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    Wednesday, January 20, 2021

    Fire Emblem My Dorothea cosplay!

    Fire Emblem My Dorothea cosplay!

    My Dorothea cosplay!

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 05:21 PM PST

    Plegian Dorororothea! (OC)

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 05:39 AM PST

    I drew Marth as a Velociraptor

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 07:07 PM PST

    When you try to use a "bad" character

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 11:00 AM PST

    Finn & Leif

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 04:50 PM PST

    I saw this pose and thought of Hilda. (OC)

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 11:02 AM PST

    Byleth digital painting

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 07:56 AM PST

    Got commissioned to draw Scarlet!

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 10:31 PM PST

    [ OC ] As fierce as fire ���� ig/twt: nikkitarts

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 01:19 PM PST

    [OC] It's Annette "I'm your girl" Dominic

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 07:57 AM PST

    [OC] Drew Adult Tiki as my first Non Chibi Fire Emblem drawing.

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 12:17 PM PST

    FE3H Lords x Eeveelutions

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 12:07 AM PST

    Byleth Bust [Fan Art]

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 05:49 PM PST

    Best boy from Fates, Forrest!

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 02:01 PM PST

    [FE4 Character Discussion] Examining the Crusaders - Index & Wrap-up

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 06:28 AM PST

    Hello and welcome back to the wrap-up of Examining the Crusaders, the award-winning series in which we looked at the character development of all 62 playable characters in Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War. We started all the way back on May 14th, the 24th anniversary of the release of FE4, with Naoise and then covered all of the characters in recruitment order (with a couple changes such as Sigurd and Seliph being at the end of their respective generations). In each episode, all of the conversations of each character within the game (with the exception of Sigurd and Seliph, who had some conversations cut out to conserve length) were covered and then interpreted in terms of what they did for the character. At the very end of each episode was a final thoughts paragraph or two where I imparted my own thoughts about the character and how I felt each character could best be summarized as.

    In the following portion of this episode is a list of each of the episodes in sequential order and a short summary of each of the characters.


    1.) Naoise, Loyal Knight of Chalphy - A cavalier from Chalphy who is part of Sigurd's army when the game begins. He is a knight who is cautious and deliberative in his actions but above all is dedicated to protecting the people he protects, whether that be Sigurd or his lover if he has one.

    2.) Alec, Easygoing Knight of Chalphy - A cavalier from Chalphy who is part of Sigurd's army when the game begins. He inverts the stereotype of a knight with his laid-back and joking attitude which includes his attempts to "pick up" women in the course of his journey. However deep down, he still protects his loved ones and his lords to the fullest and never wishes malice on anyone.

    3.) Arden, Strong and Tough - An armored sword from Chalphy who is part of Sigurd's army when the game begins. Arden's goals contrast against the goals of other characters in that he does not want to pursue vapid ideals of "spreading justice;" instead, he merely wants to get respect and maybe a family. The player can choose to reward Arden by training him up and marrying him, therefore allowing his arc to be concluded with his goals being actualized.

    4.) Lex, Noble Axe - An axe knight who is the son of Duke Lombard of Dozel and bears minor Neir blood; he joins on the second turn of the Prologue alongside Azelle. Lex grew up to be an honest and upstanding man despite his dishonest father; above all though, Lex has a big heart and loves his friends and family as we see with him helping Azelle out in joining Sigurd's army and as we see in Lex's lover conversations with Ayra and Tailtiu. He also can shrug off difficult things such as his father's death to push forward despite the circumstances, which helps him with helping other people.

    5.) Azelle, Young Flame - A mage who is the younger half-brother of Duke Arvis of Velthomer and bears minor Fjalar blood; he joins on the second turn of the Prologue alongside Lex. He is pure of heart, possibly more so than anyone else in Sigurd's army; this is best seen in his C5 conversation with Tailtiu where he asks her to take shelter not because he thinks she is too weak but because the thought of patricide being normalized disgusts him. Overall, Azelle is a ruby who shines in spite of his family background.

    6.) Quan, Luminous Lancer - A duke knight who is the Prince of Leonster (and thus bears major Njorun blood) and heir to the Gae Bolg as well as being the close friend and brother-in-law of Sigurd; he joins on the third turn of the Prologue alongside Ethlyn and Finn. Quan is selfless and doesn't have bad intentions, but many of his choices turn out to be short-sighted and inconsiderate of the bigger world around him. Eventually, this short-sightedness leads to Quan's death, but in the end he is still selfless and loves his wife.

    7.) Ethlyn, Spirited Princess - A troubadour who is the younger sister of Sigurd and the wife of Quan; she joins on the third turn of the Prologue alongside Quan and Finn. Ethlyn is assertive about her desire to help her brother to the point of getting her husband to help Sigurd multiple times, and she never goes down without a fight. Unfortunately, she had the bad luck to get caught up in what happened at Aed but still fought until the end. she also is not a bad mom

    8.) Finn, Novice Lance Knight - A lance knight who is the young squire of Quan; he joins on the third turn of the Prologue alongside Quan and Ethlyn. Finn (much like Oifey) is a prodigy who is praised and favored by his lord for his skill to the point of being gifted the brave lance; despite this, he still lacks confidence in his abilities due to his youth.

    9.) Midir, Faithful Bow - An arch knight from Yngvi who serves Edain; he is recruited after Yngvi is seized in the Prologue. While he is still a knight sworn to serve his lieges, Midir at heart has a deeper motivation, that being his desire to get with his crush Edain (or Brigid). Through this motivation, he serves his lieges to the fullest.

    10.) Edain, Radiant Priestess - A priestess from Yngvi who carries minor Ulir blood; she joins on the second turn of Chapter 1 alongside Dew. Several bad things happen to her; her twin sister Brigid was lost which led to her joining the priesthood primarily to search for her, and her search for Brigid is jumpstarted in the worst way possible by her abduction, which makes her feel guilty. Yet throughout all of this, she stays resilient and true to her morals in a way that nobody else is; her resilience pays off when she eventually meets Brigid for the first time and restores her memories with the Yewfelle.

    11.) Dew, Childish Thief - A young thief who joins on the second turn of Chapter 1 alongside Edain. Dew like many young children engages in petty mischief; in his case, it is through stealing which he does even after he promises Edain that he won't do it again. He does mature towards the end though as he realizes that he was annoying to other people and apologizes for it.

    12.) Ayra, Astra's Wielder - A myrmidon who is a princess of Isaach entrusted with guarding her nephew Shannan; she is recruited when Sigurd speaks to her in Chapter 1. At the surface she is a stubborn warrior who will fight to the death, but she has more to her than that. She is honorbound to serve others, especially Sigurd and Shannan, and she does have a bigger heart behind that short-tempered facade as we see in her conversations in Chapter 5.

    13.) Jamke, Prince of Verdane - An archer who is the prince of Verdane; he is recruited when Edain speaks to him in Chapter 1. He's like a Camus archetype in that he fights for his country even though he knows that they are in the wrong, but unlike Camus he eventually switches to Sigurd and Edain's side when he realizes that it is the best choice to minimize the violence. Jamke eventually grows into his role as a team member rather than being a "commander" like he was in Verdane.

    14.) Deirdre, Lady of the Forest - A shaman from a backwater village in Verdane with a dark secret; she is recruited when Sigurd enters the Spirit Forest in Chapter 1 at that point and immediately marries him. Deirdre loves her husband(s) and her children, and she's altruistic to the point where she warps Julia away offscreen and sacrifices herself so her daughter can be saved.

    15.) Chulainn, Dominating Pitfighter - A common pitfighter who is recruited upon his defeat at the end of the Chapter 2 arena. He realizes upon his defeat that there are more things in life than just earning money, so he joins Sigurd's army to pursue that camaraderie that he has been missing in his life.

    16.) Lachesis, Lionheart's Sister - A princess from Nordion who is the younger sister of Eldigan; she joins when Sigurd speaks to her in Chapter 2. She's an animated character with unique mannerisms which set her apart. Above all, she is very determined to do what she needs to get done; this is true across her evolution from the inexperienced princess fighting on the battlefield for the first time to the fierce warrior who avenges her brother and even onwards to the mother who traverses across a dangerous desert for the sake of seeing her son.

    17.) Beowulf, Hired Sword - A free knight who is a mercenary under Waltz; he joins in Chapter 2 if a unit speaks to him and pays him 10k gold. He has a rough exterior and ignores etiquette when he speaks to other people; however, he's not selfish either as we see when he lets go of Lachesis rather than dragging out their relationship. Beowulf may not carry himself well but he still has good intentions at heart.

    18.) Silvia, Traveling Dancer - A dancer who joins in Chapter 2 after Heirhein is seized alongside Lewyn. At first glance, she is just a child who does immature things like flirt with adults. However, looking more deeply reveals that this is just a coping mechanism with her horrible upbringing and the fact that people usually don't treat her like another adult. Silvia can have this addressed if she speaks to Claude in Chapter 4, where she breaks down when he actually treats her well.

    19.) Lewyn, Guiding Breeze - A bard who is secretly the prince of Silesse and inheritor of Forseti; he joins in Chapter 2 after Heirhein is seized alongside Silvia. Lewyn first joins as an immature young man who abandoned his responsibilities as prince because he didn't want to do them, favoring the life of a wayward bard. It takes the sorrow of his mother and the death of his close friend for him to realize that he has to take up his responsibilities; at this point, he takes his responsibilities seriously and becomes the ruler he is destined to be.

    20.) Erin, Angelic Knight - A pegasus knight who is tasked to search for Lewyn; she joins in Chapter 2 when Lewyn speaks to her. Erin has a fierce devotion to her lord and grows as a knight while fighting for Lewyn. She is like Catria in that her devotion to her lord is reinforced by an attraction to him; unlike her though, Erin has the chance to have her dreams realized. On top of that, after Belhalla she becomes Queen and stands for her country up until her death.

    21.) Brigid, Orgahil Pirate - A sniper from the Orgahil pirates who unbeknownst to her is the heir of the Yewfelle and twin sister of Edain; she is recruited in Chapter 3 after Sylvale is seized. She's a sort of "chaotic good" character who is willing to bend norms in the name of the greater good, as we see in her contrast with Edain on the topic of Andrei. She also has a shorter temper than her sister but she still has the same good heart as Edain.

    22.) Tailtiu, Thunder Noble - A thunder mage who is a noble of Friege; she joins in Chapter 3 after Sylvale is seized alongside Claude. Tailtiu lives a tragic life as she goes on a short little trip with Claude that ends up drawing her into the war; afterwards, she has to flee from her horrible family to protect her children. And then her life ends in the saddest way possible with her death due to abuse; however, she still holds strong up until the end to protect her daughter.

    23.) Claude, Priest of Edda - A high priest who is the Duke of Edda and heir of the Valkyrie Staff; he joins in Chapter 3 after Sylvale is seized alongside Tailtiu. As to be expected of the leader of the Church of Edda, Claude is deeply pious; he lives out his religion's good morals as we see in his good treatment of Silvia. Claude also uniquely foresaw the upcoming apocalypse but hides this from everyone except Edain if she is his wife; it makes him seem cold to everyone else as he takes his beliefs to an extreme.

    24.) Sigurd, Holy Knight - The lord of the first generation; he is the son of Byron and heir to the Tyrfing. Sigurd has flaws which not only exist but catch up to him and result in the worst. In addition to being naive about his surroundings, Sigurd makes decisions in haste for instant gratification, such as marrying Deirdre immediately or invading Agustria because he sees Lachesis in trouble; these decisions eventually result in his death at Belhalla. However, he realized his mistakes after his death and imparts his newfound wisdom on his son, Seliph, in Chapter 10.


    Note: Selected substitute characters had their own episode. The remainder of the substitutes were combined with the character they substitute for.

    25.) Scáthach, Dutiful Swordsman & Rodolbahn - A myrmidon who is the son of Ayra and the twin brother of Larcei; he joins at the beginning of Chapter 6. Scáthach is cooler-headed than his sister and, like his sister, doesn't give up in his quest to serve everyone. Rodolbahn, Scáthach's substitute, is a commoner who is the twin brother of Creidne; he serves as a comic foil to Creidne and Tristan almost like a jester would.

    26.) Larcei, Keen Kin & Creidne - A myrmidon who is the daughter of Ayra and the twin sister of Scáthach; she joins at the beginning of Chapter 6. At first glance she is a lot like her mother in both appearance and character, but Larcei does diverge from her in that she is quicker to yell at people (unlike her mother who just becomes abrasive) and in her softer side as well displayed in some of her later conversations. Creidne is like Larcei but also has some kind of unspecified trauma which makes her dislike men.

    27.) Lana, Tyranny-Defying Saint - A priestess who is the daughter of Edain and younger sister of Lester; she joins at the beginning of Chapter 6. Like her mother, she cares deeply for everyone around her but she is also more prone to losing her composure as seen in her ending if she is unpaired. She also tries her best at looking after others, as seen in when she gives Julia a mend staff.

    27.5.) Muirne, Optimistic Cleric - A priestess who is the younger sister of Deimne; she joins at the beginning of Chapter 6. Muirne struggles with her lack of holy blood, which makes it harder for her to fight and makes it more far-fetched for her to get with her crush Seliph; she also understandably feels scared when all of the dark forces of Jugdral close in. Throughout all of this though, she remains optimistic and lifts up everyone around her.

    28.) Diarmuid, Charming Knight & Tristan - A free knight who is the son of Lachesis; he joins on the third turn of Chapter 6 alongside Oifey and Lester. Diarmuid looks out for other people, especially his sister, out of his sense of duty. Tristan, his substitute, is the son of Yves and older brother of Jeanne; he is more rounded than Diarmuid as he expresses grief over the death of his sister's adoptive father and exasperation at Rodolbahn's antics.

    29.) Lester, Archer of the Liberation Army - An arch knight who is the son of Edain and older brother of Lana; he joins on the third turn of Chapter 6 alongside Oifey and Diarmuid. Lester finishes out what his mother and her companions failed to do, that being fighting against the Empire. He also likes teasing people as we see in his interactions with Patty.

    29.5.) Deimne, Aspiring Archer - An arch knight who is the substitute of Lester and the older brother of Muirne. Deimne is pessimistic because he is a commoner who lacks holy blood; his inability to contribute as much to the cause as the holy blooded characters makes him feel dejected. He still tries his best though.

    30.) Oifey, Veteran Paladin of Tragedy - A paladin who is an advisor and relative of Seliph; he joins on the third turn of Chapter 6 alongside Lester and Diarmuid. For much of the second generation, Oifey seems like he has it figured out as he helps Seliph and the other Tirnanog kids grow; he has in fact grown from the teenage boy seen in the first generation. However, he is still haunted by the failures of the first generation which leaves him with a survivor's guilt; a guilt that he overcame to become the paragon of wisdom that Seliph and friends look up to.

    31.) Julia, Crusader of Light - A mysterious shaman who was taken care of by Lewyn that joins in Chapter 6; she later turns out to be the daughter of Deirdre and heir to the Book of Naga. At first she is like her mother in that she is a plot important mysterious girl who doesn't really do much. However at the end of the game when confronted with her true past, she breaks out of this shell as she realizes that she carries the duty of taking up the Book of Naga and defeating Loptous, making her a true crusader.

    32.) Fee, Energetic Pegasus Knight & Hermina - A pegasus knight from Silesse who is the daughter of Erin and younger brother of Ced; she joins in Chapter 6 alongside Arthur. Fee is distinctive through her short temper and upbeat attitude, but she also has a couple problems to deal with in the form of the status of her brother and her father and her insecurity of seeming to be young. The latter of these is finally resolved when Arthur's understanding of her in their lover conversation makes her cry as finally, she is understood by someone. Hermina has a funny scene with "Shannan" in Chapter 9.

    33.) Arthur, Defiant Mage & Amid - A mage who is the son of Tailitu; he joins in Chapter 6 alongside Fee. Arthur has multiple dimensions to him; his sassiness displayed throughout his interactions with Fee, his hatred towards the Frieges and Hilda, and his caring for his sister and everyone else. The last part is most visible in his conversation with Fee in the endgame. Amid isn't that different from Arthur but does have an interesting backstory in being the son of Tailtiu's unseen younger sister Ethniu.

    34.) Iuchar, Romantic Axe - An axe knight who is the son of Dannan and older brother of Iucharba; he can be recruited in Chapter 6 if Larcei/Creidne speaks to him. He carries himself nobly (like a Shakespeare character) as he fights for honor and for his unrequited love Larcei. He's still aware of the harsh reality of Jugdral though as he fights his family members, and in the end he jumps at the chance to take care of Dozel and restore its honor after three generations of dishonor.

    35.) Iucharba, Casual Axe Fighter - An axe fighter who is the son of Dannan and younger brother of Iuchar; he can be recruited in Chapter 6 if Larcei/Creidne speaks to him. He contrasts against his brother by being more brusque and looking for a fight, but just like Iuchar he is committed to ending Dozel's oppression of the Isaachian people and restoring honor.

    36.) Shannan, Wielder of Astra - A swordmaster who is the prince of Isaach and heir of the Balmung; he joins in Chapter 7 alongside Patty. Shannan is more than the "edgy swordsman" archetype; like Oifey and Finn, he grew up haunted by the failures of the first generation and he held himself responsible. But he overcomes that to help Oifey raise Seliph to become the skilled fighter that he is and forging a brotherly bond with Seliph.

    37.) Patty, Reluctant Thief & Daisy - A thief who is the daughter of Brigid and younger sister of Febail; she joins in Chapter 7 alongside Shannan. Patty at first appears to be a mischievous thief like Dew, but in reality she isn't stealing for fun; she needs to do it to support the orphans at Connaught and to support Seliph's army. Despite this, people still look down on Patty for being a thief as well as for her heritage through Brigid; regardless, she perseveres and stays strong. Daisy is like Patty but lacks Patty's heritage, instead mentioning the orphanage more and being disappointed by her lack of holy blood.

    38.) Leif, Prince of Leonster - A prince who is the son of Quan and Ethlyn that was raised by Finn; he joins in Chapter 7 alongside Finn and Nanna. Leif has a similar story to Seliph, with him being orphaned at a young age and raised by one of his parents' knights; like Seliph, he raised a rebellion but unlike his cousin he turned out to be unsuccessful due to his affinity for rash decisions. But Leif like his mother focuses on the good and pushes everyone around him, as we see in his successful search for his sister and his subsequent interactions with her.

    39.) Finn, Lance of Legend - A duke knight from Leonster who is the only character playable in both generations; he joins in Chapter 7 alongside Leif and Nanna whom he raised. Finn is the author's favorite character forced to endure so many tragedies and ordeals, and he is asked to do things which most people wouldn't be able to do. Despite his lack of holy blood, Finn endures and puts on a superhuman performance as he is steadfastly committed to protecting Leif and accomplishing his lord Quan's goal of uniting Thracia.

    40.) Nanna, Nordion Princess & Jeanne - A troubadour who is the daughter of Lachesis; she joins in Chapter 7 alongside Leif and Finn. Nanna is selfless and determined to accomplish what needs to be done; she's more successful than her mother as she changed Ares's mind where Lachesis could not change Eldigan's mind. Jeanne is Nanna's substitute; she is the daughter of Yves and younger sister of Tristan. Jeanne has an iron will as we see in her conversation with Leif in the endgame where she refuses to stay back and instead goes to the front lines to fight alongside Leif.

    41.) Ares, Black Knight - A cavalier who is the son of Eldigan and heir to the Mystletainn; he joins in Chapter 7. Ares is more pragmatic than his father in that he is less bound to his father to "honor." This turns out to be for the better for him as he defects to Seliph's side to save Lene and helps him save Jugdral.

    42.) Lene, Yearning Dancer & Laylea - A dancer who is the daughter of Silvia and older brother of Coirpre; she joins in Chapter 7. Lene picks herself up after every time she falls down: she taught herself dancing after her mother left her at the orphanage, she fought back against Bramsel even after he imprisoned her, and she forgives Ares when he comes back regretful that he had stuck with Jabarro. Laylea has a unique design.

    43.) Tinny, Suffering Lightning & Linda - A mage who is the daughter of Tailtiu and younger sister of Arthur; she joins in Chapter 7 when Arthur speaks to her. Tinny was raised in an abusive household and the signs are there when she first joins the game with her extreme lack of self-esteem. Over the course of the game, she learns to gain the confidence which her "family" stamped out, and this is most seen when she is confident in her last fight against Hilda that she will avenge her mother. Linda is softer than her brother Amid and shares her name with an Archanean character.

    44.) Febail, Divine Marksman - An archer who is the son of Brigid and heir to the Yewfelle; he joins in Chapter 8 when Patty speaks to him. Febail, like his sister, is not afraid to do "less than right" things (in this case mercenary work for Blume) to make ends meet because of his rough upbringing. However, he is able to repent from his poor choice by aiding Seliph's side and he gets a new resolve when he finds out that he is actually the son of Brigid.

    44.5.) Asaello, Hitman of Connaught - Asaello is Febail's substitute; he is the older brother of Daisy. Asaello is introduced as the infamous "Connaught Hitman;" this isn't as cool as it seems as it drives away people. He lives a sad life as an orphan who is shunned by other people, but joining Seliph's army plants a seed of hope; he learns to form a bond with the rest of the army so great to the point where leaving them at the end of the game makes him sad.

    45.) Ced, Hero on the Wind & Hawke - Ced is a sage who is the son of Erin and older brother of Fee; he joins in Chapter 8. Ced joins as someone with a lot of credentials, having led the rebellion in Munster; however, he still lacks confidence in himself and blames himself for failing to save children from the child hunts. Not to mention he, like Lewyn, ran away from his family which hurt them. However, Ced grows into an adult who knows the value of his family and the value of working with others over the course of his time in the second generation.

    46.) Altena, Luminous Rider - Altena is a dragon knight who is the heir to the Gae Bolg and adopted daughter of Travant; unbeknownst to her, she is actually the daughter of Quan and Ethlyn. Altena is assertive throughout the second generation much like her mother was, whether it is seen in her resistance to Travant's "underhanded" tactics or her stubborn (and successful) effort to get Arion to defect to Seliph's side. She works with both of her brothers to help rebuild Thracia.

    47.) Coirpre, General's Son & Charlot - Coirpre is a priest who is the son of Silvia adopted by Hannibal; he joins in Chapter 9. Coirpre has the demeanor expected of a young child, but he also acts older than his age at times as he steps up to fight alongside Hannibal and the rest of the army. Charlot is Coirpre's substitute; he, like Coirpre, is very grateful to his father for raising him and overall has a good heart.

    48.) Hannibal, Shield of Thracia - Hannibal is a general who is the adoptive father of Coirpre and a trusted subordinate of Travant. He is a virtuous man well-loved by his people and his adoptive son; however, even a legendary hero like him can doubt himself, adding some depth to his character. He serves an example of many virtues that everyone in Seliph's army can look up to.

    49.) Seliph, Scion of Light - Seliph is the lord of the second generation; he is the son of Sigurd and Deirdre and heir to the Tyrfing. Despite being a teenager with weaknesses and anxieties, Seliph is thrust into the position of being Jugdral's savior; he refuses to give and grows into this position, knowing that an entire continent depends upon him. Seliph also learns from the mistakes his parents made, helping to influence Jugdral and usher it into a golden age never seen before.


    I hate to sound like a broken record, but I have to re-emphasize when I first started this project back in May of 2020, I did not expect that so many people would be willing to listen to my ramblings about these characters from such an old game to the point of voting this series for an award nor would they intensely follow my journey to the point where I would be pinging a half dozen people on Discord every time I released these episodes. If you read even a singular episode of this series, I hope that you enjoyed what I had to say about these characters, and I hope that I was able to accurately show off everything interesting about these characters - both what was popularly known and undertones which may have been hidden in the background. Above all I hope that you came out of this series knowing more about this game and appreciating it more - it's not a perfect game in the slightest, and it still leaves a lot to be desired, but it is amazing how many different character threads are created in this game even before the advent of supports.

    I have to especially thank everyone who has interacted with me either here on Reddit or on Discord about this series; there's too many of you for me to name them all. I have enjoyed seeing what other people have to add more than anything else that I get out of this series. I also have to again thank LaqOfInterest and KrashBoomBang for their series The A-List and Bonding Blade again, which were major inspirations for this series, and of course I have to thank BookOfHolsety for leading the Project Naga localization which in my (amateur) opinion is almost industry-quality.

    ...Well, after 8 months (251 days to be exact), this is it for our journey through FE4; all good things do have to come to an end eventually. I'll still be here on Reddit of course, and I have plans for more posts to write although they definitely will not be on a weekly basis (I already have a rough draft for the next post). I'll probably also be on AO3 as well to post more fanfictions like the two I have written over the past couple of months; hopefully I get to see some of you who came and supported this series in those endeavors well. Thank you once again to everyone who has supported this, and until I post here on Reddit again, so long.

    submitted by /u/Skelezomperman
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    Regarding Holst in Crimson Flowers

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 05:18 PM PST

    I feel like holst is a figure who's absence is felt very heavily by anybody who decides to dive deep into the game's story. Often referenced, never seen, his absence is often hand waved with "he's off fighting almyrans" though several scenes directly conflict this. However, as I'm specifically doing a crimson flower run right now, I only just pieced together why Hubert acts so weird in Edlegard's paralogue. Edlegard goes to protect fodlan's locket from an assault by Nadir, but he's only able to be such a menace because holst has suddenly and mysteriously fallen I'll. I'd always wondered what was up with that, was it just another joke to hand wave the fact that the man doesn't actually exist in game? But, I think the fact is more sinister than that. Hubert is well known to perform acts that Edlegard disagrees with, the crux of many supports is that he would do anything for her, even things she doesn't want him to. Hubert's demeanor in the post battle scene is... a bit sadistic, even for him. He's grinning, can barely keep his super villain laugh under wraps as he describes with delight the effects of the "bad mushrooms " holst ate. Edlegard clearly thinks something is off, and even implies she wants to see it for herself, only for her squeamishness about seeing people in very poor health (most likely a side effect from her torture and experimentation) to get the better of her. This leads me to believe that Hubert poisoned Holst, to force him out of the picture long enough for the empire to sweep his position from under him. Couple that with him probably being majorly depressed after Hilda's death, you definitely wouldnt think he'd just stand aside and let her killers run his territory.

    submitted by /u/sirj2238
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    [OC] I made this cute illustration of Camilla. Who else loves her?

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 04:36 AM PST

    Let's Make New Staves / White Magic Spells!

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 08:39 AM PST

    I really missed some of the old "Let's Make ___" posts. And I also feel that Staves / White Magic still have a lot of untapped potential, with IS typically limiting them to healing and the occasional utility spell. So let's share and develop ideas for new Staves / White Magic!

    submitted by /u/ThePsyShyster
    [link] [comments]

    Which Support Conversation Ruined A Character For You?

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 06:33 AM PST

    You ever had this happen to you?

    Mines was Hana in her Support with Corrin in Fates. I wanted to like Hana in Birthright, I even planned on S ranking her with my MU when I got the game, only to see her blame Corrin for getting kidnapped when he was an INFANT for making Sakura upset. I heard the Japanese support is better but jesus christ that is such a bitchy thing to say.

    That's like hearing that your sister is upset that one of your friends is in the hospital due to being in a car accident and instead of blaming the other driver that caused the accident, you blame your friend for getting hit in the first place.

    I wonder if anyone had similar experiences like this?

    submitted by /u/Rend-K4
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    Hi! I'm starting a Fire Emblem Discord Server!! We're focused on Art, Writing, OCs, and Roleplay (FE3H)

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 01:21 PM PST

    Thoughts on map/battles for the next game

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 05:46 PM PST

    What type of map and battle animation/aesthetic design style do you want and/or expect from the next addition to the franchise?

    I personally expect a 3DS-like map design (sprites on the actual map), with 3H style battle animations (fully modelled and such), but I hope for an option featuring GBA battle animations, maybe with an Awakening/Echoes style critical cut-in (across the screen horizontally, rather than the Fates/3H vertical)

    submitted by /u/trublugamer
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