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    Thursday, April 8, 2021

    Fire Emblem My Byleth drawing but colored

    Fire Emblem My Byleth drawing but colored

    My Byleth drawing but colored

    Posted: 08 Apr 2021 07:25 AM PDT

    Anna (Commission)

    Posted: 08 Apr 2021 09:58 AM PDT

    I was inspired by some GBA splices I saw here, and decided to make my own for the Tellius cast!

    Posted: 08 Apr 2021 10:31 AM PDT

    Golden Deer doodle dump

    Posted: 08 Apr 2021 02:51 PM PDT

    I made one of those Kingdom Hearts stained glass images with a template, but instead it's Fates

    Posted: 08 Apr 2021 03:56 PM PDT

    [OC] Children of Brigid

    Posted: 08 Apr 2021 01:23 PM PDT


    Posted: 08 Apr 2021 07:00 PM PDT

    [OC] Nohr Noble, Corrin

    Posted: 08 Apr 2021 03:39 PM PDT

    Revelations Lunatic Negative Growths - Prologue To Chapter 6

    Posted: 08 Apr 2021 09:31 AM PDT

    Step 5: Prevent the events of FE12 by getting everyone killed

    Posted: 08 Apr 2021 01:10 PM PDT

    You Thought Roy was bad....

    Posted: 08 Apr 2021 07:08 PM PDT

    Conquest Lunatic Negative Growths - Chapter 25

    Posted: 08 Apr 2021 11:31 AM PDT

    Who’s more compatible to be with Chrom?

    Posted: 08 Apr 2021 07:43 PM PDT

    Guys, most recently was thinking on my mind since seeing the Fire Emblem Awakening is who the better love interest for Chrom is? For me, it will always be the Female version of Robin because they have a lot of history with each other, and it seems that Chrom is more comfortable with Female Robin by his side than with Sumia, but it's my opinion at the end of the day. Would you like to know which Female character is well suited for Chrom as a love interest?

    submitted by /u/Delta-97
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    Made a poggers Annette with her model for some reason.

    Posted: 08 Apr 2021 08:12 AM PDT

    Felicia: I try to draw Felicia xdxd

    Posted: 08 Apr 2021 12:15 AM PDT

    How would the situation unfold if Faerghus was not the Church's base?

    Posted: 08 Apr 2021 11:30 AM PDT

    Sorry for the vague title but I can't spoil what happens in the title of the spoiler.

    Anyway, in Crimson Flower, what ends up happening is that Rhea survives and she decides to seek refuge in Faerghus with Dimitri's permission.

    If Dimitri decided not to give Rhea protection in Faerghus, would Edelgard have continued to invade the country or would she have refused to invade considering Church of Seiros would no longer be a threat, if they didn't seize to exist?

    Because I discuss this game with Edelgard fans and many think that the reason Edelgard invaded Faerghus was because Dimitri chose to ally with the Church of Seiros.

    However, even after the Church of Seiros is defeated in the other routes, she continues her attack on the loyalist parts of Faerghus. Furthermore, she attacks the Alliance even in Crimson Flower despite them not being allied with the Church of Seiros.

    Finally, it is hinted that the reason she gained the support of some of the coup plotters was because she promised to unify Fodlan under Adrestian rule so her not invading Faerghus would piss off Hevring and Bergliez and she might lose power if they plot a coup with the support of TWSITD.

    submitted by /u/lcelerate
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    FE7 Redux Tier List Round 17: Pent and Louise

    Posted: 08 Apr 2021 11:34 AM PDT

    Welcome to Round 17: Pent and Louise

    Each round will last about 24 hours in between each other. Rate the units in each tier, and give clear explanations as to why. Feel free to comment on each other and discuss why you agree or disagree. Be polite, and remember, this is all in good fun. After the 24 hours, I will review all the answers and understand what the consensus reached has been, posting the result in the next round. If there is no clear majority, a tally will be made. If a tie ensues, well the round will be extended until a tiebreaker comment appears. At the very end, a hub finalized tier list will be created, with links to each and every one of these rounds, providing full analyses for FE7 units as well as a good solid tier list for the community.

    Last Round resulted in Geitz in B tier and Farina in C tier.

    Preliminary Round


    Class: Sage (Anima Magic and Staves)

    Joins: Chapter 26

    Base Stats

    6 33 18 21 17 14 11 16 8 7 6

    Growth Rates

    50 30 20 40 40 30 35

    Weapon Ranks

    Swords Lances Axes Bows Staves Anima Magic Light Magic Dark Magic
    0 0 0 0 A A 0 0


    Affinity: Ice


    Class: Sniper (Bows)

    Joins: Chapter 26

    Base Stats

    4 28 12 14 17 16 9 12 6 5 6

    Growth Rates

    60 40 40 40 30 20 30

    Weapon Ranks

    Swords Lances Axes Bows Staves Anima Magic Light Magic Dark Magic
    0 0 0 A 0 0 0 0


    Affinity: Light

    Tiers Being Used:

    Fantastic Performance: S

    Insanely useful from the get go, always a dominant force from the moment they arrive and require little investment if any. Contributes in a significant enough manner that they always sticks out and have a substantial role.

    Includes: Lyn Mode Florina, Nils, Ninian, Marcus

    Great Performance: A

    Extremely useful and always a good addition to a team. Doesn't require too much investment and if they do then it's enough to make them stand out compared to most units. Biggest things holding them back are that they either don't stand out as much as the S tiers or even with investment they aren't as dominant in their role as the S tiers.

    Includes: Lyn Mode Sain, Lyn Mode Kent, Lowen, Fiora, Heath

    Good Performance: B

    Is pretty useful and has some sections of the game where they stand out and help. Overall solid, isn't the most significant unit, but definitely contributes in a helpful way. Aren't the highest priority when it comes to deployment, but will definitely be one of your main choices for deployment to fill out your team at multiple points in the game. Biggest things holding them back are good but not amazing stats that may cause them to be dropped later on for other units, not the best class access, not the best weapon access and maybe not the best availability. Good, but has some significant flaws that hold them back from being great.

    Includes: Florina, Lyn Mode Lucius, Hector, Matthew, Oswin, Priscilla, Raven, Canas, Isadora, Hawkeye, Geitz

    AOK Performance: C

    Perfectly average, they can make contributions at base sometimes, but investing in them doesn't tend to improve them very much . They may not be deployed for the whole game, but it doesn't hurt to deploy them most of the time either. At the end of the day they are just serviceable, neither a detriment nor a priority when it comes to being used and are essentially filler.

    Includes: Sain, Kent, Serra, Erk, Rath, Lucius, Farina

    Iffy Performance: D

    Can perform a niche role and do something, but generally aren't that useful. Don't really do much and if they do something unique then it's usually done much better by a bunch of other units. Severely outclassed by most other units and while they can do something, it's usually pretty bleh in execution.

    Includes: Lyn Mode Lyn, Lyn Mode Dorcas, Eliwood, Guy, Dart, Legault

    Lame Performance: E

    Straight up bad, no way around it. There are very few places where they are actually useful, and they are actively difficult units to use effectively. Can probably do something at base such as heal other units, rescue canto others or chip stuff with effective weapons but it's such a bare minimum contribution that calling them good would be a stretch. They can do something, that's the most you can say for them. Other then that they're bad.

    Includes: Lyn, Dorcas, Wallace, Bartre

    Meme Performance: F Rank

    These units are just really bad, complete bottom of the barrel. So bad that even with an insane amount of investment they either end up still bad or at best incredibly mediocre and this is accounting for immense babying and all stat boosters going to them. E ranks can at least do something that counts as contribution. These units can't even have that as a claim to fame, they're so bad that they just do little if anything in a non casual/non meme context.

    Includes: Wil, Rebecca

    Next Round will be Karel and Harken.

    submitted by /u/Excadrill1201
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    I made a small mod for the first week of Friday night funkin

    Posted: 08 Apr 2021 04:35 PM PDT

    Do you think FE games can start with an omen?

    Posted: 08 Apr 2021 11:35 AM PDT

    Recently, I started playing through older FE games with a more laid back attitude, playing less with a clear goal in mind and more just playing to play and letting things fall as they may (for the most part: one instance of four 75+% chance hits missing and two 30% attacks hitting did make me restart a map when I could have continued).

    I decided to run through the GBA Elite series in historical order (FE7 and then FE6), and I feel like the first level I got in both games served as omens of how the run would go. In FE7, the first level I got with Lyn (decided to do the whole thing and thus aged her story first) was almost perfect, ironically only missing Luck and Defense. The rest of the game kind of followed that trend, with only the last few chapters (Chapter 25 and over) having some minor mishaps where a character I just brought because I could died due to me not really caring (sorry Karel, I'm not gonna restart Cog of Destiny for you).

    On the flip side, my first level in FE6 was Lance getting a whopping one point of HP... and that was it. Currently playing through it (on chapter 6), and it's been kind of a slog. Dieck went and refused to dodge a single ~50% hit and died pretty early. I misplaced Elen and that didn't end too well. And I honestly think that even though I am doing my all to feed the units I like, they're not particularly doing well (obviously I don't expect living g gods like what the end of my FE7 run included, but these guys aren't really doing much better than the people I'm not going out of my way to train).

    With all that said, it feels like these runs have a precedent set by the first level I got. An omen of what was to come. Any of you got interesting stories like that with playthroughs?

    submitted by /u/XemblemX
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