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    Friday, February 12, 2021

    Fire Emblem Happy Lunar New Year from Shamir!

    Fire Emblem Happy Lunar New Year from Shamir!

    Happy Lunar New Year from Shamir!

    Posted: 12 Feb 2021 04:59 PM PST

    I drew Ike!

    Posted: 12 Feb 2021 05:58 AM PST

    Happy Chinese New Year from the Archanea Dragon Dancers and Anna's Roundtable!

    Posted: 12 Feb 2021 06:57 AM PST

    [Original Art] Sapphire Whitewing, Catria

    Posted: 12 Feb 2021 08:56 AM PST

    Soren, the entirety of the game

    Posted: 12 Feb 2021 05:13 PM PST

    Handholding with Fir [commission drawn by @wawatiku on Twitter]

    Posted: 12 Feb 2021 06:48 AM PST

    Seliph [OC] (some analysis in the comments)

    Posted: 12 Feb 2021 01:19 PM PST

    Happy lunar new year!

    Posted: 12 Feb 2021 05:45 AM PST

    POV: You used divine pulse but died anyway

    Posted: 12 Feb 2021 07:43 AM PST

    F33H/ Yuridetta and the other doodle~

    Posted: 12 Feb 2021 10:15 AM PST

    If you like Fire emblem, you might like some of these games too...

    Posted: 12 Feb 2021 03:03 PM PST

    Hey r/fireemblem wanna a REAL hot take. I like Fire Emblem. Its my favorite video game series of all time by a pretty comfortable margin, which is why its annoying theres NOT ENOUGH OF THEM! Only 16 main series games?! I demand more grid based tactical goodness! Which is why i compiled this little list of games that are reminiscent to a greater or lesser degree of these wonderful games. Just a couple quick notes

    1) I am in fact, just the one person and havent played every game that exists ever much to my chagrin, So there will be some games that are also quite like Fire Emblem that wont be mentioned here. Final Fantasy Tactics definitely most notable in that regard, but also Tactics Ogre which i have recently bought a copy of for the GBA but havent really played enough to comment on

    2) I also unfortunately am burdened with opinions, much of which are very bad ones, so there will also be games like fire emblem that i did play but just simply didnt like, such as Disgaea and Advance Wars. I know AW and FE are nearly cousins but i Fuckin HATE advance wars. Not gonna go into a rant about it, in fact if your interested Heres a write up on why its actually great thats probably much more detailed and thought out than the following mess

    Without Further Ado:

    Pokemon Conquest: Imma level with you guys i dont LOVE this game. As a big fan of both Pokemon and Fire emblem(Yes i know its a crossover of Pokemon and Nobunagas Ambition not fire embelm but pfffff semantics) i may have been holding the bar a little high but i found i found my first playthrough pretty easy, very short and kinda bare bones. And i know the first argument to that is "The first campaign is just a tutorial, theres several other different campaigns available after that add a lot more challenge and variety" And thats true buuuuuut, it doesnt add any new maps, which would be kind of annoying in of itself, but also every map, has some sort of gimmick that gets a little less fun each time you repeat it. Still i do think the idea of catching training pokemon and then battling them in grid based combat is one with a lot of potential and if a sequel were announced with some more depth id be all over that shit. Its not bad i want to stress. I could totally see someone get caught up in the simple joy of catching training pokemon with the slow tacticul fun of slowly picking of our enemy's strategically off the map. Just didnt love it as much as i hoped

    Stella Glow: Okay so DISCLAIMER First of all you should know that if you dont like the "shipping/waifu" elements of say FE14 then this game ............isnt for you. Its very Fanservicy with scantily glad female anime tropes who all want to bone the self insert main character. But if you can get past that (or hell enjoy that even, who am i to judge?) Theres a great game in here. In takes a leaf out of Personas book with you having to balance battles with doing oddjobs to earn money and talk with your friends to make them more effective in battle. Also it has an interesting twist on the standard formula where rather than you moving all your units then the enemy moving all there every single unit moves back to back in other of speed, so you can technically skip enemies turns if you take them out in the right order adding a new layer of depth to combat. Also it doesnt have permadeath so every unit is unique with there own individual strengths and weaknesses rather than different changeable classes. Its a little on the easy side but its a got good story and characters and just a nice fun time.

    Code Name Steam: You probably have all heard of this what with being on 3ds and being made by IS but it sort of went under the radar for a lot of people which is a damn shame because this game is hella fun. First of all you should know this game is fucking nuts. Its about Abraham Lincoln assembling a motley crew of fictional characters like Tom Sawyer, Tiger Lily and The cast of The wizard of Oz to help him and his giant fistfighting mech battle loftcraftian demon aliens. If that doesnt at least intrigue you then PLEASE seek therapy because youve clearly lost the will to live and im personally concerned for you. But anyway the game is sort of a turn based 3rd person shooter where you march your units across the field and every thing you do be it walking or shooting consumes "Steam" which can alternately be saved to go to into overwatch mode meaning anyone who walks in front of during there turn will automatically be shot but enemies can do this to you to so you have to be constantly aware of your surroundings. Theres not much customization if your into that. Every character gets 2 weapons (one of which is a signature weapon and must be equipped) and 1 Passive boosters but its fun for what it is and worth a look

    SteamWorld Heist: FUCK this game is good. Played it recently and cant believe how much simple visceral moment to moment fun i had. Its a very interesting take on the genre being a sidescroller instead of grid based. You move your units forward from cover to cover manually aiming with your gun for every shot. Each of your units has a distinct and fun personality and signature abilities that makes everyone feel distinct. Billy the deep space diver can mover again after killing an enemy, Ivanski the Strongman/Aspiring Ballerina is your heavy hitter, Payroll the conman is speedy sweeper. Also its the perfect length so that you get what you come for yet it doesnt overstay its welcome (Theres only 9 playable characters and max at level 10) but if you want more theres Adjustable difficulties that get you better loot Ala Kid Icarus Uprising and new game plus. Oh did i mention its about steam-powered robot pirates fighting necromancers and evil empires in space? Kinda important.

    Yugioh Capsule Monster Coliseum: Okay ill be honest im a little biased on this one since Yugioh was my 3rd parent but this game is honestly underrated as fuck. Its what i WANTED pokemon conquest to be. Collect monster from your defeated enemies and an in game shop, marching them around small but fun and interesting maps customizing your team etc. Also its got some fun ideas like certain units move in certain patterns (Eg only Diagonally only horizontally and Vertically etc ) kinda like chess. Actually that works doubly well as an analogy because both sides also have a "King" for want of better term that is completly useless but is an instant loss if destroyed. BUT if you win buy destroying the other teams "king" then the opponents monsters that you didnt defeat are ineligble for taking after the battle which adds a risk/reward aspect. Definetly worth a look if your a yugioh fan.

    Lost dimension: Heres an obscure one for ya. Imagine Zero escape but as an SRPG. Okay fine youve never heard Zero escape? Imagine Anime Saw as an SPRG (No i didnt mean Danganrompa as an SRPG Shhh you). Now. Trying to steer clear of spoliers but i kinda need to go into background details for this one. So theres this melodramatic fuck called The End whose nuking everything from his weird ivory tower so the anime X-Men are sent in to destroy him. Once they get there however there locked in and informed by The End that in other to get to him they'll have to periodically vote for one of there members to be killed so the rest can progress. Dont worry though because some of your party members are traitors and working for The End. Thankfully you are Sho whose special ability is seeing the future which opens this sort of puzzle aspect as you use sporadic visions throughout the game to figure out which members are traitors. As you progress you also get to know your party members in mass effect style loyalty missions which means when one of your favorites inevitable betrays you (the traitors are randomly generated per play through) that much sorer. As the game goes you can equip the abilities of executed members to those who remain to remaining character but cant upgrade those skill trees anymore.Also the game gets meta. Cant say anymore for fear of spoilers but the game isnt over when you think is. Just trust me theres a lot of depth to this one and is definitely worth a look.

    Valkyria Chronicles: I have only played the first and fourth installment of this series but its still one of my favorites. Of the two i prefer 4 but honestly theres not THAT much difference between the two from a gameplay perspective, but i think that 4 has an even better story as well as giving all of the supporting cast much more fleshing out which was a weakness of the first. Still though i think you should probably 1 first so thats the one im going to into detail on.

    So its A world war II anime basically, with more magic and sci-fi weaponry. Its similar to code steam basically a turn based 3rd person shooter. While there dozens of different playable characters with there own personalities strengths and weaknesses There are 5 main classes that are leveled up together from gained experience rather than individually. Eg You put experience into the Sniper class and it will Level up, now all recruitable snipers will be at that level. There are 5 main classes. Scouts who can move furthest on foot, Lancers who are the heavys and used for taking out enemy tanks and bunker, Shocktroopers are rapid fire all rounders, Engineers who are support can heal and build cover and Snipers who are.......self explanitory. Also you have a tank. Thats self explanatory too. It has permadeath but is a bit more lenient than FE as there is a chance to save downed units. And for what its worth its the best story on this list with great and interesting character, emotional moments, compelling villians and a great OST. Fucking stellar.

    Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle: Honestly this is more akin to XCOM than Fire Emblem but fuck it,lets mention it anyway. So the general gist is those rabbit progenitors of Minions end up in the Mario world because reasons and start causing shenanigans as they are wont to do. Thus Mario Squad (In this instance, Namely Mario Luigi Peach and Yoshi) have to run around the Mushroom Kingdom and PUT THEM DOWN. Straight up with GUNS! Along they way they will also meet Rabbid equivalent versions of themselves like Rabbid Yoshi and Rabbid Luigi and run around the overworld solving pretty simple but enjoyable puzzles to progress from area to area until they come across a group of Rabbids to fight. Combat works like this You pick 3 of your units (Mario and at least one Rabbid Character, presumably for contractual reasons which is honestly kind of hilarious to me) and move them around a large 3D grid finding cover and shooting down rabbids.

    In battle theres a pretty simple algorithm in place to see if both you and your opponents will hit or miss with your attacks. If a unit is in full cover they have 0% percent chance of being hit and must either have their cover shot down or be outflanked. If they are in half cover they have a 50% chance being hit and if there not in cover they have a 100% chance of being hit so watch yourself.

    You can have units dash further across the grid for the cost of not attacking that turn, run directly into enemy rabbids to cause chip damage before firing on them to do the real hurt, do classic Pasta Power bounces of your teammates to jump across further stretches of the map and preferably land on other enemies at the same time. Each character has there own skills and role to play, like All rounder Mario, Support healer Rabbid peach, and my favorite the Heavy Gattling gun wielding Rabbid Yoshi.

    The story is obviously pretty pretty simple as with most mario games but the writing itself is honestly pretty funny especially since your classic AI guide Beep-O swears compulsively (censored obviously, but having even the implication of someone telling rabbids to fuck off every 5 minutes in a Mario game is hilarious to me. Yes i have a five year olds sense of humor sue me.

    One last noteworthy point is that it has surprisingly good boss battles considering must SRPGs never reallys pull them off imo. Youll have to carefully place your units taking shots at the right moments and maximizing the amount of damage you can cause in a turn without leaving yourself vulnerable

    Its a fun hectic and unusual variety on the genre and definitely worth a look if you want some grid based tactics of the lighter and more cheerful variety

    The Banner Saga Trilogy: Of all the games ive mentioned here this is the one that comes even relatively close to my love of Fire Emblem. Im not going to go to much into the story because its one that i truly believe deserves more than most to be experienced blind. But to give you an elevator pitch its set in a fantasy world reminiscent of Norse Mythology. When disaster strikes the home village of our protagoints Rook and his Daughter Allete, they are forced to march across the country to safer grounds with the rest of there village and anyone else who joins there caravan. It plays like mix of 45% classic grid based SRPG a la Fire emblem, 45% Orego trail of all thing with a little 10% of the choices and consequences of something like Mass Effect (Fitting since a lot of the devs were former Bioware employees!)

    Allow me to unpack that a bit

    Oregon trail influences: So when i mentioned your caravan marching across dangerous territorys thats not just glossed over. You are directly in charge of managing the supplies, morale and professions of all the people marching with you. Youll need an equal supply of passive clansmen to forage for food and fighters to protect you from bandits from other threats youll meet on the road. March your followers to far without stopping and morale will steadily decrease causing members to die from exhaustion and infighting. After battles youll gain Renown, which doubles as a form of experience to the upgrade your actual party members fighting abilities or as a form of currency to purchase powerful relics to equip your units with it. Its a constant set of spinning plates that demands your attention, rewards careful planning and forethought and will brutally punish complacency that enthralls me and i adore. Speaking of battling though

    Influences from Fire Emblem etc: SOOOO in your actual entire Caravan youll generally having upwards of a 100 people present to manage and care for but dont let that trick you into thinking this some kind of RTS. When Combat starts youll be choosing only 6 party members from a roster of a total of about 50 characters, but generally at any given time youll have a pool of 10-20 characters to use. But dont let yourself think that you can rely on the same 6 characters for every battle. The game doesnt have permadeath in the traditional sense (More on that later) But if a unit falls in battle they will receive an injury and fight with debuffs until they get a chance to rest at camp, sometimes for multiple days. So you can afford to let the odd unit hit zero hp but cannon fodder tactics will NOT last you very long.

    In battle every unit both you and your opponent will have 2 meters that can be targeted with attacks - Health and Armour. If your health hits zero you fall for the rest of the battle, but dropping Armour first will allow attack to deal more direct damage to health. Its less complicated that it sounds so as a quick example :

    An attack that deals 8 damage to a unit with 7 health and 6 armor will either do 2 damage to the there health if done directly (attack(8)- enemy armor(6)) or will break there defense if done to there armor allowing the next attack done to do more damage. Its pretty simple but works well and encourages carfeul planning and coordaiantion of your units to take down enemies efficently without getting ganged up on yourself.

    Youll have all the classic units, Archers, Sword and shield wielders, spear-men, heavy battle axe wielders that kind of work exactly as you'd expect but also a few different races of people that play differently mainly Human and Varl -long living heavy hitting Ox-men who take up four spaces on the grid as opposed to the humans 1 space. Theres a few other races youll meet along the way that again i wont spoil, but the game has a lot of great world building. Which segues nicely toooo...

    Influences from Bioware Rpgs: This one of the best written games ive ever played. Theres several different cultures, a pantheon of interesting gods to read about but the reall god stuff is how this game more than any other ive ever played truly makes your consequence MATTER. I mentioned a sort of atypical permadeath system and heres how it works. At several points in your journey you will be interrupted by dialogues boxes (again like oregon trail) that will present choices to you. How you respond can result in the gain or loss of resources, Caravan followers, or in some crucial occasion party members. Make no mistake you WILL have party members leave you permanently or die, ESPECIALLY going in blind and youll just have to accept that. Generally these will be the results of choices made in the story but on some (Clearly signposted mind you) events, the loss of a battle can result in the deaths of your party members.

    And i really need to emphasize these characters are all really written. There plenty of characterization and development not just For the major Players, but even the supporting cast from the conflicting twins Hogun and Mogun, The Archer Nidd and her realtionship with her young sons, the wise but slgithly insane Trygvii GAHH i need to stop now before i start and essay but if you take nothing else from this long winded rambling post please let it be buy at LEAST the first game in this trilogy.

    Again choices do matter in this series and you are encouraged to import save files from game to game to carry on your story which something ive always loved in games

    WELP That turned longer than expected. Please agreedisagree with me in the comments, discuss some of your own Tactical RPGs or shout at me for not liking Advance Wars. NO i didnt like Wargroove either

    EDIT: Grammar and formatting cause i have the typing skills of an arthritic monkey

    submitted by /u/yoshiauditore
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    Today is the Ashen Wolves' Anniversary, so I drew them.

    Posted: 12 Feb 2021 12:15 PM PST

    [OC] Lunar New Year Lysithea and Claude!

    Posted: 12 Feb 2021 07:01 AM PST

    Dawn Of a New Future [Commission made by jjuniorart]

    Posted: 12 Feb 2021 09:47 AM PST

    My friend requested I draw him Roy and I thought it turned out nice so I'd post it here^^. If you wanna follow me on twitter ill be posting more art there soon @JishSSBM

    Posted: 12 Feb 2021 06:35 PM PST

    I was commissioned by /nekusaku1 to draw Dorothea & Byleth's summer wedding

    Posted: 12 Feb 2021 07:24 PM PST

    Absurd and Silly Support Conversations in Fire Emblem (Video Essay)

    Posted: 12 Feb 2021 04:04 PM PST

    Awakening Lunatic 0% Growths - Chapter 22

    Posted: 12 Feb 2021 10:40 AM PST

    Hinoka in a plug suit from Neon Genesis. Hope you guys can enjoy

    Posted: 12 Feb 2021 05:55 PM PST

    What makes them broken? Monks & infantry staffbots

    Posted: 12 Feb 2021 10:37 AM PST

    What makes them broken? Monks & infantry staffbots

    You just got the warp staff. The game is over now.

    Hello and welcome back to: What makes them broken? Today is the second part of analyzing the secret arts used by magic users throughout the series. This time we're focusing more one the staff users of the series instead if the offensively focused mages we covered last time. Now, Fire Emblem games are usually easy enough to allow you to use anyone you like, but when discussing what the best classes are we need to look at who makes the game the easyest and why that is. So, today we'll be covering the monk class along with the curate, cleric, priest, bishop, saint and other similar classes. This analysis assumes the hardest difficulties, no grinding and fast play.

    Analyzing their viability through the games


    • So, our first representative of this class is Lena and she joins with the most important staff in the game, Warp. Now, a lot of people don't understand why warp is so good and assume that it's just useful in LTCs and other fast playthroughs, while being useless otherwise. This couldn't be more false. Warp essentially allows you to make the design of a certain map irrelevant. It allows you to reach far away areas, kill distant enemies and transport important units farther than they could normally reach. Warp is such a powerful tool that you almost forget that Lena can also heal. Now, sure the enemies in FE1 aren't very strong, but it's still something that's nice to have. Boah and Wendell are pretty great in their own right as they can use both tomes and staves, and yes they do have the necessary weapon level to use warp. Boah is also notable due to likely being your best unit to take care of Gharnef. This is an excellent game for them.


    • Silque is the star of the show this time. While most maps are route, warp is still insanely valuable. Unfortunately Silque cannot gain EXP through healing and she'll need 6 levels to get warp and her combat is bad because her only spell, Nosferatu, has 50 hit. It's recommended to give her 2 speed shrines so she can double some enemies and eventually get warp. After, she gets warp, the game becomes much easyer as valuable combat units like Lukas or Alm aren't burdened by their movement anymore. Now, since nobody on Celica's route learns warp, the main strategy is to kill Silque at the end of act 1, then revive her with the Revival Shrine on Celica's route to make her route easyer and once you clear Celica's route during act 2 & 3, you just kill her again and revive her with Alm. If you don't wanna go through this fairly cruel process, Silque is still valuable as she's the only healer on Alm's route before he gets Tatiana and Tatiana comes very late, not to mention Expel being a pretty useful spell too. Genny is pretty great too, but Tatiana just comes too late to get warp and make great use of it. Still a great game for them.


    • For the most part what I said about them in FE1 still stands in FE3 book 1. Warp can't be repaired with hammerne and you only get two warp staves to use, so you can only warp a unit 14 times in book 1. Bokk 2 is even harsher as it only gives you one warp staff. Still, healing is pretty valuable with the increased enemy quality present in FE3, magic is still pretty great and so are staves, especially rescue and hammerne. So, they're still very good.


    • This is their first weak game. That's because this is the game that introduces the mounted staffbot, who is simply much better in FE4. Aideen and Deirdre simply can't keep up as well as Ethlyn or Erynis post promotion. Even worse Aideen and Lana can't fight until they promote, so their EXP gain is worse than most other characters. Warp isn't even that great this game as it only transports you to castles Sigurd and Seliph already seized. Claude is at least a decent fighter and they can use physic for some healing utility from far away or status staves like silence. Still, the best contribution they have is giving Leif the rescue staff so Seliph can skip some maps easyer.


    • Lol. I'm sure everybody know how busted staff users are in this game. Warp is easyer to find than money in this game and as long as your staff users have higher magic than the enemy and 10 skill or higher their staves will always hit. Warp is of course still busted and there is a plethora of staves and weapons that hemmerne extends the lifetime of. If you've trained up a bunch of staff units, the endgame becomes a joke. Heck, you staffbots don't even need to fear enemies that much as they'll usually just capture them instead of attack them. Staves are just ridiculously busted here and so are staff users. There's a reason why Safy is considered one of the best units in FE.


    • This is a sad day for us all, warp has been NERFED. Luckely, enemy quality is pretty high in FE6, so healing is still very valuable. Heck, Saul even has decent combat after promotion, though nothing remarkable. Warp is also pretty rare in this game and while it can be hammerned, you only get 3 uses of the hammerne and only 5 uses of warp, not to mention once you get warp half the game is already over. Even status staves have been nerfed where you need to rely on a bit of luck to hit with them. Still, healing is very valuable, you mounted staffbots don't starts with high staff rank and warp is still very valuable as warp + Rutger + dance + warp + Roy + seize is the solution for most maps in the game. So even when nerfed to the ground they're still good.


    • This is our first introduction to the monk classline and Lucius is pretty good. She has servicable bases and while light magic isn't very good in FE7 she can still have fairly decent combat thanks to her high bases and C rank in staves upon promotion. Serra isn't as good, but being an earlygame healer has it's uses and she can be another user of physic. Warp has very little availability and there are only 2 maps which you can really warpskip, so it's not that valuable. They also face competition from othe classes like sage or druid as FE7 has so many defend maps that even they can reach A rank staves even in LTCs, not to mention the most common magic enemy using anima magic which have a WTA over light tomes. And finally Priscilla is just incredebly strong and has a mount. They aren't a bad class, but this isn't a great game for them. Also, I'm confused why people keep saying that Lucius is a guy. Seriously, it's obvious.


    • The main problem here is that most of your unts are really strong while most enemies are pretty weak so staffing isn't that valuable here, besides restore for maps where enemies decide to bust out the status staff party. Luckely, Artur has pretty decent combat and more importantly C rank in staves upon promotion. This is notable as Artur will be the only user of warp in an LTC setting, making him the best staffbot in the game. Also, bishops get slayer, which is really good against the hords of moster enemies endgame maps throw at you. A fairly unconvetional game for them ,but they're overall pretty good thanks to Artur.


    • This is the first game in the series to not feature warp. Another problem is that enemies are pretty weak, while your units are pretty strong and BEXP allows your mages to also get staves quickly, so the utility of your boy Rhys is pretty limited. Rhys can still have some utility with rescue and physic, but it's very limited compared to previous games. Mist is OK, but that's for other reasons.


    • Laura has bad bases for a magic user in RD and staff users gain EXP pretty slowly in this game, that's pretty bad. Besides being used in some LTCs to put Ike to sleep she isn't used very much as healing items give you a lot of HP back and she's outclassed in other staff utility by Micaiah. Ditto for Rhys only he doesn't have much competition in said area, not that it matters that much, and can be used for chipping enemy armors. The lower movement is just salt on the wound, but they cna have some limited utility with higher ranked stvs like rescue, silence and fortify. Pretty bad game for them
    • I guess I might as well cover Micaiah as well. Miccy is pretty bad combat wise and dies if someone looks in her direction. She does have some useful staff utility and sacrifice is pretty good in the earlygame, not to mention she can one shot some cavaliers and cripple armors with Thani. She isn't that great overall, but has some uses and doesn't waste a deployment slot since she's a lord.


    • Bishop is really good in this game as warp in only C rank and warp is pretty common, so even Jagen can reasonably get warp, JAGEN. Warp is also infinite range once again and thanks to forges you can reasonably warp skip a lot of the game. Bishop isn't as great of a class if you get the necessary staff rank while in a class like Sage because Bishop has overall lower stats, but that's rarely ever happening on a faster playthrough. Healing is also very valuable due to the high enemy quality, so staffbots are really good in SD.


    • It depends on the difficulty in this game, because warp isn't present on lunatic and lunatic reverse. Because of this, decent units like Frost become much worse on lunatic. Some good characters like Marisha don't bother as healing is still very valuable, there are useful staves like thief or rescue and she is the only use of hammerne. Even on lunatic healers are appreciated, but without warp their weaknesses become much more apprent. Once again, bishop and cleric are still good classes, just not as dominant as they were in SD.


    • Lissa is an interesting unit as she's obviously pretty good since she's your only healer for a while, but it's more about if you can extend her usefulness. Some people push for Dark Flyer Lissa so best boy Owain can learn Galeforce, but it's not happening in most faster playthroughs. Lissa also isn't combat ready due to not knowing the meaning of the word durability. Still, she can potentially promote and become a sage for rally magic or reclass into a falcon knight for flying utility and rescue skipping. Libra is intersting as he comes with servicable bases and decent growths. He also has the killer axe so he can score some kills with it and C rank staves is good as he can be another healer and use rescue staves, while also being able to actually take a hit. However, all healers kinda drop off in the later stages as skills like Sol & Lifetaker or weapons like Nosferatu are on a lot of units which makes healing kinda superflous. Still, healing is avluable in the earlygame and enough to make this classline good.


    • Birthright: Sakura is pretty superflous because enemies in BR are pretty weak for the most part and she comes with E rank staves and is level 1. Azama is much more interesting as while he is a healer, his main utility is combat. You see, he can quickly get the 3 necessary levels to promote and after promotion to Great Master he becomes a great combat unit. If you compare his combat stats are pretty similar to Oboro who is no slouch either and can also use the rescue staff and offer some healing utility. The main problem with this class is that a lot of other classes can also use staves and as such there isn't ever a reason to go into a class like Shrine Maiden or Monk.
    • Revelation: Sakura is much better here as she comes with D staves and only faces competition from Jakob/Felicia in terms of earlygame healing, along with Rev having much higher enemy quality. However, she will preffer to reclass into a falcon knight for rally speed and flying utility or become a Onmyoji so that she's a good PU bot for Leo. Some people push Priestess Sakur as she can use the Blessed Bow after 2 arms scrolls, but it's not very impressive or useful. Azama has fallen from grace as he just joins too late to be very useful.

    Echoes: SoV

    • Silque can't do the revival shrine strat anymore, but she can still learn warp so she's pretty good. The mein start for training her up is to either give her the speed shrines or chip the enemies and trick their AI into thinking they can one round Silque and she will KO them on counterattack. After wapr she becomes one of your best units, even is most maps are rout. Genny is also pretty useful for being your only healer for most of Celica's route. Tatiana comes late, but you can reasonably train her up so she can also use warp for the endgame. And the newcomer Faye is best used as a Cleric. This is because healing gives EXP this time, but it alo uses your HP, so Faye and Silque can heal each other for a lot of EXP and Faye even learns rescue and they both have a support together. The devs intended them to be used like this trust me, I broke into their office and asked them, they even gave me a bunch of money before politley asking me to leave. OVerall, a pretty great game for them.

    3 Houses

    • Monk is your only option for earlygame magic users so you pretty much have to go into it and magic +2 is pretty sweet. Now, ALL magic users wanna go mage for Fiendish blow as it's just so useful, but after they get said skill then reclass into Priestess for white magic heal +5. Bishop is the best support class in the game due to white magic uses x2 which doubles your uses of Warp. So it's really good. Dark Bishop is pretty much Hubert's exclusive class, but he'll only go into this class to get lifetaker and heartseeker and go into dark knight afterwards.

    What makes them broken?

    Just so this entire post isn't focused on Warp, let's talk about staff utility in general. Staves are valuable as they offer healing and healing is almost always good. Staff users also have access to their own EXP, so they never need to compete with other units to get it. Finally there are often powerful staves like rescue or sleep that offer solutions to deal with some risky situations. Also warp.

    How do we nerf them?

    Besides removing warp, we can also do what RD does. Give out a lot of useful healing items, while giving staff users low stats and movement making the mostly useless. I guess RD really hates mages since I used it last time for comparison too. I think Echoes does it best since almost every map is rout, but warp and other spells are still pretty useful, while not being too dominant and hard to train up. FE6 probably balances the warp staff the best, since it's hard ot get and the slow staff rank gain present in FE6 prevents you from having too many warpers.

    Next time: Mounted magic classes

    Previously: Mage - Sage - Archsage & Dark Mage - Druid

    submitted by /u/Every_Computer_935
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    Textless Banban S2 Cipher Art (Mikihiro Taguchi)

    Posted: 12 Feb 2021 07:06 PM PST

    Most significant promotions in the series?

    Posted: 12 Feb 2021 10:01 AM PST

    By significant, what I mean isn't "This unit just gained a lot of stats!" but rather, an absolutely game changing promotion. Something that drastically alters your playthrough the second you get it. Promotions that are so good, that you'll warp your playstyle around them either to make them happen, or once they happen.

    Going trough the series, I've got a couple in mind.

    FE2 - Alm

    Alm's class bases are bonkers, and you don't even need to train him to get the promotion since it's story based. And as if good stats weren't enough, he now has 1-5 range with bows, notably the holy bow which heals him every turn for good measure. Alm may not be the best non-Silque unit in the game pre act 4, but he sure is the second he gets his promotion, only really having competition from your villager dread.

    FE2 - Celica side pegs

    Just as a whole. Banish in this game makes the SoV version look like a cruel joke, and the bulk increase is nice as well. Promoting Catria and Palla, and maybe Est if you're willing to give her favoritism, are key to not suffering in act 4, where they effectively duo/trio the entire act with Genny physic support and maybe a dread fighter if you're able to get them there on time.

    FE4 - Seliph

    Seliph is your lord, and being footlocked in Genealogy is rather bad. Thankfully, there is a way to remedy this - promoting him ASAP. This is so significant that the average player, that has knowledge of the meta or has at least been given tips about it, will nearly entirely solo chapter 6 with Seliph for the sake of promoting him. The 3 move alone makes this worth it, but for good measure, Seliph has really good growths and getting him to promotion just so happens to make him your best unit in the process. Further, not promoting him can drastically affect the following chapters, since a lot of strategies involve skipping combat, going to the castle, and canto-seizing, which is just impossible without promoting him or the knight ring, which could be better used elsewhere if you promoted him early.

    FE4 - Leif

    Much like Seliph, Leif starts out as a footlocked sword unit at a low level. His promotion to master knight, however, is so powerful that most players willing to play fast will outright warp the entire way that chapter 7 is played around him to accommodate him. Inheriting a ton of money on him including the pursuit ring despite him getting the skill on promotion, returning him home to paragon arena, having him kill Jabarro's squad, and then promoting at the end of chapter 7 or start of chapter 8. And when you do get him promoted, you get access to potentially the most busted thing in FE4, mounted rescue, allowing Seliph and Leif (+ the dancer) to effectively move halfway across the map in a single turn, or even bypassing bullshit like the wall of Edda.

    FE5 - Safy

    Though Safy isn't quite as flashy as the earlier promotions, I think she fits the criteria nonetheless. Most fast play will give paragon to her rather than a combat unit, because by doing so you will allow her to promote in time for the warp skipping to begin. The issue is that there simply isn't enough time in the world to get her to A staves without serious turtling or rigging hammerne misses, but by promoting her, you reach that staff rank in time, saving a lot more time than even promotions like Asbel's would.

    FE6 - Rutger

    This one should be obvious to anyone who's played FE6. Rutger is top 3 units in the game, and reaching his promotion in time for Henning is considered nearly mandatory to having a good time. It's not as if the game is impossible without him, but he is your best boss killer by far once promoted, and so he nearly always gets the first hero crest.

    FE11 - Caeda

    I was kind of iffy on including this one, since I'm a tiny bit biased here, but I feel like she's noteworthy in that giving your first master seal to anyone not named Caeda is effectively memeing. Caeda lacks a bit of str and defence, and that's what her promotion gives her, alongside the ability to use lances on horseback if you need to reclass her, and for good measure uncapping her (probably) capped speed by now.

    I've probably missed others. I didn't include games I'm less familiar with, like Fateswakening, for instance.

    submitted by /u/peevedlatios
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    Conquest Lunatic Negative Growths - Chapter 8

    Posted: 12 Feb 2021 08:02 AM PST

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