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    Saturday, February 20, 2021

    Fire Emblem Everyone Plays Fire Emblem - Week of February 19th, 2021

    Fire Emblem Everyone Plays Fire Emblem - Week of February 19th, 2021

    Everyone Plays Fire Emblem - Week of February 19th, 2021

    Posted: 20 Feb 2021 08:33 AM PST

    Welcome to the next installment of EPFE! This is a casual space for discussing any ongoing Fire Emblem (or related games) playthroughs. Screenshots, impressions, frustrations... gameplay stuff that would otherwise be removed as a standalone post under Rule 8 can be shared here.

    While you can of course ask for advice here, specific questions might get better responses in the General Question Thread here.

    As always, remember to tag your spoilers, and have fun!

    Last week's thread can be found here.

    submitted by /u/Cecilyn
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    Annette and Felix in Lunar New Year attire!

    Posted: 20 Feb 2021 05:27 PM PST

    Lunar annette ✨ ( twitter: jxh_soda)

    Posted: 20 Feb 2021 06:30 AM PST

    Grabbed some photos in the snow, so I wanted to share a shot of my Byleth cosplay! ��

    Posted: 20 Feb 2021 06:01 PM PST

    happy birthday felix

    Posted: 20 Feb 2021 03:01 PM PST

    Happy Birthday, Felix Fraldarius!

    Posted: 20 Feb 2021 03:18 PM PST

    I'm really excited to play this game! Although I haven't finished Path of Radiance yet...

    Posted: 20 Feb 2021 04:15 PM PST

    One more wallpaper. This time for Genealogy of the Holy War!

    Posted: 20 Feb 2021 06:45 PM PST

    [OC] Iuchar & Iucharba, Traitors of Dozel

    Posted: 20 Feb 2021 06:20 PM PST

    I made wallpapers to celebrate the 3DS era of Fire Emblem!

    Posted: 20 Feb 2021 11:30 AM PST

    Grima fanart! (OC)

    Posted: 20 Feb 2021 09:27 AM PST

    Race, 2099 #2. A Crossover Fanart.

    Posted: 20 Feb 2021 06:41 AM PST

    POV: You're an enemy unit who got a kill on the last turn of a defend map

    Posted: 20 Feb 2021 08:40 AM PST

    It's his birthday, he can be a grump if he wants to

    Posted: 20 Feb 2021 03:41 PM PST

    What makes Celica more of a representation of Mila than Alm?

    Posted: 20 Feb 2021 03:08 PM PST

    This is something that always bothers me when it comes to the narrative of SoV that Alm and Celica are supposed to represent a coming together of Mila's loving peace and Duma's strength.

    However I really struggle to see where Celica adds to Alm? From the start of the game not minding Fernand's transgressions to his friends to the very end with not holding anything against Berkut where Alm not represent the very idea of loving others and being kind to all people and accepting differences.

    Hell Duma at the end of the game only refers to Alm in his dying breath about the future of Valentia

    Duma: So be it, Alm. I leave Valentia's future to you, her hero. Take from us what lessons you will and shape her into a land to remember. Make her strong like Duma, and fill her with Mila's love. Let our grave mistakes be warnings of where not to tread as you lead her forth. Now, we shall sleep. And never shall you disturb our slumber.

    Like yeah Alm and Celica look at each other during this but Duma doesn't really acknowledge her?

    I don't know feels like this game just shafted Celica constantly.

    submitted by /u/SubwayBossEmmett
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    Something I made for our little Tsundere Birthday Boy, Felix Hugo Fraldarius. I mean this is his S support in a nutshell

    Posted: 20 Feb 2021 05:23 AM PST

    The more Fire Emblem games I play, the less I care about using "good" units

    Posted: 20 Feb 2021 08:42 AM PST

    So I've been a Fire Emblem fan for a couple of years now. When I first got into the series, I didn't pay attention to stats at all. I used a unit if they were able to kill things and if they couldn't, I benched them. Eventually I found out that tier lists were a thing and then I began to use those religiously. From that point onwards, whenever I started a new FE game, I would google image a tier list and only use units in S, A, B, and sometimes C tier. I would avoid giving any kills to units in D-F tier. I never payed attention to how good a unit's level-ups were, only how high they were in a tier list. Later when I got into ironmanning FE games, I realized that the way I looked at tier lists was kinda stupid. I started with ironmanning FE6 and I lost a lot of high tier units like Lance, Allen, Shanna, Dieck, Lugh, etc relatively early in the game. I ended up using units I normally wouldn't have even considered using like Lilina, Noah, Shin, Sue, Hugh, and Garret. To my surprise, all of them ended up pretty good by the end (minus the ones I got killed). Some of them like Lilina took a bit of training, but even then it wasn't that hard to bring her up to speed in a timely manner.

    This isn't to say that tier lists should be discounted or anything like that. Rutger is always going to be better than Sophia. However, I think that a pitfall that a lot of new players fall into is treating tier lists as Gospel rather than as a suggestion. For example, when I first played FE8 a couple years ago, I would follow tier lists as close as possible. I would deliberately feed kills to Seth and Franz because they're really good units. Later when I ironmanned the game, I realized that this was stupid because Sacred Stones is an easy game to begin with and I shouldn't be bending over backwards so that Seth can get 1 extra point of Skill. I got Seth killed in chapter 6 and I was fine without him afterwards.

    Kaga himself said that one of his main goals with Fire Emblem was to let players make their own stories. With a few obvious exceptions, any unit can be good if you want them to. Using a unit like Rebecca is just as valid as using a unit like Pent if that's how you want to play. Granted, I've never tried doing an LTC playthrough, so I can't comment on that.

    I know I'm not saying anything new or groundbreaking with this post, but I guess this is just something I felt like getting off my chest.

    submitted by /u/Parvati72
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    A drawing of Claude Von Riegan from Fire Emblem Three House

    Posted: 20 Feb 2021 12:36 PM PST

    Fire Emblem Three Houses Tabletop System

    Posted: 20 Feb 2021 05:02 PM PST

    Warning: I tried to make the game as spoiler free as possible and leave out info that could spoil things, but I'm not sure what is or isn't spoilered in there. I would suggest that all people interested in DMing or running a campaign be someone not afraid of spoilers, so that they can lead people through safely.

    TLDR: Click here if you are interested in playing DnD but Fire Emblem.

    Hello! Over the past few years I've been working on several different Fire Emblem Tabletops. I made a Sacred Stones one a few years back. When I saw Three Houses, I thought that it'd be a very fun (and also interesting) system to make, so I made one!

    There are rules for both combat and exploration mechanics, so don't feel like those who want to RP out expansive adventures will be left out. Things don't work entirely how they would in normal Three Houses, and there are additional mechanics that don't fit the game as well, but those are all optional and very easily thrown out.

    The biggest flaw is, admittedly, the monster manual. Balancing a bunch of monsters for an infinite amount of party compositions doesn't really work well, so I just put a bunch of template examples so that people have an idea on how to build encounters.

    I'll continue to adjust and update this as others play and test it, so please look forward to future updates. Also, if there are any writers out there who'd be interested in writing adventures I would love to see what you come up with, though there's no obligation to share anything with me as well.

    I would like to incorporate community criticism into a 3.5 Edition, since I'll admit that this is very lightly play tested, and it was designed by mostly myself, an amateur.

    The first expansion I plan on writing is an adventure called "Remire Reborn", which will occur after the end of Three Houses (but will be compatible with every route). Please look forward to it.

    Special Thanks

    My friend Bly has helped me with design and overlooking skills and basic combat.

    My friend Crimsonrider designed the base of the character sheet and helped me learn Google Sheets. I still suck at it and I butchered the original sheet. They also co-designed the original 1st and 2nd Editions based on Magvel and Tellius, and their work was an incredible inspiration for the basis of this 3rd Edition.

    My romantic partner, who had to deal with me muttering about Fire Emblem for the entirety of the quarantine. Their great listening skills led me to talk myself into answers for questions I didn't think I could figure out.

    submitted by /u/BlueIsForPlayers
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    I made a Felix meme compilation for his birthday

    Posted: 20 Feb 2021 06:09 PM PST

    New to the series, downloaded 3 Houses, decided to go hard mode

    Posted: 20 Feb 2021 06:02 PM PST

    I downloaded Three Houses on a whim out of boredom. I got to the difficulty selection and decided "I'm not no bitch" so I went hard mode and died three times in a row in the very first fight with the bandits. 10/10

    submitted by /u/stonedjackson
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    Analysis: Why Edelgard’s mindset isn’t that confusing in hindsight. (SPOILERS)

    Posted: 20 Feb 2021 01:00 PM PST

    2 years after the release of Three Houses, a common criticism I've seen online from a portion of the fanbase is that Edelgard's reasoning and mindset to kickstarting a war is, for a lack of a better term, "absolute bonkers", and that she should have gone against Those who slither in the dark instead rather than the Church of Seiros.

    For this very reason and in an attempt to clear things up, the purpose of this upcoming analysis is to explain why Edelgard's reasoning, as contentious as it is, isn't strictly nonsensical and does possess an actual train of thought.


    For starters, it's important to state Edelgard herself in all routes is shown to be a textbook example of something called systemic victimhood. An article published recently defines the concept as such:

    "Systemic victimhood is a manifestation of perceived victimhood whereby the self-defined victim specifically attributes blame for their victim status on systemic issues and entities. The "world," the "system," the "powers that be" are the victimizers. They see governmental and societal structures designed to keep them down while potentially benefiting "others." In other words, the blame attribution component is directed toward systemic oppression and wrongdoing. (…) A systemic victim looks externally to understand her individual victimhood."

    It's worth noting how this is simply one potential expression of victimhood. In that regard, the article elaborates more on this:

    "Some victims hand-wring about their lot in life. Others systematically blame. Some do one in one setting, and the other in a different setting. Egocentric and systemic victimhood are two manifestations of one latent variable. Inasmuch as they emanate from the same place – victimhood—we expect them to be correlated. An individual high in egocentric victimhood almost certainly believes, to some extent, that something is rigged against them; likewise, one who believes the system is rigged is likely to believe that they are getting less than they deserve. However, it strikes us as possible that one could exhibit systemic victimhood—especially victims of cultural norms and systems (…). Similarly, one could perceive herself to be a victim, but fail to attribute blame. Blame attribution is the key distinguishing factor."

    "Iyengar (1989) posits that attributions of political blame fall into two categories: causal responsibility and treatment responsibility. The former refers to those who are to blame for the relevant "injury" (whether perceived or genuine), the latter to those who can improve the status quo (also see Arceneaux 2003). Thus, there are two ways perceived victimhood can relate to political attitudes and behaviors. First, victims can attribute causal blame to those in power and those whom they perceive to benefit from the status quo. If an individual, group, or policy is viewed as "victimizing" an individual, it follows that the victim should wish to see them ousted from power, mistrust them, view them as underserving of political benefits, or oppose the policy. Second, perceived victimhood should structure attitudes toward those who are not causally responsible, or those who can "help." If an individual, group, or policy is viewed as potentially "treating" the issues at hand (no matter if they are merely perceived), it follows that the victim should wish to see them in power, generally trust them, support the particular policy, and so on."

    With all this information at hand, it becomes clear that Edelgard's mindset matches a bit too exactly this kind of victimhood. After all, she's the same person who more or less says at one point in Part 1 of Black Eagles "Crests and the hierarchy they created ruined everything". and also happens to support both Hanneman and Lysithea, who also happen to share this mindset.

    Of course, a question also rises from all of this: Why in her eyes is the system and the Church to blame and not just the Agarthans?

    Going back to the definition of systemic victimhood, the term states that the blame is often given to those who ultimately benefit from the status quo, and given Edelgard's experiences and personal knowledge, there are two groups who inmediatly fit this description: the nobility (Duke Aegir in particular) and the church.

    Edelgard's beef with the nobles is the easiest to understand, as it was Duke Aegir and the other nobles of the insurrection who approved Arundel/Thales's experiments with Edelgard and her family order to create "a peerless emperor to rule Fódlan".

    "Byleth: Who is to blame?" "Edelgard: The prime minister and his gaggle of nobles. They had the Empire under their thumbs. My father, the emperor, tried to stop him, but...it was futile."

    Not to mention, a few of Edelgard's supports do suggest (prior to getting confirmed later) that she's aware she is not the only one who was screwed by the lust for Crests. In Lysithea's case, there's also evidence both the Agarthans and the Empire knowingly cooperated with one another for her experiments, as she reportedly had no trouble differencing who was and wasn't imperial staff, meaning TWSITD didn't even try to disguise themselves. (And for added irony and potential fridge horror, the place where her people tried to escape to but were kicked out instantly was managed back then by none other than Duke Aegir himself.)

    As for the church, the source of her disdain comes from House Hresvelg's secret records of the War of Heroes, which more or less state Seiros & Nemesis clashed over a conflict of "dragon vs human supremacy".

    "Edelgard: I know this because that knowledge is passed down from emperor to emperor. And that is because the first emperor is the human who cooperated with Seiros, allowing humanity to be controlled in secret."

    At the time Three Houses takes place, while the Church of Seiros does condemn the abuse of crests and can take away Hero's Relics from noble houses if Sylvain's testimony is any indication, that's as far as it gets, unfortunately. Add up that Edelgard suggests at the end of Azure Moon to have been an actual believer of the Seiros faith prior to her experiments, and you get the perfect recipe for a person who won't even deny to be biased against the church under the belief that keeping the control they have excessed over the people is a far bigger priority than saving those who have been abused for the sake of Crests.

    However, this does not mean for Edelgard thinks the Agarthans are blameless (lol). Otherwise, she wouldn't attempt to barely hide her contempt towards them and plan to dispose them later once their troops and resources stop being useful to her.


    So yeah, that's overall the nitty-gritty of Edelgard's reasoning. Before I wrap this up however, I also wanna talk about 2 points which are also related to Edelgard's motivations:

    1."Did the Agarthans mess with Edelgard's history records?"

    There's a common theory in the fanbase that says Edelgard's history records were tampered with by the Agarthans or was fed false information by them in order to manipulate her, which not only would explain why the truth of the War of Heroes is so different between her great grandad and Rhea's (+ why Edelgard knew Rhea was a nabatean all along), but also appears to fit with the group's modus operandi.

    My take on it? It has too many holes:

    So yeah, if anyone personally ask me, I doubt the Agarthans had the time to set everything up that perfectly, in particular as the game paints them at excelling in abusing other people's crisis/weaknesses for their own purposes.

    2."Where does Edelgard's war speech from most routes come from?"

    It's fairly well known Edelgard does a war speech once she's revealed as the Flame Emperor in most routes of the game, in which she blames the church for splitting the Empire to ensure their control on the continent. This information comes out of nowhere, is never mentioned by Edelgard's own accounts of history and is contradicted by both the monastery's library and a text in Abyss. What's up with it then?

    The game never gives a concrete answer for this, which is why I think the context surrounding it is very important to consider if one wants to make sense of it.

    • For starters, the whole point of it is to rouse Edelgard's soldiers and Adrestia into going to war. Hence, it serves a specific purpose.
    • While for the most part has no basis in actual facts, it does however match Edelgard's belief and knowledge of the church being a power hungry entity.

    What I'm trying to say is: there's a huge chance Edelgard's war speech is simply her going full conspiracy theorist in front of a ton of people to motivate them, basing herself entirely on the assumption this is something the Church would have done.


    So yeah, I think I should be done now. Hopefully Edelgard's mindset makes a bit more sense now??? (I very much hope this wall of text was of use to someone at least).

    submitted by /u/Dakress23
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    [OC] Nanna & Diarmuid, Roses of Nordion

    Posted: 20 Feb 2021 12:33 AM PST

    Commission from Quan Ming on Twitter for my fic ‘The Ashen Saiyan’. It’s Byleth turning into an Oozaru

    Posted: 20 Feb 2021 08:08 AM PST

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