34 AM PST

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