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    Saturday, May 15, 2021

    Fire Emblem Shamir of the Sunflowers

    Fire Emblem Shamir of the Sunflowers

    Shamir of the Sunflowers

    Posted: 15 May 2021 03:45 PM PDT

    The future hasnt been kind to you, has it?

    Posted: 15 May 2021 04:38 AM PDT

    Kisses for the Princess [Commission made by fuzzdropsbears]

    Posted: 15 May 2021 07:29 AM PDT

    Sharing an Ashera piece from Radiant Dawn I was commissioned to do :)

    Posted: 15 May 2021 12:34 PM PDT

    (Almost) all fliers run has been going great

    Posted: 15 May 2021 12:01 PM PDT

    [OC] Three Houses Concept Art and Portraits for Whitewings Sisters

    Posted: 15 May 2021 04:53 PM PDT

    Bullying Edelgard sketch (twitter @cozybambii)

    Posted: 15 May 2021 01:01 PM PDT


    Posted: 15 May 2021 05:32 PM PDT

    [OC] Here is the other version! I was commissioned to draw Annette/Felix based on the famous paintings of Tristan and Isolde by August Spiess, 1881.

    Posted: 15 May 2021 04:35 PM PDT

    I drew Shamir

    Posted: 15 May 2021 11:37 AM PDT

    (Original Art) Blade of Gales, Machyua

    Posted: 15 May 2021 08:43 AM PDT

    So happy I still own this. Who still has theirs?

    Posted: 15 May 2021 09:11 AM PDT

    Some old fanart I made !

    Posted: 14 May 2021 11:57 PM PDT

    Local Twink Obliterates Game - SoV Leon Unit Analysis

    Posted: 15 May 2021 09:31 AM PDT

    This is a pretty cold take by this point, but really I just wanted an excuse to ramble about a unit I really enjoy while also providing gameplay related content to this sub, so here goes: Leon is the best unit on Celica's route and it's not even close.

    Leon has humble beginnings in act 2, being a pretty helpful unit for the remainder of the act, most notably in the arcanist boat where he can avoid counters on player phase and retaliate on enemy phase. His performance isn't amazing, but he can easily pick up kills to promote to Sniper by the end of the act. At the end of act 2, give Leon a point of strength from the Deliverance HQ, as well as two res from Seabound Shrine (this can be done during act 3 if you're willing to backtrack). This is the one part of the game where Leon is a fair and balanced unit.

    Act 3 is where it all changes. Unless you want to suffer, the best way to approach act 3 is to do Alm's side first. If you do this you can forge and send over a 3 star Killer Bow to Celica before she even starts her maps. The Killer Bow is expensive as hell, but Alm has a lot of money (far more than Celica does...) and it's the best weapon in the game by far, so it's without a doubt a worthwhile investment. You could in theory send over a lower level Killer Bow but I really wouldn't recommend it since it'll cut into your reliability quite significantly. Now that Leon has the best weapon in the game, the last thing to do is to boost him to 8 speed so he can truly dominate. There are a few ways of doing this:

    • Just get lucky lol (only happens 15.6% of the time in 3 levels)
    • Gain one point of speed from levels (happens 57.8% of the time in 3 levels) and give a speed fountain from Thief Shrine
    • Use a Pegasus Cheese from the Mountain Village (guaranteed!)

    After this setup, you now have a unit that can break what is considered the hardest and most annoying part of the game. Let's run through Leon's performance in act 3. Throughout this post I'll be linking to some LTC clears, but let me first make it clear that this argument is not one about turns and I have no interest in making it one. These are just conveniently available videos that demonstrate how powerful Leon is in these maps.

    First desert map, the infamous Bow Fort. Leon is the only unit with a good enemy phase against the archers on this map since no one else can counter except for Archer Atlas who gets doubled as well as outranged by Snipers. At 8 speed, Leon has 6 AS which doubles the entire map except for the mercs, and the point of attack he got from Deliverance HQ puts him at 13 strength (22 attack with the 3 star Killer Bow) which gives exact 2HKOs on a lot of enemies on this map, reducing the extent to which he needs to rely on crits. Leon's bulk isn't amazing here, but by deleting enemies from outside their range on player phase, being careful with enemy ranges (particularly the boss), Physic support from Genny, and baiting attacks away from Leon with other units if necessary, you can beat this map quickly, reliably, and most importantly significantly more easily than any other strat.

    Next map is either Sonya or Deen. Whatever map you choose, Leon isn't going to be dominating but he still fulfills a very helpful role of killing the boss. Enemy Deen is insane (he can one round Grieth!) so being able to Hunters Volley him is incredibly helpful. On Sonya's map, the majority of combat is going to be seen by Catria so she can gain a ton of exp by ORKOing Witches, but Leon can either chip or kill Sonya to prevent anyone from risking an Excalibur crit.

    Now for another infamous map, Grieth. Reliability is greatly improved here if Leon gets a single strength proc to put him at 14 strength (23 attack with the Killer Bow, 24 with Hunter's Volley) since this results in some critless ORKOs, but it's not strictly necessary. This single proc happens 83% of the time if Leon hits level 6, which is realistic to reach. Leon can essentially take out one side of the map by himself - killing the Sniper and Arcanist in the middle on the first turn, being shoved to the left where he can Hunters Volley the Myrmidon on the next turn while also killing the Sniper on enemy phase, then killing the Arcanist on the next turn. This is already an incredible performance but his most important contribution is being able to kill Grieth far more reliably than any other unit could dream of. If Leon manages to hit 15 strength, he can one shot Grieth with a single Hunters Volley crit, if not a hit + a crit will do the job. Leon's bulk definitely isn't perfect on this map, whatever HP and defense procs he can manage to get are greatly appreciated. As such, most of your Physic uses will be dedicated to Leon, and units like Saber and the Whitewings will come in clutch for protecting him on enemy phase. It's an annoying downside for sure, but considering no other unit can replicate Leon's combat I'd say it's all worth it by far.

    The Shadow Sword map isn't exactly a Leon dominated map or anything, but he can still be very useful. The boss is an asshole and can potentially ORKO all of your fliers. If this happens, the most reliable way of dealing with him is to Shove Leon up through the mountains and delete him with Hunter's Volley. Otherwise, he helps out on the right side.

    After this, Leon should be ready to be promoted to Bow Knight - giving him a much appreciated boost to his bulk as well as his strength if you didn't get very lucky on procs. After this, it's Mila Temple time, once again a pretty infamous map. Once again, Leon completely breaks this map. As a Bow Knight, he can reach the boss as early as turn 2 and delete him with Hunter's Volley, making the Gargoyle summons completely irrelevant. For the rest of the map, he is once again the unit with the best enemy phase by far, because he actually has an enemy phase. With the two res fountain uses from Seabound Shrine and any HP booster, Leon can even survive two Mire hits. Annoyingly Leon is unable to kill anything here without crits, but you would have to get very unlucky for him to fail to kill anything if he's fighting multiple enemies on enemy phase, and a weakened enemy is still one that's much easier for your other units to kill.

    This post is already very long so I'm not gonna go super in depth about Leon's act 4 performance but really it's more of the same - having both the best player phase thanks to Hunters Volley and the best enemy phase performance thanks to his range, the only things he really struggles with are Fiends and Jedah. While his swamp movement isn't good, quickly getting Leon to the front lines with use of Shove and Swap is by far the easiest way to beat these maps in an efficient manner. Strength boosters help Leon hit ORKO benchmarks without crits, as well as allowing him to kill annoying bosses like Dolth and Jamil with a single hit and crit instead of two crits. Bulk boosters obviously help his survivability which to the surprise of no one is pretty important for your main combat unit, and speed boosters can help him double enemies in the tower. When in doubt, give it to Leon. It's not strictly necessary, but you can't go wrong with giving everything to your best unit.

    As a final thing, there are two criticisms of Leon's performance that I would like to preemptively address, because the best thing to do on the internet is argue with a person you made up in your head.

    "Leon's res blows ass!" That's completely right, Leon's res does mean that you have to be careful with how many magic enemies he fights on a single enemy phase. But even if Leon is only able to fight a single magic enemy on a given enemy phase, that's still one more dead enemy than if any other unit had been seeing that enemy phase combat instead, and this can make things much easier on the next player phase. A Dread Fighter may take little damage from magic, but they're never killing an arcanist on enemy phase unless you can force them to attack at one range.

    "Leon is too reliant on Shove and Swap support to keep up!" To pull off the very fastest clears, yes he is very reliant on Shove and Swap. I could probably write a whole post just about this but the way I see it is that the movement advantage that units like the Whitewings have in the deserts and swamps doesn't actually matter as much as you'd think since their combat performance isn't actually very impressive: not always ORKOing, lacking an enemy phase against magic and bows, and taking heavy damage especially if they're targeted by multiple enemies during enemy phase. If you completely lacked Shove and Swap, the best approach would not be to still try to go for the fastest clears but with units like Leon/Saber being a turn or two behind where they would be with Shove support. It just wouldn't work, your fliers don't have the combat performance to make up for that. The best approach would be to slow down to the pace of your non-fliers, at which point they still put in the same work they'd put in with Shove and Swap support. It sounds weird and counterintuitive but in the desert and swamps, you're not playing at the pace of your fliers - you're playing at the pace of Leon. I think the big reason why a lot of people hate the deserts and swamps is that they go for what seems like the most obvious solution, flier dominance, when in practice this actually isn't the most effective way to beat these maps.

    If you asked me half a year ago, I'd say that my hot take was that Leon is roughly as good as Palla, and maybe the best. At this point though there's no doubt in my mind that Leon is by far the best unit on Celica route, with no unit coming close to replicating his player phase or enemy phase contributions. If you haven't tried using Leon with the setup I've outlined, I definitely recommend it. The most painful part of the game becomes significantly easier no matter what pace you're playing at, and it's definitely improved my enjoyment of the game. Perhaps it may even do the same for you.

    tl;dr leon broken LOL

    submitted by /u/KarmaMoment
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    Fire Emblem Copycat H-Game Redux (Part 3): Mystery of the BDSM-blem

    Posted: 15 May 2021 09:12 AM PDT

    If FE4 looked like Octopath Traveler

    Posted: 15 May 2021 03:09 PM PDT

    Morgan and Mo-mo.

    Posted: 15 May 2021 05:24 PM PDT

    What are your favorite/least favorite supports in the whole series?

    Posted: 15 May 2021 01:11 PM PDT

    What supports do you either love or hate from any of the games? It can even include general pairings or talk conversations.

    submitted by /u/RoseCelebi
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    Rise Eterna Part 3/4 - I can do this all day

    Posted: 15 May 2021 04:06 PM PDT

    One thing I like about this game is that after moving a character, the cursor moves over to another character for you automatically. Also, when cycling through units with L/R, their movement opens automatically for you so you don't have to click 'A' to select them. It can sometimes get in the way but it usually pretty nifty.

    Now let's talk about UI problems. Last time I mentioned how enemies with drop items aren't shown, but it's hard enough to check your own items. You can only see your items by going into the "use" menu or the trade menu. Trading in this game sucks, it's more like 2 separate "give" menus. You can stack up to 5 of an item, but if your inventories are too full, you can't just swap items, you need an empty slot to place the item in - so you just don't get to trade. Also each character's item list will have a nondescript Confirm selection at the top in plain text like the rest of the items, and if you don't click this your trade doesn't go through. You will constantly ask yourself where the item you thought you just traded went, only to find you forgot to hit confirm.

    Then there are other nuisances like the lack of any sort of intuitive multi-enemy view range option. Really this game's whole UI feels like a first pass. Then again, somehow Langrisser managed to lag when you had too many enemy ranges selected at once, too. Why is this a problem for so many games?

    ...So uh

    ...I have no way to transition back to the story, but basically you go to 2 more villages and destroy them like you did Rose's, to get their respective sisters to join you. Watching the old man shuffle across the screen to slowly attack you is a lot less funny the third map, lemme tell ya.

    But before we get to the new sisters, I forgot to mention Sachael. Err, Sachel? The characters say Sachael, Sachael says Sachael, but everywhere else the game says she's Sachel. I dunno man. I got her by replaying an old level, and she just showed up randomly. She's supposed to be a deserter from the enemy empire army (oh, yeah, there's an enemy empire. Have I mentioned them? They exist) but she's dressed like... well, a ninja whore. And look, I'm not someone who balks at scantily-clad fantasy babes. I don't even need an explanation or excuse. But when the game goes out of its way to make a point that she's dressed in enemy empire armor (our protagonists are weary of her because of this), but then you see her and she's wearing a ridiculous armor bikini and wielding throwing daggers that nobody in the enemy army uses, I have to wonder if the character designer and writer ever met each other.

    Whatever, Satchel here is actually pretty good. Her Knives hit at 2 range, and her 7 move can be upgraded to 11 just like Sothy. But the best part about Sack is that her attacks hit all adjacent, and eventually even diagonal, enemies to her target. Purse starts out weak, but she gets some insane skills that increase her damage to the targeted enemy by something like 60%, and then another 50% or so for other enemies caught in the AOE. So theoretically Bag could OHKO 9 enemies at once, were they ever arranged just right. Tote's just better Sarajed, in other words.

    Onto the new sisters!

    Thamais characterized as a cocky asshole*, which is apparently supposed to be distinct from every other cocky asshole in this game. To her credit, Thama is actually really really good at what she does. Sadly, what she does is be a defensive tank in a game without an enemy phase. She's stuck at 7 move and 1 range, but gets better health regen as part of her kit. Her major gimmick is a stance she can activate manually or by killing an enemy, which doubles her defense. Neat, except we have characters who do, and will continue to, take 0 damage from enemies already. It feels like this game's numbers were randomly-generated at the last minute sometimes. Skills like Thama's or that half-a-percent defense boost from the other skill feel like they were designed to be useful for 3 separate games that aren't this one.

    \Editing BLD here, you may have noticed the image for Thama is a different style than the other characters, and also says she's fun girl who hides behind a smile. Rise Eterna's facebook page has 2 different types of character profiles. Some characters only have one or the other, some get both, some get none. As for me calling her an asshole, it's not just me saying that - every other character remarks on how annoying, competitive, and rude Thama is. Clearly at some point in development there was a change or a miscommunication in what Thama was supposed to be - and honestly I'm more curious in digging up these old character profiles now to see how mismatched they are with the final product, than I ever was in the characters themselves.*

    Despite all that, Thama might've found a spot on the team, if we weren't limited to 6 slots, and she's #7, so... bye.

    Next are the twins, Elis and Joane. Elis Heals, and Joane attacks ... I think? Look, both of these girls suck. Their gimmick is that, when you unlock their final skills, they double each others attack and defense when they're adjacent. But we've seen this already - Nathael gets Galeforce for being adjacent to Lua, except Nath and Lua are already some of the best characters in the game by themselves. Elis and Joane, in contrast, have the lowest stats in the game on their own. For fuck's sake, Elis starts with 4 move! 4! In a game where Nath and Lua start with 10! Sure, she can upgrade it to 8 move, but Joane starts with 7 and can't upgrade hers! The 2 characters designed to be attached at the hip were given different move stats???

    TLDR they're way more effort than they're worth, you're not going to remove 2 of your party members for these girls. We already have a number of characters who do everything we want by themselves, why would you want to have essentially 1 character for the price of 2?

    We return to Seevan with all these traumatized girls in tow (remember, we've destroyed 3 villages full of elderly women locked in their homes at this point). He tells us that actually, the villagers signed up for this, and that the bloodshed was part of some test for the girls. This... this is bullshit. Some of the villagers were locked in their houses, I had to either unlock their doors or have Sothy kill them from outside. They weren't testing shit, they were defending themselves, we were the aggressors! And besides, testing the girls? The girls aren't even a part of the battle for their villages! They're not bosses who fight against us for their village home, nor do they join us to fight back against villagers who were trying to trap them or something. They just do not participate, except to cry about how we killed everyone they knew and loved after the battle.

    I ... I don't have words. And neither does Seevan, who lied about having more info for us. He tells the sisters to go to a church across the continent, where we'll find the answers. Do you see what I mean, how this entire game's plot is about finding a plot? We're a bandit who didn't destroy villages, who became a non-bandit who DOES destroy villages, because someone clickbaited us by saying they'd tell us something neat if we did, and now they're telling us to go very far away from them.

    Before i continue with the story, a few miscellaneous oddities.

    One, this game has a prologue stage, you can find it on the map. You don't actually play it in the main game though, it's just north of Mission 1. But it's called prologue and everything, despite being harder than the first few missions. It feels like abandoned content that was just left in the game for some reason.

    Two, another oddity with skill trees- to advance to the next skill, you have to 100% upgrade one of the previous skills. I've never seen a skill tree do this. It's weird and I don't like it, because normally there's a choice between upgrading a skill all the way, or advancing the tree, or side-grading onto another skill, but that's removed here. Not a huge deal, just something I didn't manage to fit in when talking about skills earlier.

    Anyway, on our way to church, we recruit Jag, an old soldier buddy of Nathael's from before he was a bandit. Jag sucks, His gimmick is that he gets a 20% boost to attack and defense for being at 30% hp or less. Not only does this requirement suck (remember, to unlock all your gem slots, you're required to get a skill that heals you for 12% per turn until you're above half) but the 20% atk/def boost is laughable when Rose by now gets up to 50% to all stats (including agility) just for killing a few dudes, and does so while having skills that heal her, instead of needing her to be low-HP.

    Admittedly you can upgrade some other skills to increase the atk/def boosts Jag gets, but he's still missing out on Agi, and he NEEDS that Agi because by this point in the game you'll actually have only 60-70 accuracy if you haven't invested in Agility in some way, be it skills or gems. Jag's ultimate skill, Berserk, does let him attack twice, which is nice, but not enough. It also prevents counter-attacks, which ... huh? They're not a thing. I saw enemy counter-attacks maybe twice the whole game. Am I missing something? What is the point of this? What is the point of Jag?

    Now that the last 4 units in a row have been duds I want to revisit the game's conceit of having skills instead of traditional level-ups. You'd think that it could eliminate the age-old FE problem of later-joining units being worse than the ones you've already leveled up, but somehow it's only worse in Rise Eterna. Late-joining units come with some skill points you can assign, but they won't be caught up with any extra missions you may have taken on, meaning you have to replay those extra missions AGAIN, at no benefit to the rest of your army, just to get skill points for anyone in your army who wasn't there the first time you did it.

    My point is, you can't really "focus" training any new unit in particular, so unless you replay every old stage to get them a bunch of skill points, the new units would always be behind. Of course, as I've explained, you don't WANT these new units or their skills anyway, but even if you did, they'd suck to get caught up.

    What's worse, the back half of the game is almost exclusively "escape" chapters, where all you do to win is get any unit to one of the end tiles to finish the map. In the game where you have an 11 move 7 range archer who gets to move again after he kills something, for 22 tiles per turn. You guys have played 3 Houses with the Stride gambit, right? I don't have to explain how this is going to go down?

    So theoretically these maps would at least be easy clears to grind skill points for new units, except that after you beat a map, they always become a "beat all enemies" map on subsequent plays. EXTREMELY not worth the effort.

    So anyway we LTC our way to church, where we find a hidden underground laboratory our sisters suddenly remember they were raised in as some sort of super-soldiers, Captain America style. They were experimented on through vague means, alongside thousands of other orphans left in the wake of the Evil Empire's conquest some-odd years ago. The other thousands of orphan girls died.

    Why only girls? As the game helpfully explains, the serum only works on girls. Any more questions? Yeah, didn't think so.

    The girls kill the evil unnamed scientist who raised them without much fanfare, and realize that their next target, the one who holds all the answers, is ... the pope.

    There was no mention of any pope before now, btw. Actually this whole religion is extremely vague - even though our destination was a church, really we ignore it in favor of the underground lab below it. But join us next time for the conclusion. You won't BELIEVE who dies in the grand finale of Rise Eterna!

    submitted by /u/IAmBLD
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    Made another comic about Sylvain and Felix's childhood :')

    Posted: 15 May 2021 12:57 PM PDT

    FE12 BSFE Map 2 LTC 5-Turn Clear

    Posted: 15 May 2021 12:51 PM PDT

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