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    Sunday, February 21, 2021

    Fire Emblem Thank you Intelligent Sytems

    Fire Emblem Thank you Intelligent Sytems

    Thank you Intelligent Sytems

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 04:21 PM PST

    swordfaire (oc)

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 05:19 PM PST

    (OC) Summer Camilla Commission I Drew Recently.

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 02:43 PM PST

    [OC] Drawing for Felix's birthday

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 06:43 AM PST

    Linhardt redraw

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 12:49 PM PST

    So this is is my oc, Idda! She’s a general of the Rotenritter of Velthomer! She later joins the Liberation Army in FE4 Gen 2, to safeguard Haal(another oc of mine). First picture is a commission drawn by jessuarts on Twitter, second is Picrew!

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 10:48 AM PST

    I drew masked marth!

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 09:02 AM PST

    dondon plays FE7 HHM 0% growths FINALE [Light]

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 03:17 PM PST

    For Radiant Dawn's 14th anniversary

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 04:32 AM PST

    Dimitri and Dedue at the Beach!

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 09:35 AM PST

    Irish mythology references in Three Houses

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 06:12 AM PST

    Heileo, a chairde, agus tá fáilte romhaibh ar fad (Hello, friends, and welcome to you all)! I decided to put together a comprehensive list of references to Irish mythology in Three Houses along with any information that feels relevant to why the reference was made. I will be using Irish terms regularly as well as giving rough pronunciation guides for them. The vocal sound represented by the letters "ch" in modern Irish writing (a guttural exhale) will be represented in these pronunciation guides by the letters "ck". So let's begin.

    Loog: Faerghus's founder is named for the Irish god of storms Lugh (pron: loo), one of the most prominent members of the Tuatha Dé Danann (pron: too-a-ha jay dah-nun). He was known by the title "Ildánach" (pron: ill-dawn-uck), or "Multitalented", because of the incredible diversity of talent he possessed. This is important to mention because having a broad repertoire of talents was essential to being a respected warrior in old Ireland. As such, Lugh is the quintessential Irish warrior. He was also the father of Cú Chulainn (pron: koo ckull-in). Cú Chulainn was often shown having to prioritise his role as a warrior over his own interests (see the Fhirdiad section for an example of that). Lugh and his son both embody the heroic ideal, with Cú Chulainn drawing attention to the personal loss one can experience by aspiring to said ideal. It therefore fits that Lugh's name is given to the heroic figure who founded a culture obsessed with chivalry and being the perfect knight.

    Cichol, Cethleann, and Indech: Three of the saints are named for Fomorians (supernatural beings/chaotic deities who came from the sea in Irish mythology; referred to in Irish as Fomhóraigh, pron: fuh-vore-ah/fuh-vore-ee). These Fomorians specifically are:

    · Cíocal (pron: kee-uh-kull): The first Fomorian leader to live in Ireland. His people survived on fish and fowl because they didn't know how to farm.

    · Cethlenn (pron: keh-len): The wife of Balor (pron: bal-ur) as well as the mother of Ethliu/Ethlinn (pron: eh-lyuh/eh-lin). She bore the title "Cethlenn of the Crooked Teeth" and was a warrior as well as a prophet.

    · Indech (pron: in-deck): A legendary king of the Fomorians.

    The fact that these Nabateans were named after Fomorians is interesting to me. The Fomorians arguably represent the fear of a foreign force threatening the status quo, but the Nabateans are concerned with the opposite: maintaining the way of things since they are the ones in power. I think that these particular references are only relevant in the sense that, since most other Irish terms used in the game could be considered "native" to Ireland, the Nabateans are intended to come across as foreign and strange because their names are foreign and strange. This is noticeably contradicted, however, by the other saint, who is...

    Macuil: One of the saints is named for a relatively obscure character called Mac Coill (pron: mak kwill, English translation: Son of hazel) who was a king of Ireland and the husband of Banba. Banba was one of the three patronymic goddesses of Ireland alongside her sisters Ériu (pron: ayr-yuh; modern spelling: Éire, pron: ayr-a) and Fódla (pron: foe-la). These three sisters gave their names to Ireland, with Éire's name being the modern Irish name for the republic of Ireland. Both Fódla's and Banba's names have been used to describe Ireland poetically as well. Macuil's name could be a reference to the idea that he, like Mac Coill, ruled over his country and helped to shape its history. Speaking of this…

    Fódlan: Named for Fódla, a patronymic goddess of Ireland and the wife of Mac Cecht (pron: mak keckt, English translation: Son of the plough), a king of Ireland. As such, the continent being named Fódlan is one degree of separation away from just straight up calling it Ireland.

    Sreng, Brigid, and Dagda: All of these regions are named for characters from the Mythological Cycle (all the stories concerning those who lived in Ireland before the arrival of the Gaels/Milesians):

    · Sreng was the foremost champion of the Fir Bolg (pron: fih-r bullug), the people who lived in Ireland before the Tuatha Dé.

    · Brigid was an Irish goddess of the hearth, poetry, healing, smithing, fertility, and the season of spring. Her feast day was Imbolc/Imbolg (pron: ih-mullug), celebrating the arrival of spring on February 1st.

    · The Dagda was an Irish god referred to as the "Good Father", who had power over life and death as well as the seasons.

    The Tailtean Plains: Named for the goddess Tailtiu (pron: tal-ch(y)uh), the foster-mother to Lugh who died of exhaustion after clearing all of the land in Ireland for farming. The site where she was buried was named Tailtin (pron: tal-chin) in her honour, and Lugh is said to have organised the real-life Tailteann Games in her memory. Tailtin was also the site of the battle where the Gaels/Milesians defeated the Tuatha Dé and forced them to take up residence underground. This may be why the Tailtean Plains specifically are where Seiros defeated Nemesis and where Edelgard fights Seiros and Dimitri in Crimson Flower.

    Other locations in Fódlan:

    • The Oghma Mountains are named for Oghma (pron: ug-ma), the god credited with inventing Ogham script.
    • Ailell: The Valley of Torment could be named for a multitude of characters in Irish folk history, but I'll put my money on it being named after Ailill mac Máta (pron: al-ill mak maw-ta), a king of Connacht and the husband of Queen Medb/Maedhbh (pron: mayv). His competition with his wife over who possessed the most wealth kickstarted the events of the Táin Bó Cuailgne (pron: toyn b-oh koo-al-nya) wherein Connacht invaded Ulster to seize the prized bull Donn Cuailgne (pron: down koo-al-nya). I completely forgot about this location; thanks to u/Seradwen for reminding me of it!
    • Brionac Plateau: This one is a doozy. So "brionac" is simultaneously an Irish mythology reference and... not. I can find no trace of the term "brionac" in any actual Irish sources; I can only find it mentioned in fandom articles for Xenoblade and Yu-Gi-Oh, among others, being mentioned as an alternate name for the Spear of Lugh (one of the Four Jewels of the Tuatha Dé Danann). One Wikipedia user hypothesises that the name was made up/assumed to be a real name for the Spear of Lugh by a Japanese author named Takerube Nobuaki back in 1990, and that creators in Japan simply assumed that the author's information was accurate and included the term in their works. I can't verify this to be true, and I would assume Takerube got their information from somewhere so I won't say that they're definitely wrong, but I can find nothing saying they're correct either. So Brionac Plateau might be a reference to the Spear of Lugh, and it also might not be. Hypothetically, "brionac" would be pronounced "brin-ak/bryun-ak".
    • Conand Tower: This references a Fomorian leader named Conand/Conann (pron: kun-und/kun-un). He is most well known for imposing harsh taxes on the people of Nemed (pron: nem-ed) who lived in Ireland long before the Gaels/Milesians. They rose up and killed him, as well as destroying the tower that he lived in. This story seems oddly apt, given that Miklan was similarly rebelling against an oppressive institution.
    • Itha Plains: This references a location somewhere in Ireland which was once called Magh Itha (pron: maw/moy ih-ha). "Magh" translates to "plain", so it is a fairly direct reference. This is famously the site of a legendary battle fought in Ireland c.2668 BCE (allegedly), the Battle of Magh Itha. The participants were the Fomorians led by Cíocal versus the followers of Partholón. The followers of Partholón won and lived in Ireland for about three centuries before dying of a plague.
    • The Airmid River is named after Airmed (pron: ara-mid), the daughter of Dian Cécht (pron: jee-un kayckt) and a masterful healer who possessed comprehensive knowledge of the healing properties of herbs.
    • Faerghus refers to the old Irish name Fergus (pron: fur-gus) and it may be a reference specifically to Fergus mac Róich (pron: fur-gus mak r-oh-ick), a prominent warrior in the Ulster Cycle. He once fought for Ulster, but he defected to Connacht out of disgust after the king of Ulster, Conchobar (pron: kun-ckuv-er), tricked him and had the three sons of Uisnech killed unjustly [see the Derdriu section later]. This seems to be an ironic reference. Fergus mac Róich betrayed his lord and defected to his enemies because he chose to stand by his personal morals over his lord, which goes against the main tenet of the culture of Faerghus: adherence to the rules of chivalry over everything else.
    • Sauin Village is named for the festival of Samhain (pron: sah-win), using the Manx Gaelic spelling rather than the Irish one.
    • Fhirdiad is named for Ferdiad/Ferdia (pron: fur-dee-ad/fur-dee-a), the Patroclus to Cú Chulainn's Achilles who trained with him under Scáthach (pron: skaw-huck). He was later killed by Cú Chulainn during the war between Connacht and Ulster as they stood on opposite sides. His death leads Cú Chulainn to deliver a rather romantically tinged lament over his body. Cú Chulainn being forced to kill his… *ahem* "best friend" because of their shared duties as warriors meshes well with the culture of Faerghus, doesn't it?
    • Enbarr is named for Aonbharr (pron: ayn-var), a horse which could run on water and was owned by the sea god Manannán mac Lir (pron: man-un-awn mak leer).
    • Derdriu (pron: dare-dr(y)uh) is an old spelling of the name Deirdre (pron: dare-dra/deer-dra), a name most associated with the tragic heroine of "The Exile of the Sons of Uisnech". Deirdre was prophesied to bring disaster to Ulster due to her beauty. She fled to Scotland with her lover Naoise (pron: neesh-a) and his brothers Ardan (pron: ar-dun) and Ainnle (pron: an-la). The party was eventually tricked into returning to Ireland by Conchobar, who ambushed them and had Naoise and his brothers killed. Conchobar tried and failed to court Deirdre, who was so disgusted by his selfishness and cruelty that she took her own life.

    Areadbhar, Lúin, and the Spear of Assal: Named for Aréadbhair (pron: ar-ayd-var), Lúin (pron: loo-in), and the Gáe Assail (pron: gay ass-ill) respectively. All three names are used in alternate versions of the story of the sons of Tuireann. These were three brothers who were sent to retrieve a magical spear from the king of Persia as penance for killing Lugh's father. Said spear was immensely powerful but had to be stored in water so its intense heat wouldn't start a fire.

    A similar quality is prescribed to the spear used by Celtchar mac Uthechar (pron: kelt-ckur mak oo-heh-ckur) which is exclusively called Lúin, except this spear was to be doused in a cauldron of blood to prevent it from igniting.

    Three legendary spears of Fódlan being named after three legendary spears of Irish mythology just makes sense. This is particularly so in the case of Aréadbhair, the name of which is translated as "Slaughterer" which feels like an apt descriptor for Dimitri's personal spear.

    Tathlum Bow: Named for the tathlum (pron: tah-lum), an item which was launched by Lugh using a sling to shoot Balor's eye out the back of his head during the final battle between the Tuatha Dé and the Fomorians. Both the Tathlum Bow and the actual tathlum were noteworthy projectile weapons, making this another fairly straightforward reference.

    The swords of Moralta and Begalta: Named for Móralltach ("Big Fury", pron: more-al-tuck) and Beagalltach ("Little Fury", pron: byug-al-tuck). These were two swords wielded by Diarmuid (pron: deer-mid/jeer-mij) of the Fianna; Móralltach was for life-or-death battles, while Beagalltach was for lesser battles. Two video game swords. Two mythological swords. A slam dunk for IS.

    Ochain Shield: References a shield of the same name (pron: uck-in) which was owned by Conchobar mac Nessa. Thomas Kinsella's translation of the Táin calls it the "Ear of Beauty" and describes it as having had "four gold borders around it". There is a gold border on the Ochain Shield in Three Houses, so... I guess it works.

    I also want to draw a thematic link between TWSITD and the Tuatha Dé Danann. TWSITD are descendants of the Agarthans, a group of people who lived on the surface of Fódlan until they tried to rebel against the Nabateans using their advanced technology. They eventually failed and were forced underground. They then proceeded to conspire and control the politics of Fódlan in secret to seek revenge on the Nabateans.

    Compare this group with the Tuatha Dé, a race of warrior- and druid-gods who lived on Ireland's surface and lost a war with an invading foreign force, the Gaels/Milesians. They agreed to evenly split Ireland between the two races. However, the Gaels/Milesians tricked the Tuatha Dé by taking the top half of Ireland (above ground), thereby forcing the gods to move below ground. Their descendants would come to be known as the people of the mounds, the daoine sídhe (deen-a shee-a), or fairies. In Irish folktales fairies are generally depicted as malicious or at least unsettling [an example is the bean sídhe, or banshee, who appears to people while weeping as an omen that they will soon experience a death in the family; she's not evil, but you would be unsettled if you met her]. As long as you don't mess with fairies, they won't mess with you, and that attitude is still prevalent in Ireland today. I see TWSITD as a more malignant take on the daoine sídhe; they are both descendants of a powerful race of people who were forced underground in the distant past who cross paths with those on the surface in unsettling or dangerous ways. TWSITD are simply fairies with missiles.

    Bhuel, sin é (Well, that's it)! Overall, I would say that IS's use of Irish mythology in Three Houses is surprisingly meaningful in places while being woefully arbitrary in others. There are some surprisingly accurate references that carry thematic weight (especially the names used in Faerghus) but other choices seem baseless in comparison (Mac Coill being lumped in with a bunch of Fomorians, for one). I would say that the use of Irish mythology in FE16 is similar to its use in FE4. Genealogy also uses a bunch of Irish mythological names (and I'd love to make a similar list for Jugdral, hint hint) but only a few of them feel as if they bear any thematic resonance or relevance.

    I hope to do this again, and I'll leave you all with a farewell message from my culture:

    That's not even close to how you pronounce Cethleann, Three Houses dev team.

    EDIT: I added entries for some locations I had missed: Ailell, the Brionac Plateau, Conand Tower, and the Itha Plains.

    submitted by /u/FiveTrenchcoats
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    Just wanted to show someone my berserker Beruka to help him decide if he wants to do the same thing

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 01:50 PM PST

    An aspect of my AU drawn by Ryan Santos. Feel free to comment your own context, I won’t.

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 01:08 PM PST

    I have redrawn my patient zero violence tag art [SS/VW]

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 05:35 AM PST

    The Real Reason Edelgard set Bernadetta on Fire

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 08:13 AM PST

    moving on (backwards?) to Shadow Dragon!

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 04:40 PM PST

    Rough, edgy Byleth drawing I did just for fun —

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 08:26 PM PST

    What makes them broken? Dancers

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 09:19 AM PST

    What makes them broken? Dancers

    Obligatory joke

    Hello and welcome back to: What makes them broken? Today, we'll be looking at one of Fire Emblem's more unorthodox classes, the dancer classline. This class stands out for not being good at fighting, but allowing your units to get another turn, which is incredebly useful if you know how to properly exploit it. Now, Fire Emblem games are usually easy enough to allow you to use anyone you like, but when discussing what the best classes are we need to look at who makes the game the easyest and why that is. So, today we'll be covering the dancer, bard (not the magic ones), henron and songstress classes, along with the anew staff/spell. This analysis assumes the hardest difficulties, no grinding and fast play.

    Analyzing their viability through the games

    FE1, FE2, FE11 and Echoes:SoV

    • Not in these games, besides Anew in Echoes: SoV


    • Phina is our first dancer in the series and she sets up the design philosophy that other games in the series will follow. Phina can fight and use a sword, but she's quite bad at fighting, so you instead use her so she can dance for your units and after she uses her dance your units get another action in the same turn. This is obviously incredebly useful for any type of playthrough and it makes Phina an incredebly useful unit. She is quite frail and you need to be careful rpotecting her from siege tomes and ballistas, but even so Phina is still one of the best units in the game.
    • This is also the first appearance of the Anew staff and while it takes a while to build up the staff rank necessary to use it, it's entireyl possible with all the growth boosting spheres and once you do you can use it to give a unit another turn 3 times. Really broken.
    • EDIT: Actually, FE3 Anew gives all of your units another move. Kaga why? Anyway it's not really broken, it's ridiculously broken.


    • Silvia, Lene and Laylea are in a somewhat unfortunate position as they are infantry units in a very horse dominated game. Luckley, because of super canto you can fight an enemy and then canto back in range of your dancer and what's even better is how you can dance for 4 units, you can use the rescue staff on your master knight so they can keep up though. Another option is to give your dancers money from your thieves so they can buy the leg ring and keep up with your mounted units easyer. This isn't a bad idea actually as your dancer is gonna make the best use of the leg ring besides Sigurd and Seliph. However, for the most part your dancers aren't gonna be able to keep up with your mounted units too well, but even so they have some utility.


    • Lara is an interesting unit as she comes as a thief, but if you do chapter 12x and have her talk to Perne, she will reclass into a dancer. Another thing worth noting is how dancing gets you fatigued, so you can't abuse dancing as much as you can in other games, not to mention the abundance of teleporting enemies, siege tomes and abllistas that really ruin Lara's day. Even so, Lara is a great unit as dancing is inccredebly useful and lategame you're gonna have a high number of trained up staff users that don't even need Lara to skip the game, so she can take a break during those chapters or just give her a stamina drink. Overall, Thracia is a unique spin on the dancer class, but still a very good one overall.


    • This is the first time I'll be mentioning the bard class as it's been changed into a dancing class in Binding Blade and dancers lost the ability to fight back, which was never really relevant anyway. Anyway, Larum/Elffin are both really good, the usual suspect of ballistas, siege tomes and status staves is still a problem, but they can get over those problems easely enough and become particularly useful once you start warpskipping the game.


    • Ninian/Nils are a bit unique as they not only have the standard refreshing ability all dancing classes have, they also have special rings they can use to increase the stats of one unit. These rings are situationaly useful, but for them most part these two will just be dancing. Anyway, to no repeat myself too much they're really good.


    • Tethys is interesting as she's very good, but your units in SS are usually so much stronger than the enemis while also having higher movement that she struggles keeping up a lot of the time after her join chapter. She does get a lot better once Artur gets warp so she can help out warpskipping and she still has some uses besides that, but she can also get left in the dust sometimes. Still, like I said earlyer, she's really good.


    • Reyson is one of the last Herons (totally, like only 2 are left, we'll never see another one for the rest of the series) and he's ascended above normal furries, by being able to contribute untransformed. Since he wasn't content just being a normal dancer he also has to flex on everyone by gaining the ability to dance for 4 units when he transfroms. This, along with the canto ability mounted units have allows you to really break the game to the point is stops being funny. His only flaw is taking a while to transform. but that can be fixed with laguz stones, though this prevents him from using the laguz stone in LTCs as it's more valuable to dance for 1 unit on turn 1 there.


    • In this game we get 3 dancers just because. Anyway, all 3 are obviously quite good and all have unique qualities. Reyson is the same as he was in PoR, so he's really good. Leanne can dance for one unit in front of her and one behind her, but she can only dance for 2 units even when transformed and she has less mobility than transformed Reyson and Rafiel has the lowes mobility, cannot fly and cannot even use canto, but he can dance for 4 units on turn 1. Anway, all 3 of these are really good and fit for different chapters and types of players. Like, with different flavours of an ice-cream, you can't really go wrong with them.


    • Phina is back and she's still really good, not much else to say.
    • We also get the Anew staff once again and it's still really good, but this time you can hammerne it, so it's even better.


    • Here we have Olivia, the worst dancer. She isn't bad because of that, but Awakening kinda works against her. First there's a lot and I mean a lot of ambush spawns which limit her movement, along with a lot of rout maps, where Olivia isn't doing much as you're just juggernauting with your strongest units. And finally Galeforce allows Robin to invalidate the game without even needing Olivia and her low movement. Still, Olivia has some uses and there are some instances where Robin will need her to complete the map quickly as you get Galeforce quite late and you can fix her mobility issues with the rescue staff as it's buyable and only E rank in Awakening. Special Dance is cute, but she's likely naver getting it in a faster playthrough.


    • Azura. She is a royal so she can use DVs and also joins really early on every route, so she's probably the best dancer in the series. Some people advocate to reclass her into an offensive class like Berserker to make use of her excellent offensive growths, but as I assume I'm talking to sane people in this post we're keeping her a dancer so she can get inspiring song and boost the stats of your units while dancing at the same time. She is pretty much one of the most obviously good units in all of FE.

    Echoes: SoV

    • Faye as a saint learns the Anew spell at level 14. She is never getting this spell on a faster playthrough and she losses a lot of HP when she uses Anew, still if you get it it's a useful spell.

    3 Houses

    • Any student can become a dancer, so even Caspar can theoretically become a good unit. You just wanna have a unit with 9 or more charm so that they can be guaranteed a win after a dance lesson. Or you can just choose Flayn since she has high enough charm to win even without a dance lesson. There are a lot of silly things you can do with the dancer class, like making Dimitri into a dancer so he can just dodge tank everything post timeskip, the same goes for Ferdinand. Another option is to reclass your utility units like Dorothea or Marriane into this class as they can provide utility with their spell on turns when they won't dance, but for the most part it doesn't matter who you make into your dancer. The low mobility might seem like a problem, but there are so many ways to fix movement in 3H that it's irrelevant for the msot part. Also, you can get dancing battalions, but they all come really late, so they don't overshadow your dancers.
    • HOT TAKE: Stop recommending Dorothea as a dancer so much. Getting extra accuracy with meteor is usually irrelevant as Dorothea may not even be within 10 spaces of the enmy on the larger maps and her support list is quite mediocre outside of CF as she only supports 3 units in the BL house, 2 of the church staff and none of the GD. She is only (arguably) the best dancer on CF, while there are better options for other routes, maybe even SS too. I blame this on you and your triangle attack article Rengor.

    What makes them broken?

    The ability to give one of your units another turn is incredebly useful, to the point where you'd need to remove said ability if you wanted to make dancers bad. There's a fairly famous quote: "Describing your dancer as a second copy of your best unit is underselling them".

    How do we nerf them?

    Olivia is a good example where you make dancing utility not very valuable compared to combat utility or make it so that dancers can't keep up with your other units. However, I also like the dancer class being a special reward like it is for Lara, along with fatigue. Honestly, I think dancers are fine as they are right now, you need skill to use them properly, but if you know how to properly use them, they become an invaluable asset.

    Next time: Wyvern rider - Wyvern Lord

    Previously: Mounted magic users

    submitted by /u/Every_Computer_935
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    Each Character's Worst Classes on Maddening- Part 8

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 07:10 PM PST

    [Three House x JoJo]Maddening mode in a nutshell

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 05:58 AM PST

    Julius (Fe 4) or Lyon (Fe 8)?

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 05:43 PM PST

    Just wondering about the general opinions of their characters and their boss fights since I'm new here

    also, who do you like more as a villain, loptyr or formortis?

    inspired by this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fnBTpMkM760&ab_channel=MichaelHarding

    submitted by /u/FreeToPlayKING
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    Fire Emblem Three Houses Blue Lions MBTI

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 04:07 PM PST

    Wanted to share this with Fire Emblem fans.

    I just started playing Fire Emblem Three Houses and wanted to do a MBTI post on the characters now after getting to know them. Gonna take my time and go by houses since I haven't seen them all and all the characters and only know the Blue Lions house right now, as I'm currently playing it. Without further ado.

    Dimitri - ISFJ, duty driven, driven by past details and experiences feels the emotional state of others outside of himself all the time, cares about the collective group, society and mannerisms and politeness with his aux Fe and along with his Si traditions and rules as well. A very laid back ISFJ for him and likes to go out of his way to help others and cant take no for a answer, very calm and collecting and caring person. I haven't completed the game yet so I dont know much else on him yet, but I do know somethings coming later for him so leave me in the dark now ok, thanks.

    Dedue - ISTJ, driven by duty and honor, very cold and logical, unemotional, cares about efficiency, very quiet and to himself, calm person, assertive, strong, and tough. A little mean spirited but a good guy at heart. A bit bossy and blunt guy, rigid and driven by rules a lot and duty. Holds onto to past experiences and a bit uptight and serious in his demeanor overall.

    Felix - ISTP, calm, quiet, cold and logical person as well. Difference is he's irresponsible and causes trouble in class. Ignores rules and guidelines and is easygoing and likes doing things his own way. They described him as creative in the game and hinted at imagination so I thought he was INTP maybe at first, but after observing him and researching him online Ive confirmed hes more of a ISTP and they can be creative as well too so yeah. Likes to figure out how thing work and sees logical inconsistencies etc and picks up on BS easy and is bored with routine and the same old. Lives in the moment and is a laid back spontaneous person. Very assertive and blunt and unemotional as a person as well and gets straight to the point with everything and doesn't beat around the bush with his words and telling the truth to others with his Ti.

    Ashe - INFP, very, very value driven man right here. calm, quiet, extremely idealistic and emotional person. Cares about his inner values with his dom Fi very strongly and is super sensitive as a person. Likes to brainstorm many possibilities and is open minded to anything he comes across in life with his Ne and is a very curious person. Likes new ideas and gets excited by them and likes to come up with them himself and try new things all the time. Can be a bit of a worry wart at times and panic and lack confidence sometimes unless it means a lot and is very important to him, then he'll tell you off and his value driven Fi and Te confidence and efficiency comes out to follow his beliefs and what he believes in and cares about. Cares about past experiences and details at times too with his tertiary Fi. Has strong feelings about everything he does and reacts to in life with his Fi as a Fi dom and INFP etc and is a very future oriented person as well with his aux Ne and so on.

    Annette - ENFP, happy, innocent, bubbly, creative, energetic, scatterbrained, curious, future oriented, intuitive and looks behind the scenes a lot, talkative, spontaneous, loves fun and having a good time, easygoing, idealistic and a very emotional person as well. I've seen people online get really confused on her and mistype her a lot many different places and cause many mistypes for her. I've seen her mistyped ENTP, ESFP, ISFJ and more in my opinion and I disagree with all of them and think there all wrong I feel. Annette is intuitive and is always looking beneath the surface and predicted things with her intuition like predicted what Mercedes was gonna say when they talked and hung out. Annette sees patterns and likes making connections and imagines different ideas and makes connections between them llke with when she was talking about the make up idea she had and told Ingrid to combine two ideas and become the most fabulous knight ever. She then proceeded to imagine what possibilities could be in the future for Ingrid and how amazing she'd be with make up on and how exciting the new experience would be. Loves learning new things with her Ne and so on, always sees new possibilities in the outer world with her dom Ne.

    Annette is also emotional and cares about her heart and values with her Fi, theres nothing logical about her even if she likes to learn a lot, shes still definitely an emotional person with her Fi and loves to learn new things and try new thing all the time with her Ne and curiosity coming out with being a Ne dom and caring about possibilities so much and taking in information from the outer world that way. She's also very goofy and excitable like most ENFPs are and is a very happy go lucky ENFP girl overall and bounces around from idea to idea and is a bit scatterbrained with her dom Ne like most Ne users and ENFPs often are usually known for. And she's idealistic as a NF and her demeanor in the game too and loves coming up with new ideas on the spot and loves asking questions with her Ne curiosity to others too about things and life, Annette is a classic ENFP girl. Luckily lots of other people do see it online but I wanted to clear this up since I saw some people confused on her some other places in other Fire Emblem Three Houses MBTI posts. And of course she's spontaneous, disorganized, imaginative, and easygoing as a perceiver as well and ENFP girl. And she strongly feels peoples emotions inside by relating to others with her Fi and putting them in her shoes as a Fi user and connects and feels peoples emotions that way in comparison to Fe users and there style of doing it.

    Mercedes - ISFJ, this girl is a Si dom and introvert and ISFJ. Mercedes is not a ESFJ, I've seen this mistype online a few times as well and I strongly disagree with it. I do not even see dom Fe or extroversion in Mercedes ever in the game. I debated and was patient to see if she was a Fi dom or Fe user first before typing her and I'm concluded with ISFJ for her now. She's duty driven, focused, calm, caring, feels emotions of others outside of her a lot most the time. She's very structured and cautious and is good at keeping people in line and critiquing them. She's dependable and makes a great friend, good at planning and cares alot about duty and respect and getting thing done in life and doing things right the way it should be done with her Si. She cares about the collective groups feelings and feels outside of herself all the time with her Fe and gives good advice to others as well. She holds onto past experiences and is a very patient calm person and girl in the game always and is definitely a introvert again as well. Her Ti cares for truth and accuracy often too as well at times and he Ne inferior brainstorms many possibilities in situations and isn't the best at predicting the future and doesn't know what it holds but still wonder and worries about it and the future as a Si dom focused on security even if she doesn't have a good grasp on the future at all that she says to Annette in the game.

    Ingrid - ISTJ, another character I've seen common mistypes in my opinion. Ingrid is definitely ISTJ and a Si dom and Te user. Ingrid is duty and rule driven, uptight, logical and cold, takes things way too seriously, fixated a lot on things and acts overly serious on most things most the time. Hangs onto past experiences and details all the time, cares a lot about duty and honor and rules more than most people do. Is very logical, cold and blunt as a person and as a Te user and cares a ton about efficiency and getting things done in logical way. Someone said that she says she feels strongly emotionally how people feel in the game and thats why shes a ISFJ and Fe user but no I would say this is her tertiary Fi coming out, as Fi users also and even moreso are known for feeling strong emotions inside and feeling peoples feelings and emotions by relating to them and putting themselves in their shoes as inward Fi users that focus on their inner values and authenticity with everything they do, and Ingrid acts just like that in the game and is definitely a Fi user. She's also calm, level headed and introverted and so on. And is also very structured, rigid, decisive, and organized as a person and judger for herself as a ISTJ and Si dom as well again in the game.

    Sylvain - ESTP, tries to be the classic ladies man, spontaneous, in the moment, wise guy, and a bit blunt and logical as a person. He can come across blunt and to the point in the game and is known for dealing with situations in logical ways with his Ti. He lives in the moment and cares for accuracy and truth with his Se and Ti and he's fairly blunt and impulsive and spontaneous as a person and improvises life as most ESTPs do and is easygoing overall in his demeanor and blunt wise guy ladies man personality.

    submitted by /u/muddy120
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