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    Monday, February 22, 2021

    Fire Emblem Alm and Celica in Your Name Crossover [OC]

    Fire Emblem Alm and Celica in Your Name Crossover [OC]

    Alm and Celica in Your Name Crossover [OC]

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 05:57 PM PST


    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 05:14 AM PST

    Mercedes and Annette

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 11:49 AM PST

    Bernadetta/Ingrid A support (Deleted Scene)

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 04:52 PM PST

    L'Arachel C support with Ephraim hits me hard

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 07:56 AM PST

    I call this piece “Edelgard you can’t just force your father to abdicate so you can go to war against the Church of Seiros”

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 06:34 PM PST

    hi! this time im here to show you this Eyvel commission i drew ♡

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 10:02 AM PST

    Blind Playthrough (FE6 Mini Comic)

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 07:03 PM PST

    POV: Marth kills you to access a gaiden chapter in FE11

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 08:47 AM PST

    Sophia [commission]

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 06:00 AM PST

    I’ve come bearing another sweaty shirtless Felix. :(((

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 08:02 PM PST

    Bysithea Week Day #1: Baking/Tutoring

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 11:26 AM PST

    My Redo Drawing of Brady, Son of Maribelle, from Fire Emblem Awakening I drew 2 years ago on this day, Happy Birthday Brady

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 02:20 PM PST

    Byleth/Lysithea week: day 1, Baking (KyleATwork)

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 05:55 AM PST

    How do you feel about Tokyo Mirage Sessions, all these years later?

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 07:05 PM PST

    For those in need of a refresher, Tokyo Mirage Sessions was that crossover between Fire Emblem and Atlus's Shin Megami Tensei franchise that was released for the Wii U in 2015-2016. It's bright, colorful, and bubbly, with the atmosphere of a massive Japanese pop idol concert. It was ported to the Switch just a little over a year ago, and several of the characters even showed up in Fire Emblem Heroes with English voices for the first time.

    submitted by /u/Asad_Farooqui
    [link] [comments]

    Another one of my OC’s, Haal, he’s Idda’s ward, he’s the third and youngest child of Deirdre and Arvis. He’s an anomaly, having Major Loptous and Naga blood, so he’s frail physically, but has a talent for magic. Later, after the Holy War, he becomes the new lord of Velthomer.

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 10:31 AM PST

    Why Sylvain's character arc doesn't work

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 09:37 AM PST

    NOTE: This is just my opinion, if you have a different opinion on Sylvain you are completely free to have it, it's just that I consider Sylvain to be a lot of missed potential


    Sylvain Jose Gautier is the second son of the house of Margrave Gautier. The Gautier house is one of the most important houses in The Holy Kingdom of Faerghus as the wield the Lance of Ruin in order to protect the kingdoms borders. As such house Gautier places high value on crests as only someone who bears a crest can hope to use The Lance of Ruin and not turn into a monster. While Sylvain was born with a crest, his brother Miklan wasn't so fortunate and this lead to Miklan becoming jealous of Sylvain as he would be ineligible to inherit the margravate and even throwing him down a well at some point. Eventually, Miklan was disinherited and left House Gautier. Sylvain was obviously angry at his brother, but still understood him to sme degree and has started hating the crest system because of this. Sylvain is also close friends with Felix, Dimitri and Ingrid and likely doesn't want to share his problems with them as due to the death of Glen, Sylvain doesn't want to bother them with his own personal problems. Due to feeling like he can't choose his destiny Sylvain has developed a mysogonistic additude towards women where he thinks all of them will just want him for his crest and not for his personality.

    Sylvain's character arc

    Sylvain chooses the persona of layed back flirt that dates every woman in the Officers Academy, so that others wouldn't start having high expectations of him just because he bears a crest. Sylvain is however very inteligent being skilled in both combat, magic and politics being able to understand magic formulas better than Annette and even deducing that it's unlikely the people of Duscur staged a rebellion by themselves. He is also quite untrustworthy of people being able to reach an A support with very few people and only possible after they earn his trust. Sylvain's character arc is him growing past his misogony and letting go of his persona in order to become a fine lord. And in fact he succeeds, in every route his default ending has him improving his region

    Sylvain, Sincerest of Knights

    As Margrave Gautier, Sylvain devoted his life to improving relations with the people of the Sreng region. With oration alone, he succeeded in helping to create a new way of life for nobles in which Relics and Crests were no longer viewed as necessary.(..) he went down in history as an extraordinary lord (...).

    Reminder that these endings have never been potrayed as anything other than the absolute truth throughout the entire history of the franchise so we can assume that this is all correct. So, you'd think this would mean that Sylvain is an excellent character. And while I agree that he's well written overall, I think his overall character is bit of a missed opprotunity.

    Sylvain doesn't change

    Sylvain through the entire game mostly stays the same. This is more of a 3H problem where a character can get over their flaws in an A support, but then get back to square 1 in their C support. But Sylvain suffers a lot from it.

    Byleth A support

    Sylvain: Before I met you, I'd gone my whole life not knowing there was another way for me to live. So from the bottom of my heart...I'm glad we met.

    Man, what a touching moment. What a shame it would be if it was ruined by a C support

    Dorothea & Sylvain C support

    Dorothea: Ah, Sylvain. It's unusual to find you doing something other than hitting on women. Sylvain: Ah, Dorothea! I've been preparing to do just that, as it were.

    But that's not my main problem. You see I left out a part of his standard ending and that part is: "Though he went down in history as an extraordinary lord, it nevertheless became customary to refer to cheaters as "sons of Gautier." Yep, Sylvain actually stayed the same even after all that supposed character development. I can only assume he still hates women and unironically posts: "If she breathes she's a thot" on forums. At least someone like Lorenz is potrayed as always developing in some manner, but Sylvain doesn't outside of his paired endings. But that's not the worst part, I mean a character can stay the same the enitre sotry, it's not necessary for a character to change in order to be well writte, but the game pretends that he really does. But that's a minor gripe in comparison to:

    Sylvain did nothing wrong

    We constantly hear how Sylvain cannot see other women, besides Ingrid as they are childhood friends, as actual people that could ever care about him.

    Dorothea: Your social standing isn't bad, and you're not bad to look at or particularly dumb. You could easily be engaged by now. But you just flit from one woman to the next without settling on anyone. I bet you enjoy going out with them, but you hate women themselves. Don't you think?

    Mercedes: Didn't you also mention that women were only interested in having your, as you say, "Crest baby"? I'm not very interested in the particulars, but... I get the feeling that you don't care very much for these women who throw themselves at you.

    However, we rarely ever see this first hand. All we hear are rumors, but those might not even be true. The only time we see him be outright cruel fist hand is in his Byleth na dManuela supports

    Sylvain: You think I'd cheat? On you, baby? Never. Come on, you should know me better than that. You're the only one for me. I swear. Hey, if ya don't believe me, well... Oh, I get it. If I'm not your type, do you want me to introduce you to some other guys who have Crests? They're all nobles, just like me.

    Sylvain: I fell for that girl recently, but I just wanted to have some fun and leave it at that. So I told her we should break it off. I guess she was feeling a little more serious than I was. She started crying, and everything got a bit...complicated.

    Town Girl: Ugh, what a jerk! He was playing around with me that whole time!
    Sylvain: You know, you're a good catch. It's a shame that you've had no luck with men. You need a guy like me—somebody who sees your beauty and appreciates how tender you are, emotionally...and how much love you have to give.
    Town Girl: What? No way! What are you saying? I can't even tell if you're being honest...
    Sylvain: Do I look dishonest? Are these the eyes of a guy who is just playing around?
    Town Girl: No... I... I suppose not. Would you like to go somewhere a little more quiet?
    Sylvain: As long as it's just the two of us and the only subject is love, I'll follow you anywhere.

    But here's the problem. It seems he's genuently sorry for that and someone who was truly sexist wouldn't be sorry at all. Heck, we constantly hear him helping people. He helps Dimitri out with girl problems and carries Manuela to the infirmary when she passes out. Heck, there are other quotes of him being quite heroic.

    Sylvain & Ashe B support

    Ashe: Hey, Sylvain. Can we talk?
    Sylvain: What's up, Ashe? Looking for more life tips?
    Ashe: Uh, no. But I did want to thank you for coming to my aid in battle the other day.
    Sylvain: That? No need to thank me for that.
    Ashe: No, really, I insist! If you hadn't been there, I definitely would have been finished!

    Sylvain & Felix A support

    Felix: I wanted to thank you for your help in battle. If you hadn't spotted that enemy ambush, I would have been killed.

    Sylvain: If someone's in trouble, I help them. You don't need to be a valiant knight to know that.

    So, he isn't really shown to be selfish or unreasonable most of the time. Another problem is that we the absolute worst we get confirmation of him doing is breaking up with girls in a cruel way. That's it. So, as someone whose been dumped a lot of times, I can tell you that I'm still prefectly sane (probably) and haven't gone out to get my bloody revenge. Sorry, but I fail to consider what is essentialy high school romance to be so incredebly integral that one bad break up will ruin your life. The feeling sucks sure, but it's really not that bad. But I heared so many quotes from people that he was incredebly cruel and sexist and that he's pretty much irredemable.

    u/brooklyndis: "Sylvain stays mostly the same except that the one woman he potentially marries proves the exception to the rule. His Mercedes support comes the closest to reaching some sort of breakthrough, but it's mostly left up in the air and she's too nice to really call him out on his behaviors. Kind of uncomfortable to think about when comparing to real life misogynists, many of whom are married." (Source)

    u/WarpDigimoontoEarth: "Another thing that bothered me was Mercedes reaction to Sylvain. She's nice to him." (Source)

    deleted user: "I still don't really like sylvan, he claims that women use him and only want him for his crest, but every instance we see him talking to a girl, he always initiates the flirting and goes after them only to break their heart later." (Source)

    So, I must be missing something as people accept the idea of Mercedes being nice to her mass murdering brother no problem, but have problems with Mercedes being nice to Sylvain. I think that's mostly because sexism is a real thing that's still very prevalent nowadays in the whole world and Sylvain just doesn't do enough for his redemption to be believable. However, I can't agree that he even hates women as he is always super nice to them and even sincere.

    In Sylvain's support with Annette he isn't an asshole to her, he doesn't think she wants him for his crest or anything like that. Nope, instead he's super helpful and doesn't ask anything in return, he even gives her advice

    Annette & Sylvain B support

    Sylvain: Let me put this a different way... I've always been treated like I'm special, and I'm not. At least, I don't think I am. I'm just tired of people thinking they know what I can and can't do. When everybody expects something of you or envies you...it's kind of suffocating. I'd rather people think I'm dumb.

    This is a pretty big thing to open yourself about for someone who supposedly can't stand women. And it's not like he knows Annette as well as Ingrid or that she sees through his facade like Dorothea or Mercedes.

    Heck, it's not only the BL house. He's super nice to Bernie, understanding of Marianne and is even genuine with Lysethia once she asks him to be:

    Bernadetta & Sylvain B support

    Bernie: "Dear Author, I read your manuscript quite by accident and duly apologize. "However, I also write today to inform you that I enjoyed your story tremendously. "I laughed and cried as the heroine overcame her many obstacles, growing stronger with each step. "Your literary style presents a unique perspective. I could sense you watching over the protagonist." "The girl's failures are as compelling as her triumphs. Since authors are told to write what they know... "I believe your tale would not have been so convincing were it not for your own experiences." Um, what? My own experiences? That's a weird way to give praise... Who wrote this, anyway? Who would read my story so carefully and then write this long letter to tell me about it? Whoever it is, they must be wonderful. Someone like my dear old uncle... "I do hope my letter inspires you to keep writing. "Looking forward to the next chapter. Your devoted fan, Sylvain."

    Marianne & Sylvain B support

    Sylvain: I told you I'm on your side, and I meant it. I'm guessing you don't much like talking about Crests. Call it a hunch.
    Marianne: Well, um...
    Sylvain: I'm the same way, ya know. The value of my life has always been dictated by the damn thing. It's not fair to have your worth determined by something you can't control. Growing up in House Gautier taught me that the hard way.
    Marianne: What do you believe determines a person's value?
    Sylvain: I like to think it's a person's smile.
    Marianne: Huh? Their smile?
    Sylvain: A smile, it tells you who someone is. Are they fake or sincere? It also makes you feel stronger when you smile. My smile helps me focus and set free all of that power I never asked for.
    Marianne: Hm, I wonder...
    Sylvain: Try it out, Marianne! Be strong-willed, and put everything you've got into your smile.
    Marianne: Smile. Be strong-willed... How's this?
    Sylvain: Yeesh, that's a terr—rrific first try...if a bit stiff. Lift the corners of your lips just a bit. Oh, I know! Try saying, "cheese!"
    Marianne: Ch-cheese?
    Sylvain: Hey, that was good! It might feel a bit unnatural, but you'll get used to it soon enough.
    Marianne: Cheese... Are you sure this will make me stronger?
    Sylvain: Guaranteed. It's a great smile, you know. Let's go to town and show it off. If you lift your eyes from the ground, you'll see that the world has all sorts of amazing things to offer. The more you realize that, the more you'll smile.
    Marianne: I'll think about it...
    Sylvain: Please, don't let me pressure you. If you don't want to go, I understand.
    Marianne: It's not that I don't like going into town. I'm just eager to get back to my room. I want to go practice my smile. If I keep practicing, maybe someday I'll be ready to go into town with you.
    Sylvain: Oh yeah? That sounds great. I can't wait to see your best smile.

    Lysithea & Sylvain B support

    Sylvain: Heh... Look, I'm sorry, OK? I know how hard you work, and I really wasn't trying to upset you. I just wanted to chat.
    Lysithea: I do not mind that you wished to chat with me. In fact...you might even say I was happy about it. Just a bit.
    Sylvain: Seriously? It sure didn't seem that way...
    Lysithea: Well, it's true. Your behavior is maddening, but in retrospect, I realize that was you treating me as you do all women, rather than like a child. I wasn't thinking about it like that at the time, and so I snapped at you. I could have perhaps approached the matter with a tad more maturity. Therefore, I would like to apologize.
    Sylvain: An apology? That is not how these conversations usually turn out. There's no need for that though. Really, you'll make me blush if you keep this up. Listen, Lysithea, I want you to know that I meant every word. Even if sincerity is...difficult for me. You're as lovely as you are clever, and you have this strange charm about you. That's what I really, honestly think.
    Lysithea: There you go again with your false flattery...
    Sylvain: I swear to you, it isn't false at all! And it's not flattery if it's the truth.

    I guess ypu could say he's just doing ths to gain their trust so he can break it later, but am I really supposed to believ Sylvain read Bernie's book in great detail and then wrote in a manner that impressed the aouthor just so he could break her heart? It jsut doesn't sound plausible. The same with Marianne and Lysethis, he seems genuently sincere in those supports and I doubt the author's intent was to reveal he was didn't mean any of it in the end.

    Even Hilda, the selfish woman that exploits everyone around her. She's just the type of person Sylvain would hate. What does he do? Does he stab her in the back, shread up her clothes, hack into her Twitter and say that she thinks Jagens are overrated, spread nasty rumors? NOPE, he just asks her to stop being so selfish and go on a date with him. She of course refuses the second part, but it's not like he does anything afterwards or force her to go out with him. He just lets her go. Hilda is just the type of person Sylvain would hate, but he isn't unreasonable or cruel to her in any way. Heck, he even takes the punishment she should've gotten. WHY?

    Sylvain: Hilda, please don't lie to me. I knew your foot wasn't really hurt, but I returned your books anyway. Take it from a guy who does his fair share of pretending to be someone he's not...and I say this as a friend... You are a terrible liar. And those books you left in your room for so long? Teachers and classmates needed those. So stop lying, and maybe stop being quite as selfish too.
    Hilda: Huh. You saw right through me. Honestly, I'd completely forgotten that I still had those books. I really was going to return them. Did the librarian say anything to you?
    Sylvain: Oh yeah. I got an earful of yelling and accusations meant for you.
    Hilda: Huh? Didn't you just say it was my fault?
    Sylvain: Nah, I figured the librarian would feel better if they just let loose. No reason to make them wait for you

    But then we have one last line, one part that everyone always freaks out over, the ending line of his B support with Byleth

    The infamous line

    Sylvain: Heh heh... That's right. You know what? I'm a bit jealous. The whole time you were growing up, you never knew you had a Crest. You were free. Nobody pretended to like you. I kind of hate you for that... You were a spoiled brat who should pay for that Crest. Maybe I'll collect the debt. Ha! Gotcha! Wow, you shoulda seen the look on your face just then. Don't mind me, Professor. After all, ladies love a dark and brooding noble.

    Now, this is by far the darkest aspect we see of Sylvain. His dislike of Byleth pushes him to the idea of even killing him/her since they've gotten scot free from having a crest and only reaped the benefits of it in Sylvain's mind. He even admits he really wanted to kill Byleth. So, this would certainly prove that Sylvain is unwell. Well, no. Because that line DOES NOT MATTER. The next conversation we have between Sylvain and Byleth is when Sylvain is recovering from an injuri he got from protecting Byleth. So, not only does he not go through with his threat he is also ready to sacrifice himself to protect Byleth. You could honestly cut that line out and nothing would change as it's irrelevant to the story overall. And it's not like he was being sexist as he has the same line regardless of Byleth's gender. So, really that line is irrelevant.

    Maybe he was just waiting for the right opprotunity? Once again, no since Sylvain expected to die in the war, as his death quote confirms. So this seems like a good time to take care of loose ends

    Sylvain: Heh, I'm not afraid. I figured it would end like this...


    Sylvain is a very popular and contreversial character in the fandom. A lot of people claim he's one of the best written characters in the franchise, while others claim his flaws and real life paralels aren't explored enough. I'm not really a part of either of these groups. I do overall like Sylvain and I do think he's well written overall, but it really seems the writers were afraid of going deeper with him. On one hand he never does anything despicable enough to showcase how dangerous of a sexist mindset truly is, but on the other hand a lot of the characters take it so seriously that it's not just some hiijinks for the sake of comedy. Sylvain doesn't really change and honestly he is almost always potrayed as so nice and his flaws are kinda swept under the rug that I end up just feeling sorry for him when other characters call him out as he never does anything on screen which would make me see it as deserved. Like I said, I overall think Slyvain is a fine character, but I will always see him as a giant missed opprotunity to explore difficult topics.

    submitted by /u/Every_Computer_935
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    Best king Dimitri <3

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 08:55 AM PST

    Started work on a Three Houses faction in TABS, figured that someone might appreciate this.

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 09:06 AM PST

    POV: you can't be recruited

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 07:23 AM PST

    Masahiro Sakurai celebrates the 14th aniv of Japanese release of Radiant Dawn

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 01:06 AM PST

    Hey everybody! A little sooner than expected, we have the next installment in my character spotlight/analysis video where we give the spotlight to characters that deserve it that normally don't. Today we will be discussing the defensive cavalier, Lowen!

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 10:05 AM PST

    I thought soloing awakening lunatic with Robin was a joke....

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 01:10 PM PST

    This 'strategy' has been way more effective than I thought lol. I've made it to chapter 6 with mostly no problem. Should I even try leveling my other units like Chrom? I'm definitely planning on using Morgan and Lucina when I get them, but so far everyone else has been a liability to have on the battle field (edit: except Frederick)

    submitted by /u/eeyoregod
    [link] [comments]

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